Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1880, Qupperneq 36

Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1880, Qupperneq 36
n. IVIGTUT. MARTS. 1880. Thermo nveMr. Ce-ls ius. TiiijtiyhfJ/iijran Ðampiri/Ji, Ba.ronveier. Vmdaislletji. cy S/jjrkr Sk /d/rlrJce, Ned. bör Anwrrr/cn: Ðag s. 2. 8. mm Max.. Mún 8. 2. S. 8. 2. 8. S. 2. <?. 8, 2 8: 8. 2. 8. / -Zð.i* -\ss -16.$ -171 ->S.o ~201 7 VS.z 792.Z 1911 3 -W£ 1 1£ / 0 0 0 2. -13.0 -?./ -I3.Z -U.8 -13.0 -202 929 93.0 93.7 / 0 0 0 0 0 r"“ ’ \X/3 3. -IV.3 -10.7 -IS.7 -13.6 -81 -19.8 9S.0 951 971 srs 7 í> 0 0 0 0 ■As 3 A -IS.í -ioS -S.z -13.8 -ioS ~IS. 7 SO.o s/i S2.8 í/ <7 0 / 9 ö A53 3. -17.0 -101 -13.8 -13.8 -w.z -17.1 S3.6 SZl So.o ms. / -y 3 1£ 3 0 0 0 nés13 6 -\ÍS -U S- -11.1 -13.9 -10.7 -17-0 V7.z 96.Z 98.S pss. Z -/K£ / 0 J 1 0 ■A* 3 7. -13. •? -u.z -13.0 -12.7 -1/1 -I6S Vf.i V6.1 96.2. MS 1 JP£ 1 0 0 0 0 S. -13.7 -86 -11 -91 -8.0 -196 981 5ii Hl 0 Z S£ 3 9 3 10 *3 9. -v.s- -7.0 -2S -6.7 -H -/3.7 973 Sl.i S3J SSW 3 SSW 2-3 0 10 10 5 1.1 *I.Z, ÍO. -103 -101 -13.0 -II. Z -Vl -11.3 SS6 ss. 7 561 2, Mt 1 W£ 3 l 0 0 °°i \-V3 // -/3.2, -98 -s.z. -71 -11 -ISl ssn SS.z SfU JV£ 2 S£ 2 St 2 X 8 10 /2. -3.8 -os 2.0 -0.8 -3.8 -13.2 S0.9 99.2 3 91 0 0 S£ 9 10 io /0 /3. 3. i 21 H.S 3.3 31 -3.8 3 9.8 3 9l 3 S.O S£ S S£ 5 S£ 9 10 10 7 P/, 0.8 Í.3 H.Z 3.8 S 2, 0.6 321 25.1 295 0 0 S£ 9-5 w /0 10 *3 23. -Vb -0.3 -12 -21 61 -91 9Z.S 391 9/6 0 £ 2 £ l 9 10 lo /1 26. OS l.l -31 -0.6 U -vi 9<j.S S0.6 98.5 S£ 1 0 0 7 10 0.3 X Æ -31 -O.b -3.8 -21 18 -S8 38.0 92.9 991 1£ 2 M 3 Jir 3 z 3 7 V±/3 M -6i -3.8 -Ll -ss -06 -8.8 fO.z 391 93.1 X£ 2 dr z W£ 3 0 2 0 2&; -b>.3 Z.3 91 0.1 -2.8 -81 98.6 93.S 373 0 0 S£ • 1 lo 10 10 20 10 -0.2 30 8.8 -61 321 9o.z 9Z.2 S£ 3 0 0 8 ú> 9 22. 0.0 °-9 -/. z -0.1 7.z -11 99. z «7.8 90.3 0 0 0 9 W lo 9923 22 -os 0.3 -21 -01 3S -11 SI.8 51.8 57.3 0 0 0 lo 0 0 8.3 23. -f? 0.8 -2.1 -11 z.y -31 971 99.8 93.1 0 0 0 1 2 2 M u S Z 23 21 2.9 -Z1 991 96.S 911 0 0 0 lo 7 10 • 2.3 |iá fo.l 8.8 s.s ki 8.3 l.i 99.6 SZ.i SS 3 St/ Z 0 0 10 10 10 Z.9 26. 3o IOS 7.S 8.1 ll.o 2.8 S7.6 S71 57.8 S£ 2 S£ 2 S£ 1 Ifl lo 27. 8 z H.3 9.0 fs il.o V8 S9.3 5)6 5/2. S£ 1 S£ 1 S£ 1 9 6 10 23. 62 IIS ?■<? 91 1)9 S1 97.0 93.0 931 0 S£ 1 S£ 3 lo lo w 29. 1.3 H.O 0.6 1.0 /2.3 1.3 SO.i So.o 5/2. 0 sW 1 sw 1 10 lo lo 11.2.3 30. -1.0 -z.z -S3 -2.8 96 -U 52.9 SZ9 5/6 sW 1 W 2 wW V Ifl to s ■XI Ju -7.S -7.0 -8.2, -1.6 -0.2, -1.8 99.8 91.3 93.Z ww 9 WW 9 1W 9 3 2/ 0 vi/3 Mid/l -J.S -n -3.V- -0.3 '76 797, lUi 79(o7 ll> iz i.5 5.3 55 5o 18/) APRIL. ? 2. -7.Í, -H.o -3.0 -vi -61 -f-2 733.8 133.8 13SS 3 M 2 3 0 0 2 2. -3S )s 0.3 -0.6 1.8 -71 9l.i 93.3 9Sz 0 0 ö 0 0 0 vi//3 3. O.l 0 3 -2S -01 Sz -3.8 97.8 SO.O S3Z 3 JW 3 9 2 ia 8 1. -VI -2.1 -3.6 ~3S 0.9 -S.3 SS.3 SS.3 SS.6 í M 2 M 1 0 0 0 3. -zi 0.3 1S o.o 0.9 -S6 50 0 96.0 989 0 8£ 31 S£ l-Z 10 10 10 *2 \ill 6. Jl 1.8 H.O 1.6 3./ -3.0 Sll 99.8 98.0 0 0 Sí 1 10 10 10 01 •3X2 7. S.i Sú> vs S.J SZ 1.3 97.3 93.6 923 S£ 1 S£ 2 S£ z w 10 Ifl 303 •/.23 S. 0.8 bO VS 3.8 6 z -0.1 99.6 9ZS 33. S S£ 3 0 sé. 9 Jo 10 w 251 • 3*1 9. 2.3 Vl 0.6 23 7.6 0.1 1<}.6 36.0 92.8 S£ 3 0 sW 1 10 10 b n.z •* 1.2.3 20. -O.Z 3.H- -1.0 9J -26 SOZ 51.8 53.5 0 0 0 lo io s 35 *i.i 22. —H.Z o,S -ll -1.8 9.2, ~í),l 59.6 55.6 57.8 W£ 1 0 1 1 Z 3 01 22. -Z.Z H.3 27 1.6 3.3 -S9 Mt SS.l S0.0 0 S£ 2-3 S£ 3 1 8 10 23. 3.0 to.fa 6.3 S.3 S3 -2.0 99.0 3 /0 0 27.6 SL 31 S£ 2-3 S£. tf.S lo lo íö 219 •/23 79. -11 -ZZ -2:1 -2.1 7.3 -3.1 36.5 381 91.0 S£ 3 S& 9 S£ 9 10 tc io Í91 *lt3 23. -OÍ> 1.3 -11 -o.z 0.8 -3.0 911 Sl.i S’l.2 S£ 1 0 0 10 >0 ¥ 110 26 -iZ 1.6 1.0 os 3.7 -3.1 91.6 96.7 971 0 0 0 1 1 0 27. 1.3 9.0 -O.S l.f 7.6 -1.2 S0.O SOl S2.0 0 0 'yw 9 10 10 10 7á: -Z.o -2+ -9 9 -21 7.7 -2.6 ‘ 53.3 S36 53.8 J/W 3 Ad 3 ww 1 1 1 1 79 -So -3.2 -1i.o ~9i -06 -51 521 SZ.I SZ.5 PL 2 1- 3 2 0 0 0 . 2Ó -H.O -01 sIÆ -2.0 -22 -7.6 Sl.6 51.2, SlX) 1 ■ 0 0 0 3 5 27. >.Z - 0.0 - 1.8 -9.3 ty.S — 59.3 S 1 — w 1 70 — w XI 22 0.0 2 / -2.0 o.o 6.0 -2.6 S91 57 8 SS.9 0 0 sw 3 /0 6 to 2.0. XI. 3 23. ->n H -l.i -os 3.2. -d.í 62.1 611 61. S 0 0 0 3 io 9 2.1 . 29 >1 7.2 10. i 6Z 37 3.0 Sf.l 5/ 3 98.1 S£ Z Sí 3 S£ Z-3 10 !0 10 • 2 -M. bS 22. 03 3.0 IOS 1.2, 921 99.3 96.3 S£ 9-S 0 0 10 /0 io 23 <)> • 1* 23 26 -o.s I.S -1.6 -0.2 7.1 -11 99.0 51.8 59. S sw 1 SW 2 S£ 3 /o )0 10 liz X/23 27. -l.z 9.3 -3.0 0.0 2.Z ~Z.8 57.3 Í78 SSl SW z 0 0 10 10 3 35 XIZ vi/3 23 -01 9.S 0.8 l.s So -9.0 96.0 9Z.0 9U 0 0 0 5~ lo lo 0.8 29 -oz 1.3 -22) -0.6 6.6 -1.1 SOl S3.i 5S8 sW 2 S 1 0 10 8 9 9.3 XI 30. -01 1.3 ~3.8 -/./ 38 -9.2, ' ^ 6O.1 63o 69,5 ö W 1 0 10 9 1 3.3 X) 37. Mu/d, -o.l 1-4 -0.1 0.H- 3.8 -3.9- 7*p 7^2 19<jl 19 i.z 4. (a aj 73 (.1 V5i<)
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Meteorologisk årbog

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