Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1881, Qupperneq 27

Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1881, Qupperneq 27
33. STYKKI8HOLIV1 JANUAR. 1881. T/u’j'tno meÆi *. CcJ.js- Fnjjtif/he/lsqrm Dnmptryh B cLi-onieicr. liJiÆjU'Iteúi, cffStyrke. % tdotMe. NaL. JJa£T 8. 2. 9. MÆá Jfaa-, Múv. S. 9. 9. 8. 2. 9 S. 2. 9. & 2 9. £ 2. 9. bör 1. ~a.u -l.Z -1.6 -/./ ¥.6 -ZS 733. f 722.0 132.0 W 1 W 3 w 1 ¥ 8 10 Ið l¥ 94/23 vi/3 2. ~t.Z -1.6 ~Z.S -1.8 0.9 ~So 37.¥ ¥0¥ ¥3.7 Si/ 3 sw 2 sW 1 la 8 S 08 */.Z3 3. ~3.0 0.0 ~l.f o.¥ -S.o ¥S2 ¥¥2 ¥8.3 Svf 3 s 3 s 2 8 10 10 OS * 3 6. l.z Z.z 3.2 Z.Z 3.¥ ~¥.o S¥.0 S¥S SZS s 9 s 3 s 9 io lo 10 So • 1.23 S. 7.0. 7.o )¥ S' l.¥ os ¥8.8 ¥8¥ S¥f s 5" s s SW 3 10 10 10 S.6 • izrtd 6. -OM- -O.i 02 -0.1 M -I.S 672 kf 6 162 7Zl £ 3 S£ 3 Sf 3 10 10 10 26 • 3 7. 3.8 ¥0 3 2. 3.7 ¥.f -1.0 ns6 158 S£ / ö S£ / 8 8 8 1.8 */ 8. IM 1.8 1.6 16 39 öo 7¥0 1¥¥ 793 0 O 0 8 8 8 9. ii Oo -I.S -0.1 29 ~z.o tS.O 7Sl 7 S¥ 0 O £ 2 8 8 8 fO. ~3M -¥.Z ~7.2 -¥<f -1. i -&.0 ISJ 7So 762 e 3 Æ£ 3 JÝ£ ¥ 8 8 8 1.6 •*/2 Ö3 // -lf: t -/3.2. -I3.¥ TZ.8 — 6.1 -l¥.o 77-7 7 6.S 7¥6 £ 3 £ Z £ Z 0 0 0 Wi //. -IZ.S -11.2, -7.8 -106 -66 -l¥.s 91.2 7 l.i 10.8 £ z £ 2 £ Z 0 z 8 08 -*23 fð.- -u.o ~fb -7.8 ~9l -7.1 -13.0 7 06 68f 619 £ 3 £ í e 1 0 s 8 'h. ~1.% -9.8 ~10.6 -9.0 ~S.(o -ll.o 6f8 10¥ lo.s £ ¥ £ 3 £ z 0 0 0 Ö3 ~7S. -10% -/o.v- -11.2 -10.6 ~f.6 -120 7 Of 7/7 720 e 1 ■Y£ ¥ ~Y£ ¥ 0 0 0 tbr3 76, -19,0 ~l¥6 -17.0 TV.S -10.1 Tf.O 7¥¥ 7 S6 Mf >Y£ 3 ¥ MF. ¥ 0 z 0 ~5T ~I8.Í -17.6 -i¥.b ~lí.f -)¥6 -20.0 797 ISx 7 52 0 0 £ 1 0 0 0 tb/3 M -//.*. -lo.s —12.6 -IIS -10.8 -ISS ISo 7 ¥.6 7f 3 £ z £ 2 £ 1 0 0 0 Æ ~u -6>n -6.2 -1¥ -6.1 ~i6o 71.1 71.0 11.8 £ 1 0 0 10 lo 0 =/.23 20 -s.i, -S.o -3.¥ WCL -3.1 -7-S 7Z.S 118 129 £ 1 £ 1 0 8 8 S 27. -18 -1.2 -U -i.s -l.l -¥.S 73.9 13.1 13.0 £ 1 £ I 0 8- 8 8 22 -0.8 -1.0 -Z.o T. 6 -0.6 -6.S. 7IS Mí 679 60.S W 0 W 1 W 1 10 8 S W *7 23. Ob n l.i 1.0 l.¥ ~¥S 63f 62.8 2 w 2 sW 2 8 8 8 09 •23 y±í3 M ~8.¥ -13.6 -188 -13.6 Tf.S S7.3 Sfá 6/.V £ ¥ Æ£ S Jf£ s 10 10 10 2,9 */23 J&. ~Z0,8 -Z0.¥ -208 -zo.l -176 ~zi.S &¥i 6¥<f 666 S W£ S Æ£ ¥ 10 10 8 28 26. —2,1 o -ZI.2 -W 2 -205 -18.6 -ZZ.o 6¥S 6Z.1 6/2. 0 0 S 1 0 0 10 V±/3 27. -18.8 -181 -Zl.o TfS T7.6 -ZiS 583 S6S S63 £ 1 £ 1 £ 1 0 0 10 V±í3 M ~ZI.ll -zzs -23S -22.6 -18/ -Z¥o 586 S8f S%7 559 M£ s- M£ s W£ s S 8 lo 0.1 *23 2Á ~ZSX -ZSV- ~ 210 -23. f ~20,t -Z6.0 S}9 S79 s Æ£ s W£ s 8 8 s V±(3 30. ~IU ~ISj -128 -IS.o -12.1 -ZZo ¥7.0 ¥1.0 991/ jYE S6 Æ£ 56 j/S S-6 lo io iú 3.6 *tV> JSL ~Wb -W» ~ií¥ -ÍS.f ~I0.6 -/7.0 Sf.o 6,1.7 693 Y£S,b JY£ s W£ s 10 10 0 1.6 •XiZ vií3* Midd, -8.Z ~8W '&X 'Sw -u -ll.lo im 1ÍH lí'í.8 Zs Z.S u l\.o l.¥ ts>% FEE ÍRUA R. 1. ~Hí.% -ISV- -17,0 -I6z -13.1 -18 0 166 S 161.3 167.3 P 1 f 1 F 3 0 0 0 2. -zom -20. ¥ -I8.¥ T%8 -ISi -ZiS 6S,6 6¥s 6I.0 £ 3 £ 3 £ 2 0 0 0 3. ~ZI.% -2t.S -Zl.¥ ~ZI.¥ -166 -Zi.s 683 673 (d(d % £ ¥ £ 9 £ 9 0 0 z 6-. —is.s -lo.o -l¥o -132 -96 -ZZo 61.7 SfS S8.1 £ 2 F Z £ / lo 10 lo 09 *l.t3 ð. -IS.V■ -IS.S' -18.8 -l/.l -Xj.S 60.3 6/0 6Z.¥ £ 1 £ Z £ 2 lo 8 5 Ö3 6. -zt.o -20.6 T8.¥ ~Z0o ~~ l(Ó,l -Z2o 606 58.8 S¥S £ S £ S £ S S lo 8 06 •*23 7. -isx -IZ3 -IZ.8 ~'3.¥ -//./ -2lo ¥SS ¥S6 ¥8.1 £ ¥ £ 3 F 1 2 0 0 vb/3 8. -l 7.1 ->7.z -168 Tli ~I06 ~>8 S S¥¥ Sso S62 £ ¥ £ ¥ £ 9 2 0 Z V±23 9. -16, ¥ -!¥.¥ -18,¥ -)(,.¥ T3.6 ~"}o SZ.i S08 50.3 £ ¥ £ S £ S 5 8 z 0.3 *23 70. -17.8 -¥¥ ~\3.2 -¥¥ -íf.O ¥6.2 ¥1.2 999 £ S £ s s 3 5 8 10 O.S *3 77. -KH -l¥0 -18.2 -n.f -¥I T%S SÍ. 7 513 93.9 j/d 2 £ ¥ £ S 8 8 10 06 *3 72. -lo.o ~I0,o -10,8 ~10.3 ~¥t Tf.O H.6 If.f 26.8 f S S£ ¥ SW 3 10 ío */2.3 7ð. ~I8M 57.9 F 2 F 7 £ i 8 s 0 76 ~So -Q% ~¥6 -3.S -0/ T¥W S0.6 ¥89 ¥82 S ¥ S S S ¥ 8 8 8 76. ~¥¥ ~¥.8 -3.6 -¥3 -3.1 -7.0 ¥0.6 38.i $51 S£ ¥ St ¥ S£ 3 10 to 8 ‘9 76 -¥¥ -7 0 ' 77. -7.0 ~¥.z -18 -¥3 0.¥ f 2 7. sW M. 0.0 1.2, U 13 2-9 -l.o ¥8.2 ¥8.3 ¥1. ¥ S 5 s £ s 56 w lo lo 2i *i2mZ3 76. !l.b 1.6 3.0 ¥J Oo ¥2.0 VS¥ ¥sp S S s Z 0 10 10 10 2.0 • /23 . 20 ~3.0 ~l.ú -2J6 -Z.Z -¥.0 S61 lðl.1 6>S. 6 W 2 W z W i S 5 S 02 *3 27. -%.% -Z.Z Uo -1.1 19 -60 6}2 67/ 62.1 £ Z £ Z S£ .3 S r 8 0.3 • 3 22 (s,z S.o 1.6 M.. 6f O.o 62.S 63.3 696 S ¥ S ¥ S£ z It 10 10 2) »1.23 M. OM I.¥ 0.8 09 Z¥ -o.S 6¥2 6¥1 66 ¥ 0 0 0 lo 10 8 0.9 ¥>1.2 26 -S3 -/)<? -112 -8.6 >9 -12.0 7 61 £ 1 >£ ¥ £ z S S 0 Æ, ~II.S ~8.8 -8.3 -8.1 -13.0 78.S 166 798 £ ¥ e ¥ £ 3 s s s 26. -Z. 'L ~IZ -68 -3.9 -/./ ~%o 7S.o 16.2 78 S f l £ z £ ¥ 8 8 8 27. ~l¥s -l¥l -l¥.8 T¥S -S6 -IS.S 18.2 7 69 1S¥ £ ¥ £ ¥ £ S S ð 0 VÍ3 26. ~IZ.l -126 -16.8 -13.9 -II. I -I7.0 7 ¥2 IS.O 769 t 3 -Y£ s W£ ¥ S 6 0 26. 30 -M- Midd -t)8 ~9.3 -).(o -5t ~l$8 ns-j.o 151.8 7SU 3.0 33 5.0 b.O £7 /37
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Meteorologisk årbog

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