Niðurstöður 31 til 40 af 414
The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 407

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. IV 1942, Part 13, Blaðsíða 407

H o r n e m a n n, I. W. (1806); Forsog til en dansk oeconomisk Plantelære. Andet Oplag. Kobenhavn. —- (1821): Tredie, forogede Oplag. I. Deel. Kobenhavn.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 262

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. III 1930-1945, Part 12, Blaðsíða 262

262 M. P. CHRISTIANSEN A bud was taken in; it expanded; there was no pollen, but the fruit developed. The species is apogamous.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 135

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. IV 1942, Part 13, Blaðsíða 135

. & M., 1770, p. 204.—Babington, 1871, p. 342.—Gronlund, Isl. Fl., 1881, p. 127.—A. caespitosa L. var. alpina L., Stefánsson, Fl. Isl., ed. 1, 1901, p. 59.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 153

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. IV 1942, Part 13, Blaðsíða 153

. & M., 1700, p. 210.—Babington, 1871, p. 337.—Gronlund, Isl. El., 1881, p. 110.—Stefánsson, Fl. ísl., ed. 1, 1901, p. 32.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 184

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. IV 1942, Part 13, Blaðsíða 184

Max. height: 22 cm ; average : 12 cm. Geogr. area: Am.: Quebec to Alaska and Br. Columbia, southward to Pennsylvania and Illinois.—Greenl.: W. 60°30—61°33'.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 373

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. IV 1942, Part 13, Blaðsíða 373

. & M., 1770, p. 209.—Babington, 1871, p. 315.—-Gronlund, Isl. Fl., 1881, p. 77.—Rostrup, 1887, p. 180.—H. alpinum (L.) Backh., H. Jónsson, 1899, p. 202.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 260

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. III 1930-1945, Part 12, Blaðsíða 260

260 M. P. CHRISTIANSEN marginales c. 15 X 2.5 mm, subtus stria dilute cano-violacea vel cano-purpurea notatae. Antherae polline carentes. Stylus luteus.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 335

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. III 1930-1945, Part 12, Blaðsíða 335

M. P. Christiansen. Plate X, fig. 109. Plate XXXXIII, fig. 215. Planta robusta, 25—40 cm alta.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 121

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. IV 1942, Part 13, Blaðsíða 121

. & M., 1770, p. 205/—Babington, 1871, p. 335.-—E. Rostrup, 1887, p. 183.— Bennet, 1890, p. 81.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 136

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. IV 1942, Part 13, Blaðsíða 136

. & M., 1770, p. 204.—Babington, 1871, p. 342.—Gronlund, Isl. Fl., 1881, p. 127.-—Stefánsson, Fl. ísl., ed. 1, 1901, p. 59.—D. caespitosa (L.)

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