Heimskringla - 10.12.1941, Síða 7

Heimskringla - 10.12.1941, Síða 7
WINNIPEG, 10. DES. 1941 HEIMSKRINGLA 7. SlÐA ENGLISH SECTION A column sponsored by the Junior Icelandic League. Address all contributions to Secretary Junior Icelandic League, 558 Sherburn St, Winnipeg. TIL ERU“FRÆ (From the Icelandic of Davíð Stefónsson) There are seeds whose fate it is to fall Aborted to the earth, nor bloom at all. They’re rather like a ship with no port near, Or meadows which in oceans disappear; Or soaring hope, its pinions rudely sundered— A young mouth’s trembling rubies still unplundered; The aching breast of love unsatisfied Or those whose aspirations are denied. That song is done, which death in life contains— And little child, who ever child remains. Margaret Björnson Adamson —“Timarit” Book Review: the timeless land Eleanor Dark Published by The Macmillan Co. South of the equator, on the other side of the world lies our fellow dominion, Australia. — While the process of evolution was going on in the rest of the world, this continent remained apart, primitive. Here nothing showed the passing of the ages, the ancient grass tree, found °nly as a fossil in the rest of the world, still thrust its branches to the sky. Among the animals were the platypus, half reptile, half mammal which laid its eggs and suckled its young; and the marsupial opossum and kangaroo. Its people still lived under a cul- ture similar to tha't of the cave man in Europe. Here “Life was marooned”. “There was only night and day, summer and winter, birth and death, the ebb and swell of tides.” For this reason, Eleanor Dark has named her novel, “The Timeless Land.” The book is like a giant land- scape. Numerous characters move through it but always be- hind them lies the land silent, mysterious, kind to its native children, cruel to the alien white man. It is the story of the first English settlment at Sydney. Here we have the native Bennilong, who had all the child- like exuberance, the ir- INNKÖLLUNARMENN HEIMSKRINGLU I CANADA: Amaranth.............................. Antler, Sask........................-K. J. Abrahamson Árnes...............................Sumarliði J. Kárdal Arborg................................G. 0. Einarsson Baldur................................Sigtr. Sigvaldason Beckville.............................Björn Þórðarson Belmont...................................G. J. Oleson Bredenbury.............................. Brown.....,.........................Thorst. J. Gíslason Churchbridge...............—............ Cypress River..........................Guðm. Sveinsson Dafoe.....................................S. S. Anderson Ebor Státion, Man...................K. J. Abrahamson Elfros..............................J. H. Goodmundson Eriksdale................................Ólafur Hallsson Fishing Lake, Sask........................Rósm. Árnason Foam Lake.............................H. G. Sigurðsson Gimli...................................K. Kjernested Geysir..................................Tím. Böðvarsson Glenboro..................................G. J. Oleson Hayland...............................Stg. B. Helgason Hecla.................................Jóhann K. Johnson Hnausa...................................Gestur S. Vídal Húsavík............................... Innisfail...........................Ófeigur Sigurðsson Kandahar.......................-........S. S. Anderson Keewatin..............................Sigm. Björnsson Langruth...............................Böðvar Jónsson Leslie................................Th. Guðmundsson Lundar.......................................D. J. Líndal Markerville......................... ófeigur Sigurðsson Mozart..................................S. S. Anderson Narrows...................................S. Sigfússon Oak Point___________________________ Mrs. L. S. Taylor Oakview...................................S. Sigfússon Otto......................................Björn Hördal Piney.....................................S. S. Anderson Red Deer............................ófeigur Sigurðsson Reykjavík.................................. Riverton............................................Björn Hjörleifsson Selkirk, Man...........Mra. David Johnson, 216 Queen St. Silver Bay, Man.........................Hallur Hallson Sinclair, Man.......................K. J. Abrahamson Steep Rock.................................Fred Snædal Stony Hill................................Björn Hördal Tantallon.................................Árni S. Árnason Thornhill.............................Thorst. J. Gíslason Víðir...................................-Aug. Einarsson Vancouver...............'i............Mrs. Anna Harvey Winnipegosis.................................S. Oliver Winnipeg Beach.......................... Wjmyard.................................S. S. Anderson I BANDARÍKJUNUM: Bantry................ Bellingham, Waah...... Blaine, Wash.......... Cavalier and Walsh Co. Grafton............... Ivanhoe............... Los Angeles, Calif.... Milton................ Minneota.............. Mountain.............. National City, Callf.. Point Roberts, Wash... Seattle, Wash......... Upham. .......E. J. Breiðfjörð Mrs. John W. Johnson ...Magnús Thordarson ...............Mrs. E. Eastman .............Miss C. V. Dalmann ......................S. Goodman .............Miss C. V. Dalmann ...............Th. Thorfinnsson ...John S. Laxdal, 736 E 24th St. ..................Ásta Norman J. J. Middal, 6723—21st Ave. N W ..................E. J. Breiðfjörð The Viking Press Ltd. Winnipeg Manitoba BREZKIR FLUGMENN AÐ ATHUGA LEIÐINA TIL BERLÍN I einni af brezku “Stirling” sprengiflugvélunum situr flugmaður og er að athuga leiðina til Berlín. Þetta eru sprengiflugvélarnar, sem mikinn þátt eiga í árásunum á iðnstofnanir Þjóðverja. Þær eru svo langfleygar, að farið geta hvert sem er um Þýzkzaland eða jafnvel Evrópu. responsibility and the kinship with nature of his people. Bennilong left his people and learned the ways of the stran- ger, to find in the end that he had lost his native heritage and that there was no place for him among the whites. Benni- Conservatives went to the Uni- tarian church and read Heims- kringla. Neither faction had a very high opinion of the oth- er. By now they have become more moderate. There are more political groups to join, but still only two Icelandic long’s tragedy typifies the tra- ’ churches. These are well at- gedy of his race. Mrs. Dark tended—at Christmas and shows a remarkable knowledge Easter. of the ways and thoughts of Icelanders are very proud of these primitive people. She their country and themselves. neither idealizes them or dis- They want everyone to know misses them as ignorant sav- what intellectual people they ages. The parts dealing with are. Many Icelanders have Bennilong and his people are shown great talent in various among the best in the book. Tn contrast to Bennilong, we walks of life. No matter what their achievements may be, have Arthur Phillip, the high- however, they do not expect est type of English gentleman, any ovations from their fellow AAA a just man, who sincerely had Icelanders. After they have|for * ’ ’ ' The north boun' the welfare of the colony at been dead some years, they be- aiy was. a trai1 whlch later heart. And if ever a colony come more high.y regarded.! ™ needed a just and kindly ad- Any visitors from Iceland are . ' summer they ministrator it was Sydney, made much of. They are hon-|raised on that piece of land with it£ population of convict.s, ored by banquets and speeches.! seyeral hundred hogs. After warped and depraved by the Icelanders are very fond of fe ing _the boSs the partners misery of the London slums, speeches. 1 , „ , »i. . ,1 _s, - HAFNSPJÖLD - ■ — Dr. M. B. Halldorson 401 Boyd Bldg. Skrifstofusíml: 23 674 Stundar sérstaklega lungnasjúk- dóma. Er að finna á skrifstofu kl. 10—12 f. h. og 2—6 e. h. Heimili: 46 Alloway Ave. Talsimi 33 158 Thorvaldson & Eggertson LögfrœSingar 300 NANTON BLDG. Talsíml 97 024 Office Phone Res. Phone 87 293 72 409 Dr. L. A. Sigurdson 109 MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING Office Hours : 12—1 4 P.M. 6 P.M. AND BY APPOINTMENT M. HJALTASON, M.D. ALMENNAR LÆKNINGAR Sérgrein: Taugasjúkdómar Lætur úti meðöl í viðlögum Viðtalstímar: kl. 2—4 e. h. 7—8 að kveldinu Simi 80 857 643 Toronto St. Dr. S. J. Jóhannesson 215 RUBY ST. Beint suður af Banning Talsimi 30 877 Viðtalstími kl. 3—5 e.h. A. S. BARDAL selur Iíkklstur og annast um útfar- ir. Allur útbúnaður sá besti. Ennfremur selur hann allskonar mmnisvarða og legsteina. 843 SHERBROOKE ST. Phone 86 607 WINNIPEG J. J. Swanson & Co. Ltd. REALTORS Rental, Insurance and Financial Agents Simi: 26 821 308 AVENUE BLDG.—Winnipeg Rovatzos Floral Shop 253 Notre Dame Ave., Phone 27 989 Presh Cut Flowers Daily. Plants in Season We specialize in Wedding & Concert Bouquets <ft Funeral Designs Icelandic spoken DR. A. V. JOHNSON DENTIST 506 Somerset Bldg. Office 88 124 Res. 27 702 Dr. P. H. T. Thorlakson 205 Medical Arts Bldg. Cor. Graham & Kennedy Sts. Phone 22 866 Res. 114 Grenfell Blvd. Phone 62 200 the dregs of English civiliza- invested the total profits in one bottle of Scotch. Long, long ago, before the Icelanders all have many ti°n- ! relatives, and show much in- Then there is Andrew Pren- terest jn tracing their ancestry. tice, the convict who escapcd they go back far enough, First World War, my Reverend from the settlement to find a they can usually assure them-, friend and I acted as Barkers home and happiness on the seives Qf being descended from itor the Ladies Aid Refreshment land and in the end to give his kings. There must have been Booth on the Exhibition grounds in the North End. We had to compete against profes- sional American Barkers. “This way everybody for a good hot T , , . . rr,, ! square meal;” Was it the same Icelanders swear a lot. Those A , . , year that the Ladies Aid was who remained swear more. f, . _ „ . . , , „ _ , , , • ithirty dollars m the hole? — ....... ___ ______________. Taken as a whoie, tbough- Morahlcelandersdonotmake Patrick Mannion, the young they are not a bad lot. n ac >! good Barkers. aristocrat, who was well on the had we not felt some pnde of I------------------- way to becoming landed gen- our nati°nality; we would nev- try in this new country as his er have organized the Junioi forefathers had been in the old; Icelan(li<' League. Grace Reykdal life to save his native wife and many kings in iceiand son- As a rule, Icelanders make Very early, Arthur Phillip gQod business men. There are realized that it was too late to nQ Jewg in Iceland. do much for the adults in the settlement and that its future rested with the children. Two of them are sketched here, THE WATCH SHOP THORLAKSON & BALDWIN Dlamond and Wedding Rings Agent for Bulova Waitches Marriage Licenses Issued 699 SARGENT AVE J. I. L. NEWS A Tally-ho Party to be held, weather permit- ing, Saturday December 13. If you wish to attend please get in touch with Gisli Borgford at 156 Lenore St., not later than Friday December 12, so we can arrange for sleighs. Junior Icelandic League Books Published In English and Johnnie Prentice, the con- vict child, who like his father lived among the natives. Still at the age of fourteen, Joh’nnie was planting a garden and The general impression of raising cattle and showing an the Junior Icelandic League interest in the white men again. danee held last Friday evening We are left with the feeling in the Blue Room of the Marl* that both Patrick and Johnnie borough Hotel, was that once a did their part in making ye«r is not often enough for Trans|atlons of fhe famous Australia the rieh dominion such events. Icelandie Saga's. that she is today. There was a good attend- If you are interested in ance, and everyone stepped out ^Tflls R Australia, if you enjoy a histor- and enjoyed themselves. ical novel, if you appreciate During the course of the beautiful language and a good evening, the president, Bjorn literary style, don’t miss read- Petursson, delivered a brief ad- [ ing, “The Timeless Land.” Helen Sigurdson V í S U R Eftir Þorlók Nelson Njáls Saga, Dasent, G. V. Grettis Saga, Hight, G. A. Heimskringla, Snorri Sturlu- son. Smith, A. E. “AS OTHERS SEE US” dress in commemoration of As hundreds of books have Iceland’s Independence Day, been published in English, that following which Gunnar Er- deal with Icelandic matters, lendson took over at the piano, people who do not wish to wait ------ while those present sang “O, for our list of books are refer- Icelanders came from Ice- guð vors lands.” red to Mr. Davíð Björnsson, land, a small island in the To those who were unable to 702 Sargent Ave., Winnipeg. north Atlantic. The majority of attend we can only say: “You He is in a position to supply those who came to Canada set- missed a very pleasant even- information required. tled in and around Winnipeg. ing. Don’t let it happen again.” They are well known along Sargent Avenue. Gleaned From The Past In the early days Icelanders ------ Heyri’ eg lífsins dauða dóm dimmum kveðinn tónum, velgengninnar vona-blóm verða undir snjóum. Breiðist yfir bjarka-sal bjarmi fagur sýnum. Blærinn ljóssins barna hjal ber að eyrum mínum. Kaffið bætir kvilla manns, kröfu mætir þinni’ og hans. Vina læti veitandans vekja kæti neytandans. Kynið blanda þræll og þý —þjóðarandi’ í molum— Sundur landinn leysist í lífsins handaskolum. Er það fyrir Islending ekki lítil mannvirðing, að þurka út sína þjóðmenning og þynnast niður í Englending. Hér er að ræða um meira’ en mann, sem mikið veit og segir. Alt í kringum oflátann engin tuska þegir. We would appreciate contri- butions to this section, news items of our soldiers, excerpts were either Liberals or Con- Just before the turn of the from their letters and letters servatives. Generally the Lib- century, Mr. Graves and a from them. We would like to erals went to the Lutheran friend of his purchased ten keep in touch with them ohurch and read Logberg. The acres of land in River Heights through these columns. A A A A ‘A’ A Á A A X A $ $ KAUPIÐ HEIMSKRINGLU— útbreiddasta og fjölbreyttasta fslenzka vikublaðið



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