Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1882, Page 80

Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1882, Page 80
Sí. MIDDEL-VINDSIDEN FOR FÆRÖERNE PROCENT. Lr cótc dw ocnL des Uu'Fccoc (6 .vtcdjoiuj 1882. ÆW y NE E SE s sw w ■ ÆW Æ ÆE StMe Vindstyrken. Skala, 0- 6. Jaiuutr -/10 Svht/.z W 32-3 J/W23-Z Jf 7-3 7 2.3 /1-90 S£z-i S 26-0 5 W53-0 W 12-0 6 Z.l 91-3/ S zo-s SW 31-0 W IV-O JCYl 9-b 5 2.6 Ftbrvua' / /0 S >po SW VV-I W 17-V ■VWio-i V 2.6 11-90 SW lg-3 W 26-1 JWzi-v A IS-7 £ 2.1 21-2S W IS-V /zw 7-6 J/ 6-Z Jf £ zs-t. . Z 2.5 Martœ 1-10 S S /jícj S 7-7 SW 21-10 W I6-11 2 2.8 11-20 S 9-z SW so-i W zv-i -YW 6-S % £7 2131 W Z0-9 YW IS-i Jf 10-3 Jf£ zs-is 2 2.Z ApriW 1-10 0/£n-„ £ n-iz S£ zo-i s s-l.. /f J.6 11-20 JC Ig-z S£ »s-i £ ií-o S£ 7-V 7 2., 2/30 03 i'j-U A£3l-<) £ s-.o S£ 21-1 t Z.z Maj 1-10 Jí lo-z //£ ízs £ y-s S£ 10-z j.Cj 11-20 S £ iv. 10 S Ujs SWzí-6 W 6-S 5. 4.5 2/31 ... S£io. 3 S 20-0 SW13.6 W 15-9 .4/1... Jwws 1-/0 Of ic-s 0/£ 37-/2 £ tS-3 S£ v-o 44- d.6 /1-20 O/ iy.-) A£ií-x £ Ig-o S£ 16.s 7 J.l 2130 0/S. g-3 £ 3z-o S£ 3Z-I S v-z u d. 3 Julá /-/0 0/£ ii-s £ 3o-o S£ zv-o S g-o n 4.i 11-20 J£ 19-iz £ iv- 3 S£ ig-o S 16-1 1.7 4.3 2131 S£ 7-7 S /2-7 SW 3i-6 W 10-7 <b 4.& August/ 1-10 S lo-i S W 32-0 W 2V-0 J/Wao-i 4.(0 /1-20 £ ii-v S£ 10-1 S 23-3 SW 23-« .41 4a 2131 ASwu 0/31-0 A£ 21-1 £ 7-S 48. 4.z Septembet' 1-10 S is.g SW hi-ik W y.é J/Wv-z A 2-7 11-20 •O/Ssi-n £ iz-i S£ 7-3 S lo-v 8 4.1 2130 £ tz-z S£ 3i-i S 13-0 SW 23-2 4(o 4.5 Oklober 1-/0 £ is-ii S£ ií-z S iv--1 SWzt-z 10 4.1 11-20 £ 6,-0 S£ vS-o S 39-o SW10-0 0 2.3 2131 Of 10-01 //£ zj-v- £ 6-k Sí 10-S J23 J.z Mooerríba* 1-10 £ /3-7 S£ 2 6-iS S IS-b SW 6 2.1 11-20 A.Jr.L S£ z6-o S ZS-S SW ig-v A( Z.O 2130 O/tv-w 0/£zí-i £ 3-5 S£ n-z U 4.8 Deeeníber 1-10 0/£ vi-z £ !3-o S£ 23-0 S I6-Z 3 1/ 11-20 O/ 9-r J£ w-is £ n-o S£zo-o 6 2.o 2131 O/zz-it O/Sío-S £ s-v 33 4a Vtnier. (DcebeFebr) S IS-6 SWsi-g W 19- 3 J/Wn-s’ s 2a Foraar (Martr -Maj) O/S K)-H £ 10-11 S£i3.í S <j.g (d 2.t Sommer (JunCAuý) 0/£ 15-IV £ is.i S£ 13-5 (W 4.4 HÖst (SepibrJ/oDÍQ £ 1-6 S£ lq-3 S /7-7 40 44 Aaret (I)tArSovbry ■ <5 to-oj S 6 !3-b S 12-Í SW n-iS jfA


Meteorologisk årbog

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