

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2013, Page 47

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2013, Page 47
47 Tímarit Hins íslenska náttúrufræðifélags Þakkir Við viljum þakka samstarfsaðilum okkar Davíð Frey Jónssyni og áhöfn- inni á Fjólu SH 121, Sigríði Krist insdóttur og Sveini Kára Valdimars syni fyrir margvíslega aðstoð og hjálp við sýnatökur. Kjartani Þór Birgissyni, Hrönn Egilsdóttur, Guðmundi Bjarka Jóhannessyni, Birni Gunnarssyni og Haraldi Einarssyni fyrir að kafa og leita að kröbbum. Verkefnið var styrkt af Vaxtarsamningi Suðurnesja, Rann sóknasjóði Háskóla Íslands og Verk- efnasjóði sjávarútvegsins – deild um samkeppnisrannsóknir. Heimildir 1. Brickman, D. 2006. Risk assessment model for dispersion of ballast water organisms in shelf seas. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sci- ences 63. 2748–2759. 2. Cohen, A.N. & Carlton, J.T. 1998. Accelerating invasion rate in a highly invaded estuary. Science 279. 555–558. 3. Ruiz, G.M., Carlton, J.T., Grosholz, E.D. & Hines, A.H. 1997. Global inva- sions of marine and estuarine habitats by non-indigenous species: Mechanisms, extent, and consequences. American Zoologist. 621–632. 4. Ruiz, G.M., Fofonoff, P.W., Steves, B., Foss, S.F. & Shiba, S.N. 2011. Marine invasion history and vector analysis of California: a hotspot for western North America. Diversity and Distributions 17. 362–373. 5. Carlton, J.T. 1999. The scale and ecological consequences of biological invasions in the world´s oceans. Bls. 195–212 í: Invasive species and biodiversity management Ritstj. Sandlund, O.T., Schei, P.J., & Viken, Å. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 6. Reichert, K. & Beermann, J. 2011. First record of the Atlantic gammarid- ean amphipod Melita nitida Smith, 1873 (Crustacea) from German waters (Kiel Canal). Aquatic Invasions 6. 103–108. 7. Seuront, L. 2005. First record of the calanoid copepod Acartia omorii (Copepoda: Calanoida: Acartiidae) in the southern bight of the North Sea. Journal of Plankton Research 27. 1301–1306. 8. 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Entrainment of seasonal and nonseasonal rhythms by the rock crab Cancer irroratus. Journal of Crustacean Biology 7. 581–594. 47. Krouse, J.S. 1972. Some life-history aspects of rock crab, Cancer irroratus, in Gulf of Maine. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 29. 1479–1482. 48. Howard, A.E. 1982. The distribution and behaviour of ovigerous edible crabs (Cancer pagurus), and consequent sampling bias. Journal du Con- seil 40. 259–261. 49. Stone, R.P. & O'Clair, C.E. 2002. Behavior of female Dungeness crabs, Cancer magister, in a glacial southeast Alaska estuary: homing, brood- ing-site fidelity, seasonal movements, and habitat use. Journal of Crus- tacean Biology 22. 481–492. 50. Schultz, D.A. & Shirley, T.C. 1997. Feeding, foraging and starvation capability of ovigerous Dungeness crabs in laboratory conditions. Crus- tacean research. 26–37. 51. Miller, R.J. 1975. 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