Niðurstöður 1 til 10 af 1,051
The Botany of Iceland - 1942, Blaðsíða 31

The Botany of Iceland - 1942

Vol. IV 1942, Part 13, Blaðsíða 31

THE PTERIDOPHYTA AND SPERMATOPHYTA OF ICELAND 31 a 6 '3 ^ ci c o 2, 6 S-ss * ÍH 3 fl O W) K Tf C3 Þh 3 ■2 e Z~ 3 ^ ÍH 4) PQ O 3 s o >> QJ

The Botany of Iceland - 1945, Blaðsíða 371

The Botany of Iceland - 1945

Vol. III 1930-1945, Part 14, Blaðsíða 371

THE VEGETATION OF CENTRAL ICELAND 371 °0 co h d 4 có t—- r^ tJh CO 6 ^ °í M Ó 01 co co ct f> O ^H HH <L> 4J 4J > Cj CJ O 002 CO (M 1T) bb tc -m

The Botany of Iceland - 1914, Blaðsíða 273

The Botany of Iceland - 1914

Vol. I 1912-1918, Part 2, Blaðsíða 273

-t t->. © CC T— © C3 © |> © © l- © (M -t rt OÍ f» ©’ -t Ht -rt’ © rt © ©’ ■'t ©* ©’ t-<’ ©’ © CC 00 O © rt H © © rM>* h © © *t l> OI © © H !

The Botany of Iceland - 1912, Blaðsíða 70

The Botany of Iceland - 1912

Vol. I 1912-1918, Part 1, Blaðsíða 70

IÓNSSON 2 o o — c. crc cg cg jr crs 6 + c Number of species Number of species Number of species C' 2 PJ 5" w Number of i species | O 6 3 C3

The Botany of Iceland - 1941, Blaðsíða 192

The Botany of Iceland - 1941

Vol. III 1930-1945, Part 11, Blaðsíða 192

192 M. P. CHRISTIANSEN TABLE I Mean temperature (C°) and precipitation (mm). April May June July August Tcmp. Precip. Temp. Precip. Temp.

The Botany of Iceland - 1930, Blaðsíða 173

The Botany of Iceland - 1930

Vol. III 1930-1945, Part 10, Blaðsíða 173

U « C3 'S February Marcli < May June July August September October November December Year DifTerence Firwood 0.50 m 1.0° 1.2 1.0 1.1 4.1 10.4 12.6 12.8 10.7 6.5

The Botany of Iceland - 1928, Blaðsíða 405

The Botany of Iceland - 1928

Vol. II 1918-1932, Part 8, Blaðsíða 405

F. 4 and f. 5 were only found on the rocks on the shore of the Vestmannaeyjar, at a considerable height (20—50 m) above the sea, it is true, though not quite

The Botany of Iceland - 1930, Blaðsíða 166

The Botany of Iceland - 1930

Vol. III 1930-1945, Part 10, Blaðsíða 166

+ + + + + 4- 00 ►■* tc **J p _ tc Ci Oi Oc 00 —* cn *-* -vl Oi 4- 0,1 Oi 0» ** bl ö 00 00 + + + + + OC tc oo o 0 co _» 7- C3

The Botany of Iceland - 1941, Blaðsíða 220

The Botany of Iceland - 1941

Vol. III 1930-1945, Part 11, Blaðsíða 220

220 M. P. GHRISTIANSEN Gills white, equal, free or somewhat adnate. Flesh white, but red below the pellicle, taste at first somewhat acrid, soon mild.

The Botany of Iceland - 1941, Blaðsíða 219

The Botany of Iceland - 1941

Vol. III 1930-1945, Part 11, Blaðsíða 219

Fig. 1 m. 126. *R. gracillima J. Schaeffer, Russula Monographie, 1934, p. 482, t. III. Laugarvatn, 5.VIII.1935. In a birch copse.

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