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Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 1999, Page 249

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 1999

1999, Vol. XLI, Page 249

IX Contracted forms 249 type A2k, except Od st. 21.5 and the example from Merlinusspå, which are C3.

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 1999, Page 247

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 1999

1999, Vol. XLI, Page 247

A 1: 260, B 1: 242)3 According to rule 3) séa will be contracted to sjå, and in many metrical contexts the two forms will be equivalent.

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 1999, Page 251

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 1999

1999, Vol. XLI, Page 251

After a stressed syllable, as the third position in Sievers’s types A2k and C3, the actual forms will give the expected num- ber of syllables only when read as

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 1999, Page 250

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 1999

1999, Vol. XLI, Page 250

A 1: 42, B 1: 36; kviduhåttr) Eirm st. 5.5: ef Eirikr sé (Skj. A 1: 175, B 1: 165; målahåttr)10 But we have seen that this criterion is not altogether safe.

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 1999, Page 192

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 1999

1999, Vol. XLI, Page 192

192 Conclusion of Part One pa3BHTHH, 3aTeM CTaHOBHTCH HdlOHHTHOH, HyjK^aeTCH B OØbH- CHeHHH h noaTOMy iiepexojiKOBbiBaeTCH, HHTepnpeTHpyeTCH no-HOBOMy Ha cjieayiomeH

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 1999, Page 286

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 1999

1999, Vol. XLI, Page 286

Part Two The following stanzas are dated by Finnur Jonsson to the second half of the century: Four instances from Noregs konungatal (ca. 1190), Nkt 9, 20a/b,

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 1999, Page 285

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 1999

1999, Vol. XLI, Page 285

B vol. I where they are found, and the number of the stanza. Table 21 contains the 64 examples I have found in the Skj. B pages covering the 12th century.

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 1999, Page 373

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 1999

1999, Vol. XLI, Page 373

Index of skalds and skaldic poems 373 Kråkumål 24, 286 (12, 25a/b, 27, 29a/b), 287 Leidarvisan 286 (37) Leiknir berserkr 212n (1.2) Målshdttakvædi 250 (5.3

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 1999, Page 190

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 1999

1999, Vol. XLI, Page 190

Also for him some of the Eddie poems are important sources, thanks to their presumably long existence in oral tradition: “OrapmaH 3Afla”, AOineAmaa ao Hac b 3anHCH

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 1999, Page 234

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 1999

1999, Vol. XLI, Page 234

A 1: 60, B 1: 53) - four instances, involving three different words, where the metre requires forms with vr-: Bragi I st. 19.1-2: Vildit vrgngum ofra vågs hyrsendir

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