Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.12.1977, Síða 3

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.12.1977, Síða 3
LOGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, FIMMTUDAGINN 1. DESEMBER 1977 3 VILJUM REYNA FYR- IR OKKUR í KANADA ÞESSI fyrirsögn birtist í Dagblaðinu fyrir skömmu. I greininni, sem fylgir, er með al annars frá því skýrt, að hljómsveitin Árblik hafi í hyggju að reyna fyrir sér í Kanada.. Haft er eftir einum félaga hljómsveitarinnar, að umboðsmaður i London, Steven Larelly, hafi sagt þeim, að tiltölulega auðvelt væri fyrir hljómsveitir — (pop) — að fá atvinnu í Kanada. „Gæðastandardinn þar er víst ekki ýkja hár svo að fleiri en topphljómsveitir eiga að geta komist ágæt- lega af þar”, segir orðrétt í fyrrnefndri blaðagrein. L.-H. hafði af þessu tilefni samband við umboðsskrif- stofu í Winnipeg, og sagði talsmaður hennar, Gerry Shore, að i Kanada hefðu allar pophljómsveitir, sem eitthvað kveður að, næga at vinnu. Litið væri um hljóm- sveitir frá öðrum löndum, en samt alltaf eitthvað frá Bandarikjunum. Þegar við bárum undir hann spurninguna um það, hvort “standardinn” í Kan- ada væri ekki ýkja hár, þá hnykkti í honum, og hann svaraði að bragði: — “Hver segir það”. — Er við síðan skýrðum honum frá blaða- greininni brást hann hinn versti við og sagði: — “This guy must be crazy”. Og svo bætti hann því við, að auð- vitað væru í Kanada, eins og alls staðar, bæði góðar og slæmar hljómsveitir, það væri lögmálið. — Aðspurður um það, hvort hann héldi, að íslenskar hljómsveitir gætu fengið vinnu hér í Kan ada, sagðist hann aldrei hafa heyrt neitt um íslensk- ar hljómsveitir, en ef þær eru góðar, sagði hann, þá ættu þær alveg eins að geta staðið sig vel hér, eins og aðrar góðar hljómsveitir. já JAKOBINA STEFANSON arrived once a week, during the time that she was post- master there. This was a meeting place for a good Cont. ot page 7 more hours in their home, conversing with them, than in any other home. Jakobina was a fluent many people every mail day, platform speaker who added and the conversation, usu- t.o the quality of the pro- ally about the latest books gram whenvrr she was a published, politics, or cur- participant. rent events that were taking For years we read contin- place near and far. I was a ued st.ories in t.he Icelandic child at that time, and I can- papers, among which were not remember better discus- stories t.ransláted from the sion groups ever, than these English language by Jako- with Jakobina always being bina. able to donerte a large share H e r. brother, Harald.ur, of information. who was the organist for his It was not surprising that hrothers, died when Jako- after she married Jonas Ste- bina was 22 years of age. fanson from Kalbak, Ice- She was also an organist land, a poet, school teacher even if she had never taken and an intellectual, that lessons exc.ept. from her fa- educated people who had mily, and now it was her errands to the Island spent role to be their organist. GEIR H. GUNNARSSON: FRÁ CALGARY VEÐURFAR hér síðastliðið sumar var fremur leiðinlegt og votviðrasamt, en þó ágætt fyrir Islendipga, sem eiga að venjast útsynningnum. — Haustið var mjög milt., en nú er veturinn loksins kominn! Þann 16. nóvember byrjuðu frosthörk- ur hér, og þá hafði snjóað allt að 1 metra í skíðalöndunum í fjöllunum, áð- ur en við fundum fyrir þvi. Nú er u.þ.b. 2 cm snjór hér, en næturfrost fer niður í allt að —30C, og er um —15C á dag- inn. Er búist við því, að þetta haldist í nokkra daga enn, vegna háþrýstisvæðis (ca. 1030 millibör), en líklega verður ekki mjög langt að bíða þar til við fáu.m ehinok-vinda frá fjöllunum, er koma frá Kyrrahafinu. En það þýðir ekkert að kvarta, það er betra að fá harðan vetur, — og svo gott sumar. Ný fjölskylda f-ii Calgory Hingað er nýflutt fjögurra manna fjöl- skylda. frá Reykjavík, — Guðmundur Magnason, Sigrún Garðarsdóttir, og synir þeirra tveir. Guðmundur, sem er sonur Magna Guðmundssonar hagfræð- ings, sem nýlega lauk doktorsritgerð frá Háskólanum í Winnipeg, mun ætla sér að starfa við endurskoðun hér i borg, en hann er löggiltur endurskoð- andi (chartered accountant). Ennfremur flutti Þorsteinn Vilhjálms- son úr Garðabæ, ásamt. konu og 4 börn- um til Edmonton síðla sumars, en hann starfar þar við húsasmíðar. Virðist þvi talsvert vera um flótta frá Fróni um þessar mundir, og er gott til þess að vita, að flestir er koma til Kan- ada frá íslandi velja sér gróskumesta • fylki landsins til búsetu. Með kveðju, Geir H. Gunnarsson. EFTIRSPURN I would appreciate if any subscribers to your newspaper who have Icelandic horses in North America would write to me. We hope to at some time in the future form a Federation of friends of the Iceland Horse in North America. Thank you. Yours very truly, Susan J. Hodgson, 45 Plymbridge Road, Willowdale, Ontario M2P 1A2 Phone (416) 482-6992. Married women of today, wanting to further their education, can go to a col- lege leaving their homes in order after using their push- button equipment to do their housework and cook- ing in a few hours. These women would not have rea- son to envy a woman in the J.920’s and hungry thirties raising a family of three children with the work to do described before; Jakobina did her advanced learning at that. time. At first, she had the help of h e r brother, Eggert, whose health was failing to a point where he did not do as much of the heavy work that he used to do, so, was able to help around the home. Also, Jakobina’s mo- thers, Madam Ingibjorg, was an expert at wool work, making yarn and knitting. T h i s child-loving grand- mother also helped care for the children, even if she was now in her eighties. This grand lady of the Sigurgeir- son family died at the age of 88. Eggert died a few years later. Now Jakobina and her husband were on their own with the help of their chil- dren. They brought up their family at Sunnuhvoli Hecla, through the 1930’s and when the children were grown up, and work more prevalent the family moved to Bur- naby, B.C., in 1945. Here they had a house built where. they lived comfort- ably until Jonas died at the age of 64 years. Their two daughters, Sel- ma and Signe, got married, and Jakobina lived with her son who looked after her these last years. They lived next door to Selma and her family. All three children have looked after their mother from the time she was wid- owed, far beyond the call of duty. If our loved ones that have passed on before us are aware of what goes on here, then, I am sure that Jonas Stefanson’s face would be beaming with appreciation for his children. I think I speak for all the close relatives, as well as myself when I say, “a big thank you to Signe, Selma and her family, and Harold for the devoted love and care of our “Aunty Bina” as we affectionately called her, as we say “Farewell” to the last member of the Sigur- geirson family that came from Iceland in 1888.” Vertu sæl Bína frænka. V.J.S. Börn Jakobínu og Jónasar hafa látíð í Ijós þá ósk, að þeir sem vildu minnast hennar láti Lögberg-Heims- kringlu njóta þess. GRAND OPENING ARBORG ÐROP=INN BAKI SHOPf 1977 Arborg, Manitoba FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9th, 1977 — at 2:00 p.m. Located at 359 MAIN ST., ARBORG (Opposite Elevator No. 6) Specializing in: — ICELANDIC FOOTS, — RÚLLUPYLSA, — VlNARTERTA, — PÖNNUKÖKUR, — BROWN BREAD, AND OTHERS ON SPECIAL ORDERS PHONE: 376-2271 Refund and Exchanges, Doift Presume You have a Right. Refunds and exchanges are a matter of store policy. These policies yary. Before maKing a purchase, find out what these policies are. For more information, write or call the Manitoba Consumers' Bureau at 307 Kennedy Street, Winnipeg R3C 0V8 or phone 956-2040. Out of Winnipeg callers. dial toll free at 1-800- 262-8844. MANITSBA CONSUMERS BUREAU FOR CHRISTMAS Vinarterta baked for Christmas Telephone Evenings — 339-3694



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