Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur - 01.01.1982, Qupperneq 68

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur - 01.01.1982, Qupperneq 68
68 SKRÁ UM DOKTORSRITGERÐIR ÍSLENDINGA vegetative Nervesystem særlig hos Patienter med manio-depressiv Psykose. . . . 1927. lngvar E. Kjartansson. Tumour circulation: an experimental study in the rat vvith a comparison of diflerent methods for estinration of tumour blood flow. 1979. Jóhann Sæmundsson. Potassium concentration in human gastric juice. . . . 1948. Jóhannes Björnssoh. Arterisclerosis. ... 1942. Jón Finsen. Iagttagelser angaaende Sygdomsforholdene i Island. . . . 1874. Jón [Mógils] Gíslason. De elephantiasis Norvegica. . . . 1785. Jón G. Hallgrímsson. Spontaneous pneumothorax in Iceland with special reference to the idiopathic type. . . . 1978. Jón Jónsson Hjaltalín. Dissertatio inauguralis de Radesyge, Lepra et Elephantiasi sep- tentrionale. . . . 1839. Jón Jónasson. Evidence for bidirectional chromosome replication in Escherichia coli C based on marker frequency analysis by DNA/DNA hybridization with p2 and Aprophages. 1973. Jón Löve Karlsson. The use of induces physiological mutants to study the energy metabolism of Azotobacter agilis. 1947. Jón Sigurðsson. Studies on the risk of infection with bovine tuberculosis to the rural population. . . . 1945. Jónas Jónassen. Ekinokoksygdommen, belyst ved islandske Lægers Erfaring. . . . 1882. Júlíus Sigurjónsson. Studies on the human thyroid in Iceland. 1940. Kjartan R. Guðmundsson. Epidemiological sludies of neurological diseases in Iceland. 1974. Lárus Helgason. Psychiatric services and mental illness in Iceland. . . . 1977. *Matthias Kjeld. Measurements of unconjugated hormonal steroids in biological fluids. 1976. Olafur Bjarnason. Uterine carcinoma in Iceland. 1963. Ólafur Hallgrímsson. Katamnestische Untersuchungen zum Morbus Meniére. 1965. Ólafur Jensson. Studies on four hereditary blood disorders in Iceland. 1978. Óli Hjaltested. Diagnostisk og prognostisk Betydning af Tuberkelbacilpaavisning i Ventrikelskyllevand hos voksne. ... 1941. Óskar Pórðarson. Undersögelser over prothrombin hos sunde og syge. 1941. Pétur Thorstensen. Dissertatio inauguralis de ligni Qvassiæ usu medico. . . . 1775. *Sigurður Hólmgeir Friðjónsson. Elementary principles of molecular evolution. 1972. Sigurður S. Magnússon. Placental alkaline phosphatase. Relationship to spontaneous abortion and complications of pregnancy. 1973. Sig[urður] Samúelsson. Chronic cor pulmonale. . . . 1950. Sigurður Sigurðsson. Tuberculosis in Iceland. ... 1951. Skúli V. Guðjónsson. Experiments on vitamin A deficiency in rats and the quantitative determination of vitamin A. . . . 1930. Snorri Hallgrímsson. Studies on reconstructiveand stabilizingoperations on the skeleton of the foot. . . . 1943. Snorri Ingimarsson. Studies on human leukocyte interferon in clinical use. 1980. *Snorri Sveinn Porgeirsson. Mechanism of hepatic drug oxidation and its individual differences in rates of oxidation in man. 1971. Stefán Haraldsson. On osteochondrosis deformans juvenilis capituli humeri including investigation of intra-osseous vasculature in distal humerus. 1959.
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