

Skírnir - 01.01.1895, Page 9

Skírnir - 01.01.1895, Page 9
Bðkaskrá. works on the Languages, Literature, History, Topography &c. <fcc. oí Ice- land, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, Eddic, Scaldic and Saga Literature. 1895 (Skandinavisk Antiquariat) (II) —)— 36 —(— (II) bls. Cederscbiöld, ö., De gamle islandske Skindböger. Oversat fra Svensk af A. Dahl. 95, 30 bls. Sami, Kitd. á P. Detter, Zwei Pornaldarsögur 91. Gött. gel. Anz. 92, bls. 709—23. Sami, Ritd á Pinnur Jðnsson, Fremmede Ords Behandling i oldnor- disk Digtning. Nord. Tidskr. f. Filologi III. r. III. 94—95, bls. 94—95. Sami, Bitd. á A. Olrik, Nogle Personnavne i Starkaddigtningen. Sama rit, bls. 95—96. [Sami]. Kalfdrápet och vánpröfningen. Hist. TidBkr. (sænskt). X. 90, bls. 277. Sami. Sjá Arkiv, W. Golther, H. Schjöth. Cerquand, Taranous et Thor II—YII. Revue celtique X. 1889, nr. 265—81, 385—413. [Chaillu, P. B. du]. Ritd. á The Yiking age Archaiological Review jan. 1890, bls. 454. Journal Soc. Antiqu. Ireland. 90, bls. 331. Satur- day Review 2 XI. 89, bls. 503. Scottisb Review jan. 90, bls. 55. Sami. Sjá Henderson. F. Liebermann Chantepie de la Saussaye, P. D., Germaanscha Kosmogonie [Á mðti E. H. Meyer]. Yerslagen en mededeelingen der K. Akad. van Weten- schappen Afdeel. Letterkunde. III. ser. VIII, bls. 336 o. s. frv. Sami. Sjá J. Réville. Chiewitz. Sjá Dorgrím Þorgrímsson. Chucquet, A., Ritd. á Grundriss der Germ. Philologie hrsgg. von Herm.Paul. Revue critique XXXII. 91, bls. 475—80 XXXV. 93, bls. 209. Sami, Ritd. á H. Lichtenberger, Le poéme et la legénde des Niebe- lungen 91. Sama rit XXXV. 93, bls. 210—11. Sami. Sjá J. Réville. Clark, A. L., V'iniaud and Norumbega. New Engi. Magaz. IV, bls. 261. Clarke, R. H., America discovered by Northmen. Am. Cath. Q. XIII, bls. 211. [Codex regius. Geíinn út af Pinni Jónssyni og L. Wimmer]. Hist. Tidsskr. (sænskt) XI. 91, bls. 371. Sama. Ritd. The Athenæum 11. febr. 93. Sama. Sjá 0. Behagel, P. Niedner, H. Schjöth. Collitz, H., Ritd. á Grundriss der Germ. Philologie. Modern Langua- ge Notes. VIII. 93, bls. 99—106, 160—69, 215—23. Comettant, Osear, [Um íslenzk sönglög, sem Raymond Pilet safnaði á ís- landi]. La Nouvelle Revue 95. Le Siécle 8. ág. 95. Dimmalætting 95, nr. 40. Craigie, W. A., Skotlands rimur. Icelandic. Ballads on the Gowrie



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