Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1883, Page 25

Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1883, Page 25
STYKKI8HOLM. 1883. o I j Nordlig Bredde (LafiJude N): (5 5 VeslUg L œngde frce Greemoúh/Longdude 0 de Gr.j: . Uöjde ooer Ifewet íAllUiuJr ): U.3. Obseroatnr: cfl (D-ó.t . IagttagclsestiderfJIeures d öbservation) 8 d'.iru, L p.m.'. Januar Febniar j Mœrts •á ■$ ■$ § 1 Oktober ,s> 1 £ 1 Aar (tmnét■) Middel (moyenru) -0<j -0.9 ~l.o 1.9, X/ 8.z 10.9 8.8 7.8 9.1 Z.i -03 3.6 Thcrttw ineler. Maximum I.S /.? 1.3 9.9 9.z 9.9 IZ.7 loy q.s S 7 3.6 11 Sfo Middcb' Minintmn -3.Z ~3.S ~3.o -1.0 -08 So l.s 6>.i S.9 l.S -0.8 -3.6 0.8 C eils ius. Varicdiotv 1.7 Sy 9.3 S9 S.o 9j Si 9.6 9.i 9z 99 S8 9.8 Absolut. Maximunv 9.z (p.i 8% 8.7 y.z 13.9, i(t>.i >9.1 »7 10.8 10 0 87 KtZ Minimimv "ISS -IZL -I3.S -8 o -So -1.0 3.0 9.0 ZS -Zo -So -8S -I3.S Eju}tú)hedsgracL(lumi.nj Afiddrf 87 87 8á 88 8S 8á> 8! 8C 8S 8! 89 87 8S Damptiylc (tais.d.oap.) SficUlcL 3.0, 3.9 3. f 9g 9á 7.0 7.9 6.8 í’v.8 Sj 9s 9.6 83 Barometer. Afiddeh 790.1 7 3Ó.S lOlc/ 7SOÍ 7S7) 758.9, 7581 7 SU 753.7 799.7 793.7 7 96.1 7S09 SkydadckeOuhdositl) Middef 8.Z 8 o b.S 7? á is bg ss 6.6 79 8z 8.9 7.3 Nedbör ( Sierru bSS 16.3 91.9 336 91.3 3 Z.S 31.8 SéS i?9 89.8 S79.7 Afedbðr • * i /1 10 10 n 19 18 9 IS 13 21 /á ZZ 199 Sne * 7 19 8 8 to 1 n •/ f7 S 8 ,8 79 Dtuje rttecL: (jours dej Hayl i •i n 1 •i •/ */ n z •/ 1 9 Taaye/ = •/ X I Z z h •j z 1 *r •0 )Q Tordene K l •• •• »} •i •» *} 3 •/ •» Z 6 Frost (frouL) X/ 19 11 13 18 1 ti •t </ 9 >7 17 IS/ Storni (tempéte) 8 13 7 10 9 1 1 z z /0 1/ 9 80 N « . •/ .. 3 -» 1 II 1 z 11 S 39 NE ZÍD 7 zo 33 39 7 (d 21 9 u 3/ 19 139 E 18 9 ‘°i 9 '7 18 3 o 13 IS 19 >9 S /9/ SE 3 0 2.1 8 19 S 9 9 8 zz 7 ZZ ■9 /69 Virc dret/tlng: S 19 19 9 8 (s> ii IZ S 9 IS 9 zz /Z9 fdirectiondu rent,) sw l '7 r. 8 Z z Z Z 10 n 7 13 87 w •i 8 }0 °! 9 IZ 3 8 9 3 •t 7 68 NW tr> V- i 8 IS ll il 3 « 1 3 Sá Stillr (eulnuJ 9 8 •9 8 9 lá >9 >9 <7 3 S H7 N ■> •1 rt 3.3 1.0 3.3 1.0 l.s 3.3 39 3/ NE 3. 3 9.o 9:3 3 S Zo zs 3.3 Z.6 9i 9c 9i 3.7 E Z.o Z.i 19 Xo Z% 1.8 z.s I.S Z.l Z6 Zj 1.6 Z.Z SE X.i xn I.S’ Z.z l.ú> l.i M 3.3 Zá l.c. 3.Z 3 / Z.N FÍTidstyrkC': S 3t 3 7 98 3.9 Z.3 Z.S z.s 3.0 /.9 3/ J.3 3o 3.0 (force du rent) SW 1 0 /7 1.6 ZS IS J.S 1.0 Zo 2 S Z9 - Z8 27 W •i 31 ZS 1.8 l.s 1.8 1.3 1.8 (3 Zo •t 3.3 ZZ NW ./ 1.0 1.0 I.S 1.9 l.l I.S l.o : •f Z 3 m ■ nirjs-rrr.-i—; i. ■■-.-ii. rr-ns-,,;; - AÍUUtisiyriæ ((orcemty. > Z7 18 Z3 Z 8 xs IS J.S Z.I 1.8 2 9 3c Zc, Z9


Meteorologisk årbog

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