Niðurstöður 411 til 414 af 414
The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 107

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. IV 1942, Part 13, Blaðsíða 107

. & M., 1770, p. 211.—Cyst. fragilis Bernh., Babington, 1871, p. 348.—Gronlund, Isl. Fl., 1881, p. 141.—Stefánsson, Fl. ísl. ed. 1, 1901, p. 4.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 119

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. IV 1942, Part 13, Blaðsíða 119

. & M., 1770, p. 205.—P. filiformis Nolte, Bab. 1871, p. 335.— P. marinus L., Gronlund, Isl. Fl., 1881, p. 105.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 247

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. IV 1942, Part 13, Blaðsíða 247

. & M., 1770, p. 209.—C. anglica L., C. danica L., and C. officinalis L., Babington, 1871, p. 294.—C. offic. L. and C. anglica L., Gronlund, Isl.

The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 350

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. IV 1942, Part 13, Blaðsíða 350

. & M., 1770, p. 205.—Plantago alþina L., Babington, 1871, p. 323.— Hooker, 1813, p. 316.—Gliemann, 1824, p. 138.—Pt. borealis Lge., Gron- lund, Isl.

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