Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1964, Síða 165

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1964, Síða 165
RIT A ERLENDUM TUNGUM 16S in sheep. Reprinted from Second Symposium on Listeric infection. Edited by M. L. Gray. 1963. (12) bls. 8vo. PARLAMENT, DAS. TBlað um íslandl. 13. Jahr- gang Nr. 38. Bonn 1963. 12 bls. Fol. PH1LLIP.S-BIRT, D. Finding out about the Vik- ings. lllustrated by David Cobb. Exploring the Past Series. General editor: Patrick Moore. London 1962. 140 bls., 6 mbl. 8vo. PICARD, BARBARA LEONIE. Tales of the Norse gods and lieroes. Retold by * * * Illu- strated by Kiddell-Monroe. London 1961. X, (1), 312 bls. 8vo. PICHA, ZDENEK. Die psychische Energetik und die Organisation des seelischen. Rvík 1962. 218 bls. 8vo. POETI NORDICI. Traduceri de Veronica Porum- bacu si Tascu Gheorghiu. Bucuresti 1962. XVI, (1), 366, (2) bls. 8vo. PONY CLUB BOOK, THE. No. 12. Edited by Alan Delgado. London 1961. 152 bls. 8vo. PROBLEM OF THE FISHERIES AROUND ICE- LAND, THE. Memorandum submitted to the General Assembly of the United Nations bv the government of the United Kingdom. Novemher 1958. [London?] 1958. 19 bls. 8vo. RÁÐSTEFNA ÍSLENZKRA VERKFRÆÐINGA 1962. Storindustriens kraftforsyning. Dr. techn. F. Vogt. [Sérpr.] Rvík 1962. 6 bls. 4to. REYKJAVIK IIARBOUR. Regnlations for ... [Rvík 1962]. 25 bls. 8vo. ROBERTS, DOROTHY JAMES. Fire in the ice. First edition. Boston 1961. VIII, (1), 342 bls. 8vo. RODEWALD, MARTIN. Klima und Wetter der Fischergebiete Island. Beitrage zum Wetterge- schehen in den nordeuropaischen Gewassern (Nr. 2). Hamburg 1951. 95 bls. 8vo. ROLL, H. U. Die Luft- und Wassertemperaturen auf den Fischfangplatzen bei Island (auf Grund von Beobachtungen deutscher Fischdampfer 1910—1957). Hamburg 1961. 14 bls., 12 tfl., 11 mbl. 4to. ROSELL, ERI.AND. Prefixet o- i nordiska sprák. En betydelsehistorisk studie. Del I: Fornnord- iska. Uppsala 1942. VIII, 199 bls. 8vo. SAMBAND ÍSLENZKRA SAMVINNUFÉLAGA. Federation of Iceland Co-operative Societies. Annual report. 59th year 1960. Rvík 1961. (12) bls. 8vo. — Annual report. 60th Year 1961. [Rvík 1962]. 12, (1) bls. 8vo. — Samband and the co-operative movement in Ice- land. Rvík 1961. 15, (1) bls. 8vo. SAMIVEL. L’or de l’Islande. Photographies de Patrick Plumet. Paris 1963. 337, (I), mbl. 4to. SAMÚELSSON, SIG. Chronic cor pulmonale. A clinical study. By *** IDrg.l. Copenhagen, Ejnar Munksgaard, 1950. 389 bls. 8vo. SAMVINNUTRYGGINGAR. Líftryggingafélagið Andvaka. Statements of accounts 1960. Rvík 1961. (12) bls. 8vo. — Statements of accounts 1961. Rvík [1962]. (12) bls. 8vo. SCHOLARSHTPS IN ICELANDIC STUDIES, available to foreign students from the Ministry of Culture and Education in Iceland. Rvík 1961. 8 bls. 8vo. -----Rvík 1962. 8 bls. 8vo. SCHÖNSTEN GESCHICIITEN AUS TIIULE, DIE. Herausgegeben von II. M. Heinrichs. Erste Auflage. Diisseldorf— Kiiln 1961. 340, (2) bls. 8vo. SCRIPTA ISLANDICA. Isliindska sallskapets árs- bok 13, 1962. Uppsala och Sth. 1962. 54 bls. 8vo. SEÐLABANKI ÍSLANDS. Central Bank of Ice- land. Annual report 1961. Rvík 1962. 41, (3) bls. 4to. SEISMOLOGICAL BUI.LETIN. Veðurstofan Reykjavfk. 1944—1951, 1953. [Fjölr.l Rvík 1944—1953. 4to. SIGTRYGGSSON, SflGURÐUR] und A. ROS- SEN. Deutsche Kultur- und Charakterbilder. 10. Ausgabe. Kbh. 1961. 194 bls. 8vo. — — Kurz-gefasste Grammatik fiir das dánische Gymnasium. 6. Ausgabe. Kbh. 1961. 123, (2) bls. 8vo. SIGURBJÖRNSSON, BJÖRN. Studies on the Ice- landic Elymus. [Drg. Ljóspr.] Ann Arbor, Michigan 1960. (2), V, (1), 163 bls. 8vo. SIGURDSSON, B„ P. A. PÁLSSON and L. van BOGAERT. Pathology of Visna. Transmissible demyelinating disease in sheep in Iceland. Acta Neuropathologica 1, (1962). Bls. 342—362. 8vo. SIGURÐSSON, GUNNAR. Wave forces on break-
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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