Heimskringla - 21.02.1940, Page 7

Heimskringla - 21.02.1940, Page 7
! WINNIPEG. 21. FEBR. 1940 HEIMSKRINGLA 7. SfÐA 24th ANNUAL REPORT of the Jón Sigurdson Chapter I. 0. D. E. Madame Regent, Membens of the Jón Sigurdson Chapter Daughters of the Empire: I have the honor to present to you the 24th Annual Report of the Jón Sigurdson chapter for the year ending February lst, 1940. The chapter has held 9 meetings, the membership being 20 with 9 life members, average attendance has been 13. We mourn the loss of Mrs. Björg Carson, a past Regent, who pasised away last summer, three members have left Winni* Peg to live elsewhere: Mrs. J. B. Smith, Mrs. B. Thorpe and our Secretary Miss B. Fredrick- son. Members joined in with a group of women at a farfeweil party for Mrs. Smith, she was presented with a gold wrist watch and a hand bag, the Jón Sigurdson chapter sponisored a dinner at the Marlborough Hotel in honor of Mrs. Thorpe prior to her departure, she was also Siven a gold wrist watch. A charter member after sev- eral years absence and four new members were welcomed to the chapter, twenty-four visitors have been present at our meet- ings cash receipts- during the year have amounted to $253.57, this has been raised in various Ways. A birthday bridge held in the Federated church March 20th proceeds $34.25. Concert | arranged by Miss Fredrickson | the Chapter receiving half the: prcceeas $12.35. Silver Tea and :sale of Home Cooking held in Eaton’s Assembly Hall Oct. 14 proceeds $53.14. Telephone bridge Nov. 20, proceeds $57.00. Also sale of memorial books. This money has been used for educational and welfare work. The T. Eaton Co., and the Hudson’s Bay Co., donated the 1 prizes for our birthday bridge and our Regent as uisual gave the birthday cake. The 24th of May will linger long in our memory, when their Majesties King George VI. and Queen Elizabeth visited our city, their graciousness and charm captivated all hearts. September 3rd, England de- clared war, it was not a day of rejoicing such as the 24th of May, but a day when all loyal subjects of the British Empire stood as one, ready to do their utmoist to help the Mother coun- try. With war being declared our activities naturally turned to Red Cross and War work. First of all the children evacu- ees in England had to have a helping hand, three of our mem- bers cut out 60 yds of flannelette into night gowns and undergar- ments, friends in nearby towns offered to do the sewing. Tweir ty night gowns and 4 undergar- ments were made up and with a pair of wool blankets were all sent to England. The following we thank our Empire study con articles' have been sewn by the ^ venor. members for the red cross, 12 j pillow cases, 12 bed pads, 13 tri- j Hospital Visiting (Mrs. H. G. angular bandages, 12 pneumonia Nicholson Convenor) jackets, 7 hospital gowns and 4 INNKÖLLUNARMENN HEIMSKRINGLU I CANADA: Amaranth............................J. B. Halldórason Antler, Sask.........................K. J. Abrahamson Arnes...............................Sumarliði J. Kárdal Árborg................................G. O. Einarsson Baldur.........................................Sigtr. Sigvaldason Beckville........................... Björn Þórðarson Belmont..................................G. J. Oleson Bredenbury.............................H. O. Loptsson Brown...............................Thorst. J. Gíslason Churchbridge-------------------------JH. A. Hinriksson Cypress River...........................Páll Anderson Dafoe...................................S. S. Anderson Ebor Station, Man....................K. J. Abrahamson Elfros...............................J. H. Goodmundson Eriksdale......................................ólafur Hallsson Fishing Lake, Sask......................Rósm. Árnason Foam Lake.............................H. G. Sigurðsson Gimli.................................. K. Kjernested ®eysir............................................Tím. Böðvarsson Glenboro..................................G. J. Oleson Hayland..............................Slg. B. Helgason Hecla.............................. Jóhann K. Johnson Hnausa.................................Gestur S. Vídal Húsavík...................................John Kernested Innisfail.....................................Ófeigur Sigurðsson Kandahar............................. S. S. Anderson Keewatin.........................................Sigm. Björnsson Langruth..............................................B. Eyjólfsson Beslie.............................................Th. Guðmundsson Lundar........................Sig. Jónsson, D. J. Undal Markerville.......................... Ófeigur Sigurðsson Mozart.................................S. S. Anderson Oak Point...............................Mrs. L. S. Taylor ®tto...............................................Björn Hördal B'ney....................................g. g Anderson Red Deer.........................................Ófeigur Sigurðsson Beykjavík.................................Árni Pálsson Riverton.........................................Björn Hjörleifsson Selkirk, Man—..........Mrs. David Johnson, 216 Queen St. Sinclair, Man.......................K. J. Abrahamson Steep Rock.........................................Fred Snædal Stony Hill.......................................Björn Hördal Tantallon.............................. Guðm. ólafsson Thornhill..y.......................Thorst. J. Gíslason ...................................-Aug. Einarsson Winnipegosis.................. Finnbogi Hjálmarsson Wtnnipeg Beach.........................John Kernested Wynyard................................S. S. Anderson í BANDARÍKJUNUM: ■A-^ra..............................................Th. Thorfinnsson Bantry..................................E. J. Breiðfjörð Bellingham, Wash.................Mrs. John W. Johnson Blaine. Wash..............-....Séra Halldór E. Johnson Cavalier..............................Th. Thorfinnsson Crystal.............................. Th. Thorfinnsson Edinburg..............................Th. Thorfinnsson Garðar...............................Th. Thorfinnsson Grat'ton.............................Mrs. E. Eastman Hallson..............................Th. Thorfinnsson Hensel...............................Th. Thorfinnsson Ivanhoe............................Miss C. V. Dalmann Eos Angeles, Calif.... Milton.....................................S. Goodman Minneota...........................Miss C. V. Dalmann Mountain.............................Th. Thorfinnsson National City, CaUf......John S. Laxdal, 736 E 24th St. Boint Roberts.........................Ingvar Goodman Seattle, Wash.........J. J. Middal, 6723—21st Ave. N. W. ^vold................................Th. Thorfinnsson Upham..................................E. J. Breiðfjörð The Viking Press Lisúíd Winnipeg, Manitoba pr. óf socks have been knit. Members took turns in looking after the I. O. D. E. rooms for one week. We have bought wool to the extent of $32.50. Friends in nearby towrus' and friends in the city are helping the members with the knitting, 4 sweaters, 33 pr. socks and 4 pr. of mitts have been knit so far. Seven parcels have been sent overseas, the contents were 2 sweaters, 5 pr. socks, cigaretteis, sugar, chocolates and raisins. Four par- cels were given to soldier boys on leaving Winnipeg, a pr. of socks each and cigarettes. Educational, Mrs. G. F. Jónasson, Secretary The Jón Sigurdson musical ischolarship is the biggest part of the Educational work and this year the winner is Miss Halldóra A. Sigurdson of Arborg, Man. 2 flags were sent to Girl Guides in Flin Flon. 2 flags presented to Cub Packs of the two Icelandic churches. 15 calendars were given to dif- ferent organizations and 10 were sold to members. A Memorial book suitably in- scribed was sent to Lord Tweeds The hospital visiting has been carried on by Mrs. Thorpe and Mrs. "Nicholson. Its a long way out to the St. Vital Sanitorium but our convenors are regular in their visiting and I know their visits are looked forward to. $2.00 is allotted each month to provide treatis for patients. $5.00 was voted from our chapter to’ wards the Christmas cheer which is a big event at the San. each year. Gifts have been sent to Ninette and Deer Lodge Hospitals during the year. When Mrs. Thorpe left to re- side in New York, Mrs. H. Vopni kindly offered to assist Mrs. Nicholson. Knitting (Mrs. P. J. Sivertson Convenor) Our ' knitting convenor has ben very active during the year and wúth the ,help of the mem- bers, they have knit 9 sweaters, 8 pr. mitts, 3 pr. socks, 2 caps and 1 scarf, this is all for the unorganized district. These ar- ticles I am sure will be much appreciated. Miscellaneous Oookies and cake were donated by five members to thé Found- ers day tea and six members as- sisted. 35c donated towards - NAFNSPJÖLD - | Dr. M. B. Halldorson 401 Boyd Bldg. Skrlf stof usiml: 23 674 Stundar sérstaklega lungnasjúk- dóma. Er að flnnl á skriíatofu kl. 10—1? f. h. og 2—6 e. h. Heimill: 46 Alloway Ave. Talsími: 33 ÍSS Thorvaldson & Eggertson Lögfræðingar 705 Confederation Life Bldg. Talsimi 97 024 | v i Orrics Phonb Res. Phonk 87 293 72 409 Dr. L. A. Sigurdson 10« MEDIOAL ART8 BUILDING Ornc* Hours: 12 - 1 4 P.M. - 8 p.m »NO BY SPPOINTMENT M. HJALTASON, M.D. ALMENNAR LÆKNINOAR Sérgrein: Taugasjúkdómar Lætur ÚU meðöl 1 vlðlögum Vihtalstímar kl. 2—4 • a 7—8 að kveldinu Síml 80 867 666 Vlctor 8t. Dr. S. J. Johannes/ion 806 BROADWAY Talaiml 80 877 VlOtalsUmi kl. 8—6 e. h A. S. BARDAL eelur llkkistur og annast um útfar- ir. Allur útbúnaður sá besti. — Enníremor selur hann aliskonar mlnnisvarða og legstelna. 843 SHERBROOKE 8T. Phone: 86 807 WINNIPBO muir and one to Miss Fredrick- j sandwiches> cakes given by five son upon her leaving fo reside in Calgary. A collection of books was sent to the Morden I. O. D. E. chapter as a start for a library. A quantity of magazines were sent to the Osborne Barracks. $2.00 was voted towards buyir.g flags for school children upon the occasion of the visit of their Majesties, King George VI. and Queen Elizabeth. Welfare (Miss V. Jónasson Convenor) Welfare work done by our very capable convenor plays a very important part in our chap-! c]osing would iike to thank all ter requests for clothing and as- thöse who in any way helped and sistance are numerous and if at all possible are complied with. 10 boxes of clothing have been sent to country points during the year to the value of $120.00. members for the Tea for the blind, three members assisted. Tickefcs' sold for I. O. D. E. luncheon at the Marlborough Hotel. Our Regent was captain for the Polish relief tag day. Aiso captain for the Finnish relief tag day and co-captain for Red Cross Campaign. r Flowers have been sent to sick members and one funeral. A quantity of tin foil has been saved by members and given to the children’s hospital. I have come to the end of our activities for the year, and in J. J. Swanson & Co. Ltd. > REALTORS Rental, Insurance and Financial Agents Sími: 26 821 308 AVENUE BLDG.--Winnipeg Rovatzos Floral Shop *06 Notre Dame Ave. Phone 94 954 Freah Cut Flowers Daliy Plants in Season We specialize in Wedding ðt Concert Bouquets & Funerai Deslgna Icelandlc spoken Jacob F. Bjamason —TRANSFER— Baggoge and Furniture Movtng 691 SHERBURN ST. Phone 35 909 Annast allskonar flutnlnga fram og aftur um bæinn. MARGARET DALMAN TEACHER OF PIANO 854 BANNINO ST. Phone: 26 420 DR. A. Y. JOHNSON DENTIST 506 Somerset Bldg. Office 88 124 ReS. 27 702 410 Medical Arts Bldg. Dr. K. J. AUSTMANN Stundar eingöngu Augna, eyrna, nefs og kverka sjúkdóma 10 til 12 f.h.—3 til 5 e.h. Skrifstofusími 80 887 Heimasími 48 551 assisted the chapter, if this war continues to any length, we wili need all the help and assistance we can get, we surely hope that VOÐALEG EYÐSLA Miljónum dollara kastað á glæ í Canada , , ' . , ' ' our membership will increase by upp 4 $34,660,000.00. $20.00 was spent for Chnstmas , , „„ , +v . llrt _T ’ ’ _ Vínsalan í fjórum vestur fylkjunum, árið sem leið, kom Það er cheer, blankets were bought for a needy family and $5.00 was- spent for Christmas treat for ex-soldiers. I feel we should be very grateful to our Welfare con- venor for she is untiring in her efforts to assist the needy. Empire Study (Mrs. B. S. Benson Convenor) Through the efforts of our Empire study convenor we have been privileged to hear many interesting papers, we have probably not followed strictly to leaps and bounds for there is 110 truer saying than many hand make light work. Respectfully, L. Summers, Sec. List of Officers 1940 Honorary Regents: Mrs. B. J. Brandson Mrs. B. B. Jónsson Mrs. R. Pétursson Regent: Mrs. J. B. Skaptason lst Vice- Regent:Mrs. B. S. Ben- son 2nd Vice-Regent: Mrs. O. Steph- ensen býsna stór summa, en það er upphæðin sem stjórnarsalan á vínföngnum nam. Þessar tölur sýna upphæðirn- ar fyrir hvert fylki: Manitoba ..........$5,889,689.00 Sask............... 6,043,165.00 Alta........-...... 8,194,271.00 B. C...............14,110,158.00 THL WATCH SHOP Thorlakson Baldwin Dlamonds and Wedding Rings Agents for Bulova Watches Marrlage LJcenses Issued 699 Sargent Ave. Samtals ...........$34,236,383.00 Ágóði á þessari stjórnar sölu, sem engin stjórn er á, er þessi: Manitoba ..........$1,753,363.00 the Empire study plan, but we | Secretary: Mrs. L. E. Summers Sask..................... 1,245,518.00 have enjoyed the talks. The fol- Asst.-Secretary and Press Reps.: Alta................. 2,532,751.00 lowing have given papers at our meetings during the year. Mrs. Gísli Jónsson spoke on Icelandic poets of the past. Mrs. E. L. Taylor gave a talk on the changing times as applied to early and present day settle- ment in Ontario. Mrs. Danielson gavc a paper on her visit to Iceland. Mrs. R. H. Hart gave an ex- cellent report on the National annual convention held in Tor- onto last May. Mrs. J. Olafson spoke on con- ditions in Scotland and her trip across the ocean, this was after war was' declared. Mrs. G. F. Jónassoii spoke on her visit tp the Word’s Fair and her trip through the Eastern States. Professor Kirkconnell spoke on war aims and peace aims, his talk deservr to have been given to a capacity house. For these many varied papers Mrs. O. Stephensen Treasurer :Mrs. J. S. Gillies Educational Sec.: Mrs. G. F. Jónasson Hosp. Visiting Convenor: Mis. H. G. Nicholson Welfare Convenor: Miss V. Jón- asson Knitting Convenor: Mrs. P. J. Sivertson Empire Study Convenor: Mrs. B. S. Benson Echoes Convenor: Mrs. J. F. Kristjánsson War Convenor: Mrs. E. A. ísfeld Asst. War Convenor: Mrs. F. Wright Standard Bearer: Mrs. E. Han- son Councillors: Mrs. P. S. Pálsson, Mrs. T. E. Thorsteinson, Mrs. A. G. Eggertson, Mrs. K. J. Austmann, Mrs. R. Johnson and Miss F. Johnson. B. C............... 4,042,627.00 000,000.00. En það var ekki all- ur gróðinn, þar sem eitt fylkið leyfir bruggurum að selja bæði létt vín og bjór hindrunarlaust. Hér er yfirlit yfir sölu austur fylkjanna: Nova Scotia........$4,684,901.00 Ágóði .......... 1,337,458.00 New Brunswick .... 3,525,215.00 Ágóði .......... 1,153,763.00 Quebec ............17,027,104.00 Ágóði ........... 6,221.813.00 Ontario.........„..22,830,000.00 Ágóði ........... 9,893,587.00 Við þessar háu tölur, má bæta þeirri isölu sem gerð var af bruggurum í Ontario beint til þeirra sem notuðu það. Bjór- Samtals ............$9,574,259.00 salan kom upp á $26,289,136.00 | og létt vín $1,886,530.00. Það Þessar tölur sýna ekki þær setur söluna í Ontario upp í $51,- stóru summur, sem enn er eytt 000,000.00 (fimtíu og eina mil- fyrir “landann” (það er nafnið jdn dollara.) BORGIÐ HEIMSKRINGLU— því gleymd er goldin skuld sem heima þjóðin hefir geíið heima-brugginu) og ólöglegu söluna, isem enn er í stórum stíl iðkuð, þó þjóðinni væri lofað því í síðast liðnum vínbannskosning- um 1923, að hún yrði gerð ó- möguleg, ef stjórnar-salan kænr ist á. En það kom fljótt í ljós, að stjórnarsalan og bjórsalarnir nægðu drykkjufólki ekki og því var yfrið tækifæri, að græða þar utan stjórnarsölu. Vínsalan í Canada síðaist liðið ár, var þessi: Prince Edward eyjan, er eina fylkið, sem er enn undir vín- banni, hin átta, undir stjórnar- sölu fyrirkomulagi. Þau átta verzluðu upp á $110,479,172.00. Ágóði til stjórnanna var $28,- Það er gefið út af umsjónar- mönnum stjórnarinnar í Ottawa, sem halda skýrslur yfir vín- neyzluna, að það hafi verið drukkið yfir sextíu og þrjú mii- jón gollón af bjór, (malt liquors) og þrjú miljón fjögur hundruð og þrjátíu og þrjú þúsund gail- ón af sterkum vínum (spirits) og þrjú miljón fjögur hundruð og sextíu og eitt þúsund galión af léttum vínum. Ágóðinn sem Dominion stjórnin innheimti var yfir tuttugu og fimm miljónir. Þessar stóru tölur ættu að vekja fólk til umhugsunar; það skyldi og athugað, að þetta er alt verzlun sem verður að borg- ast út í hönd í peningum. Frh. á 8. bls.



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