Niðurstöður 41 til 50 af 414
The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 236

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. III 1930-1945, Part 12, Blaðsíða 236

236 M. P. CHRISTIANSEN N. Iceland: Blönduós, 14/7—15/7. Varmahlíð, 16/7—20/7. Víðimýri, 19/7. Bakkasel, 20/7. Akureyri, 21/7—22/7.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 256

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. III 1930-1945, Part 12, Blaðsíða 256

256 M. P. CHRISTIANSEN ff. Leaves not crispate. g. Lobes often long and strongly reflexed. 10. T. clitolobum M.P.Chr. gg.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 294

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. IV 1942, Part 13, Blaðsíða 294

. & M., 1770, p. 210.—Babington, 1871, p. 296,—Granlund, Isl. Fl., 1881, p. 40.—Stefánsson, Fl. ísl., ed. 1, 1901, p. 114.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 152

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. IV 1942, Part 13, Blaðsíða 152

. & M., 1770, p. 204.—Trisetum subspicatum Beauv., Babington, 1871, p. 343.—Gronlund, Isl. Fl., 1881, p. 126.—Stefánsson, Fl. Isl., ed. 1, 1901, p. 58.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 106

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. IV 1942, Part 13, Blaðsíða 106

Sterile fronds resp. 40 cm, and 22 cm. Geogr. area: Am.: California.—Eur.: Fær.; E.S.I.; mountains of western Europe to Caucasus.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 279

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. III 1930-1945, Part 12, Blaðsíða 279

M. P. Christiansen. Plate III, fig. 36. Plate XXIII, fig. 154. Planta 15—30 cm alta.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 326

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. III 1930-1945, Part 12, Blaðsíða 326

326 M. P. CHRISTIANSEN with a very long pyramid. It does not seem to be closely related to other Icelandic species.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 409

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. IV 1942, Part 13, Blaðsíða 409

Bd. 22. Kobenhavn. — (1905) : Skildringer af Vegetationen i Island. III—IV. III. Om Vegetatio- nen paa Islands Nordvesthalvo. IV.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 167

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. IV 1942, Part 13, Blaðsíða 167

.: W. 60°—72°22\ E. abt. 63° and 68°44'—74°25'.—Eur.: S.; northern Eur., and central Eur. mts. Ural.— Asia: Siberia, Altai, Himalaya. 111.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 190

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. IV 1942, Part 13, Blaðsíða 190

—Stefánsson, Fl. ísl., ed. 1, 1901, p. 22.—Ibid., ed. 2, 1924, p. 24,—C.H.O., Fl. arct., 1902, p. 22,— O. fí Gr., 1934, p. 42. Flora Dan. tab. 1207.

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