

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1974, Síða 51

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1974, Síða 51
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 27 a) Stofnunin markaði sér nýja stefnu og allt hjúkrunarliðið hæfi strax þjálfun, er miðaði að vaxandi þátttöku og liðveizlu í geðheilbrigðisþjónustu við sjúklingana eft- ir þörfum á hverjum tíma, en með hlið- sjón af væntanlegum störfum og stefnu spítalans í framtíðinni. b) Stofnunin gæti hafið rekstur lítillar geðdeildar í viðbót við núverandi störf og látið hana þróast hægt og hægt. Þessi leið er handhægari, fyrirhafnarminni og fljót- legri í framkvæmd og býður upp á fleiri þróunarmöguleika fyrir hælið í framtíð- inni. SUMMARY Psychiatric admissions to a general medical ward. Admissions to the general medical ward at the Akureyri Hospital in Iceland were studied for the period 1954-1972 inclusive. his study was carried out in order to estimate the ratio between psychiatric and total admissions. There is no psychiatric ward in the hospital’s catchment area. There were 2,453 admissions due to psyehia- tric disorders but the total number of ad- missions was 11,603 giving a ratio of about 21 per cent This and other figures e. g male/female ratio and age distribution, correspond rough- ly with the results of several studies from other countries. In the diagnostic distribution year by year there is a gradual but clear increase in the proportion of psychoses and alcoholism with a corresponding decrease in the neuroses- group. HEIMILDIR 1. Anstee, B. H.: The Pattern of Psychiatric Referrals in a General Hospital. Brit. J. Psychiat. 120:631-634. 1972. 2. Bridges, P. K., Koller, K. M. and Wheeler, T. K.: Psychiatric Referrals in a General Hospital. Acta Psychiat. Scand. 42:171-182. 1966. 3. Edwards, J. G. and Angus, J. W. S.: In- patient Psychiatric Referrals in an Am- erican County Hospital. Comprehensive Psychiatry 9:517-524. 1968. 4. Helsborg, H. C.: Psychiatric Investigations of Patients in a Medicai Department. 5. Nielsen, J.: Psykiatriske Problemer pá et blandet Sygehus. Ugeskr. Læger ? ? p. 1108-1115. 6. Shepherd, M., Davies, B. and Culpan, Roger H.: Psychiatric Illness in the Gen- eral Hospital. Acta Psychiat. Scand. 35: 518-525. 1960. 7. Strömgren, E., Andersen, T. og Schiödt, E.: Psykiatriske Problemer pá Medicinske Sygehusafdelinger. Ugeskr. f. Læger ?
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