American Army bugle - 13.09.1941, Blaðsíða 4

American Army bugle - 13.09.1941, Blaðsíða 4
PAGE 4 AMERICAN ARMY BUGLE President’s Mother Dies Long Active in Social and National Affairs Mrs. Sarali Delano Roosevelt, mother of the President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, passed away at the age of 86, September 6, 1941. For many years the late Mrs. Roosevelt was a distinguished memher of the Highest diplo- matic and social circles. She had participated in a great many national and international affa- irs congruent with the lives of her soh and liusband. The loss of Mrs. Roosevelt was felt the world over and the Congress of the United States declared a recess in hermemory. The bereaved President was for- ced to cancel all his engage- ments until the termination of the final rites, which were held on Septemher 10, 1941 at Hyde Park, N. Y. State Department Facili- tates Return of Stranded Yankees The State Depai'tment has lifted its ban on travel in belli- gerent ships to permit tlious- ands of Americans in Britain to return liome. A circular lett- er sent to all Americans in the British Isles by acting Consul General Glenn Abbey said that passports would be validated for a return journey to tlie Uni- ed States, if necessary by belli- gerent vessels either by way of Portugal or Canada. Hitherto Americans desirous of return- ing to the United States, have been able to do so only by fly- ing' on a Britisli plane to Lis- bon and then crossing the At- lantic on either the Pan-Ameri- can Clipper or American Ex- port Lines eargo-passenger boats. Where “Left” Proves Wrong While American drivers in Iceland may worry about their driving on tlie “wrong” side of the road they are at least not faced with tlie plight of this lawbreaker. In Pliiladelpia, re- cently, a motorist tried to pass a trolley on the wrong side. Twelve policemen jumped off blowing their whistles. YANKS CLINCfí PENNANT DODGERS AND CARDS BATTLE IN NATIONAL RED CROSS TO AID (Continued from page 1.) them. In the case of serious or prolonged illness, to send the families of the patients bullet- ins regarding tlieir conditions. Upon the recommendation of the medical officers they will make loans to soldiers to en- able tliem to take advantag'e of furloug'lis, for the puriiose of recuperating from illness,when they and their families are without sufficient funds for the purpose. Importantly also, they will visit the hospital wards frequently for the purpose of bringing to light problems which may be preying on the patient’s mind, thus liindering his recovery. These and many otlier un- named services will surelv make tliis a better or at least more enjoyable place in wliich to serve our country during this crisis. Private Austin Hurt Private Velton Austin of the Port Quartermasters detacli- ment was slightly injured Thursday afternoon, when he was hit by a truck as he stopp- ed to converse with a friend on the main road. He is now convalescing in the Base Hospi- tal and expects to be back on his job shortly. MANNA — 1941 Major Sandy Goodman, sweltering' in his command car while on march with tlie 45th Division to maneuvers in Lou- isiana voiced his discomfort over the car’s short wave radio. Major General George Strong, 8th Corps commander, inspect- ing the march from an airplane overheard, ordered his pilot to land. They picked a carton of iced drinks at a roadside stand, flew back to the line of march and dropped the carton by pa- rachute close to the parched Major’s car. BERLIN: A late communique from the high command ann- ounced that a German submar- ine had sunk 20 freighters in a British convoy in the English Channel. Support your paper . The American Army Bugle. Foarce Teams in Softball Tourney • The U. S. Army Softball Lea- gue swings into action Monday September 15th when the Pur- suit squadron crosses bats with the powerful Air Base outfit. The league is bolstered by teams representing the following branches: Quartermaster, Air Warning, and two Engineering' outfits. Rivalry and plenty of action will round out a success- ful schedule. The Pursuit squad with three practice sessions under the belt are rated favorite over tlie Air Base, altliough the Air Base will he out to continue a ten game winning streak atta- ined in the softball league at Mitcliel. The softhall diamond is locat- ed in front of the pursuit oper- ations and aregulation diamond has heen painted on the run- ways. Tlie scliedule calls for one round of play. All games be- ginning at 6:30 PM promptly. Games will be forfeited if not- ice is not given tlie Force Athle- tic Officer within twenty-four hours of game time of any teams inability to be represen- ted on the field. Games will be forfeited also if a team fails to appear at 6:45 PM. The 1941 Softball rules will be followed. Postponed games will be played after the regular schedule. Colonel E. M. Morris, will present the winning team with an appropriate award. LOUIS AND YOGI TO BATTLE Joe Louis with his armor plate dented by matrimonial differences will defend his title against Lou „Yogi“ Nova, on the Night of September 19., at the Madison Square Garden in New York City. The Bout lends interesting aspects to the boxing game as Joe will enter the ring against the newest kind of scien- tific pugilism,. Whether Jacobs intelligentsia’s idea of “Yogi” ballyhoo will bear fruit remains to be seen. The World Series will start at the Yankee Stadium, the fírst game to be played on Octo- ber 4th 1941. Special to the Force News, Ieeland, Septemher 12th: — The New Yrork Y’ankees have clinched another pennant, and will represent the American League in the World Series to decide the world champion- ship. The Bombers from tlie Bronx are now leading' the league bv 20 full games, Cleve- land is in the runnérup posi- tion, with the Bosox placing third, and the White Sox sliding into fourth position to stay in the upper bracket. The National League is still on the plate, The Dodgers going into the home stretch with a one game lead to top the Na- tional League, The St. Louis Cards in second plase will be sweating the Dodgers out to decide tlie National Loop. The Cincinnati Reds Worlds Champions of 1940 are wind- ing up as third raters, witli the Pirates in the fourth slot. SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Base. TUES. SEPT. 16. Air Warn vs. lst Engineers. WED. SEPT. 17. 2nd Eng. vs. Quartermaster. THURS. SEPT. 18. Air Base vs. Air YVarning. FRI. SEPT. 19. lst. Eng. vs. 2nd Eng. SAT. SEPT. 20. QM. vs. Pursuit. MON. SEPT. 22. Air Warning vs..... TUES. SEPT. 23. lst Eng. vs. Pursuit. WED. SEPT. 24. QM. vs. Air Base. THURS. SEPT. 25. Pursuit vs. Air Warniiig. FRI. SEPT. 26. lst Eng. vs. QMC SAT. SEPT. 27. 2nd Eng. vs. Air Base. MON. SEPT. 29. QM. vs. Air Warning. TUES. SEPT. 30. 2nd Eng. vs. Pursuit. WED. OCT. 1. Air Base vs. lst Eng. THURS. OCT. 2. lst Postponed Game. FRI. OCT. 3. 2nd Postponed Game. SAT. OCT. 4. 3rd Postponed Game.


American Army bugle

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