Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1883, Qupperneq 43

Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1883, Qupperneq 43
GQDTHAAB, JAHUAR. 1883 Ðaff Thermom&t&r. Cels vus. fáyh ylueUjraii Datnjrtrijk, B(cv 0 nve t er\ Vútdtma fííitu c/j Styrhr, Skt/ 'daiJet. NtrL. bör Annwerkn: S. 2. ,9. mm Maj&, Mtrv. 8. 2. 9. 9. 2: 9 s. 2. 9. <9: 2 V. s. 2. 9. 1. ’-t'h.'b -m -12.8 -13.8 -13.1 nn 8 3 </2 100 1.2 1.3 1.7 7sis 7Sf.8 7Sl.t AMS 2 Y z-3 M 3 9 7 !o 'CS 2. -7.3 -8.0 -8.8 -8.0 -7.3 -9.6 .911 85 9/ 2.S h 2./ 97.6 96.1 97.3 Mssf SY£ 1 Y£ 2 V 8 S 3. -s-.i -33 ~1S -50 -9,5 M. 7 0 79 1.1 2.5 2.8 957 92.1 31.1 M£ 2 ys 2 SY&Í-3 / 10 lo S -Í..G -fcV- -9.6 -3.5 -2.1 -73 58, 7? 1S 2.2 2.6 3.1 28.1 281 32.3 e, 1 S 1 0 9 1 w 's. Mo . ~+2 -S.2 -V.5 -23 -65 69- U 7 8 2.2 2,2 29 382, 36.1 32.3 SVSI-2 ÝS 2 YY& 2 3 lo to O.i */ 6. U,JT -7.1 -8.6 -79 -J9 -7.0 .1.5. 89 15, 2.6 2.2 22 27.6 180 33 9 AW£ 2 Y 1 vyYí-9 10 8 10 \áx 7. -10 é -11.6 -9.2, -lo.S ~6.S -10,8 93 97 ?/ 1.8 1.8 U.0 99.3 97.8 52.0 Yt/ 2 ye 1 YY& 1 10 9 10 1923 'ÓS 8. -39 -8.7 -8.1 -89 -8.1 -/3.3 88 9/ 9/ Z.l 1.1 1.2 995 98.8 91.8 Y//£ 2 YYO 1 yY 1 \0 lo 10 6.2 ■*3 9. -S.S -9S -6.2 -8.2 -7.7 -109 88 8' 79 1.0 1.8 2J 529 S0.& 987 £V£ 1 0 £Y£ 2 1 6 0 VÍí ÍO. -3.0 -37 -3.9 -29 -3.0 -H.3 76. 79 V 2.8 3.9 3.2- 361 >37 359 MS 2 3 YE 2 S 2 10 9 lo // Jl. -68 -II. 0 -79 V.9 -59 93 86 65 17 2.3 1.3 37.2, 31.3 90.t V 1-2 SY 2 £ l lo lo 1 SA2 . 72. ~9-7 -97 -9.0 -9S -S2 -125 68 87 66 '1.9 1-1 I.S 398 902 90.2 SYE 1 0 SY£ 1 6 6> 1 0.5 & 73. -9.3 -u. -8.6 -8.9 -7.1 -193 Sf 63 85 1.3 1.5 2.0 903 38o 37.5 £ 2 Ý£ 2 Y£ 2 í 1 0 vbf 70 -79 -69- — 7:6 -63 -7.9 —I0.S 86 63 89 1.1 18 27 3 8.3 38.3 2?.6 MYE-1-3 SYS2-3 S 2 10 lo w vb' 75. -á.8 -63 -7i -6.7 -7.6 -8.9 87 18 89 2 9 2.7 2.2 38.0 36.1 353 YS 1 sd 1 YY£/-i w ló & *23 75, -27 -8.0 -79 -8.0 -61 -8.8 15. /00 loo. 2.2 2.5 26 331 3 2.S 33.9 YY 2 yyY l-Z Y 1-2 /0 10 w 0.5 *Z3 :M -8.1 -7.9 -3.3 -81 -7.i -8,1 95, 12 88 2.3 2.3 U 36.7 37.1 31.1 YYYl-2 W£ 1 YY£ 1 10 10 lo 0.9 *'-3 ./& -10,1 -10.2 —10 O -7.3 -lo.s 87 83 87 1.8 17 11 Hú.S 91.3 923 YYS 2 YY£ 3 YY& 2 S t 0 Ol VÍf 79 -103 -129 -/3 6 -IZ.3 -95 -//. 3 72 62 79 1.9 l.i 1.2 9So 97.6 52.5 YY& 2 YY£ 2 YY& 2 0 1 2 vir 20 -163 -18.0 -189 -17.6 -io.é -16.7 75 81 81 09 1.0 0.1 58 0 57.8 S6.I YY& 2-3 YYS 3 YY6 9 1 1 0 VÍí 27 -m -12.1 ->2S -13.0 -I3.S ->8J 79 77 85 1.2 19 1.9 99.2 950 39-5 YYE3-9 YÝ£t M£ 2 9 1 0 22 -lO.Co -86 -92 -7.8 —io.s -ISz 83 71 75 1.6 2.1 2.S 30 9 26.7 110 ÍY& 1 SYS l Y£ 3 2 7 9 vif "25. -0 6 -l.i -5.2 -8.3 0.3 -/33 51 S<7 9 8 22 25 3.0 13.1 12.1 15.6 Y£ 1-2 S£ 1-2 SY 3 \o 10 lo 'M. '51 -12.1 -9.0 1.3 -68 9° 100 16 26 13 1.7 ZÖS 130 16.6 S 1-2 YY 2 ÝY 2 \o 10 w *!z3 JBL -IS3 -I&9 -IS.3 -5.7 -Í9.3 100 100 10 1.5 1.3 /./ 32.<f 36.i 3 88 YY l YY 2 YY 1 lo lo w 0.6 */ 26. -I86 -'7.8 -17.2 -179 -9.0 -18.7 87 87 81 09. {■0, 1.0 90.7 90.9 90.0 Y 1 Y~ 1 YYEl lo 7 1 0.6 *' Vtf. 27. -167 -ÍS6 -IS9 -160 -16.6 -188 75 86 <)o II ).i 1.2 31.0 39.9 92.6 YY£ 2 YYS 2 Yd 1 1 10 w 29. -'7.0 -177 ~.'f? -16°) -97 -17.3 100 loo tco 1.2 /■( 1.3 979 988 98.8 YYYI-2 Yyt/ 1 yY 1-2 10 7 10 X-3 29. -17.0 -166 -18 3 -17.3 -15' -183 loo 7o loo 1.2 l.i l.l 91.6 91.1 St.i y/ 1 y 1 YY i 10 9 10 0.5 *l 30. -200 -18.8 -ns ->88 -I6S -7.0.1 100 too lco 0.1 l.o l.l S6.9 58.6 58.8 YYY 2 ýyy 2 Y£ 1 7 9 to As JL -16.2, -9.3 -13.2 -96 -.151 -20.1 85 83 92 l.l 1.2 I.S 55.1 S6.6 SY& 1 YY£ 1 Y£ 1 10 10 1 tbr tfúltL -105 -10.1 -lo.z -wz -7.7 -IZ.7 ss 88 1.8 1.8 /•<? 790.8 110.7 191.1 J.8 1.7 7.3 7-3 (stt 35 FEE iRUAFL 7. -I2S -u -2.7 -8.2 -12.0 ->8o 756 0 798.7 139.9 SSY l £ 2 SS£ 9 9 w 10 9613 2. -ZÝ -Hs -8.2 -So -08 -12.7 329 31.0 28 0 SfY 2 YY 1 YY</ 1 10 10 10 l.l XI.23 3. -‘SS -188 -21.8 -18.7 ~2.9 -15.7 30.S 381 99.8 YY 3 YY 2 YY 1-2 10 lo 1 28 * 12 Ö 0. -107, -192 -20.0 -19.8 -ISo -2/9 99.6 99.1 99.1 yY 2 yyY 2 YY 2-3 lo 10 b 0.9 -fil 5. -20.7 -20.2 -Zl.o -10.6 -19.2 -208 91.5 90.0 90.6 YvYl-3 YYY 23 YW 2 8 7 9 6. -21.8 -21.6 -21.1 -221 -20.l -22 7 99.0 951 980 YYY12 YYY 2 JY 1 9 S 2 7. -22.6 -228 -239 -22.<f -2l.i -23 0 98 0 99.8 3?.7 Y 2 Y 2 Y 2 2 3 1 8. -228 -22 í -23.6 -230 -11.2 -239 32.3 11.9 33,6 yY l-i YY 2 £ 2> W W lo *l.2 3 9 -zw -23.3 -21.0 -23.2 -22.1 -29.8 31,3 90 S 31.8 S3£ 1 S 1 0 2 2 lo l.i *3 70. -21. V- -I9.6 -192 -20.1 -21.1 -267 391 30.9 2p Y 5 JT 2 Y 2 lö lo W 0.3 */. 1 77 ~.l.7,7 -18 9 -/7? -182 -17.2 -21.9 5 l.o 331 38.9 JYY 2-3 YYYl-3 YY 2 10 10 10 *ll 72. -m. -186 -167 -179 -I7S ->9 7 91.1 901 37.8 YY 1-2 ~YY 1 Y l W lo 10 0.7 73. -no -IS.7 -159 -162 ~I8 a 328 28 9 27.9 YY£ 3 YY£ % YyY 1 10 lo 10 79 -I2S -IJ.l -108 -IIS -H.8 -n1 3/9 31.7 399 Ö YYS l SYI-2 lo w 10 75. -82 c< l -109 -8.7 -8.1 -9.0 35o 359 90.7 YY£ 2 YYS3-9 YY&V-S lo 9 w *3 76. -IJ.S -II.6 -II. 6 -11,5, -6.7 -128 98 3 V9.6 SO 6 YYE 2 YY£ 1 s \ 1 9 w #/ 77. -M -71 -55 -79 -95 -12.9 961 388 21.9 S 1 £Y£ 1 £Y£ 1 8 lo 10 0.6 M. -1.2 ~10.2 -5:7 -I.i -95 083 Ofl 180 EYS/-2 S 3-9 S 3-9 10 (o )0 *Z3 73. —//. v -13.8 -17.1 -IV.i 0.9 -128 165 317 38,7 SS J 5 9 SY z lo 10 w 0.8 */23 20 -n.o -189 -209 -19-3 —U.2 -I9.I 922 956 951 SYl-3 SY 2 SSn' 2 10 10 10 l.i */23 27. -Uo -2J.o '-205 -tot ~I8.3 -21. i So.s £3.6 S7.o SíY 2-3 S$Yl- 3 SY 2 w 1. 10 0.1 */ 22 -215 -16 7 -167 -183 ->9:f. -21.9 £82 S9S 96.9 £ / S£ 1 YY£ 3 7 1 1 0.9 Í3. -lý.2 -19.0 -'P... -ISf -21.9 93.1 91.1 S9S /yY 1 YW Z S 23 lo 10 w O.i *Z3 29 -l<t. 2 ~n.s -18.7 -m ~I8.6 ~K).8 620 69.2 627 ssJ 1 yY 1 YY£ 1 10 10 lo 0.9 *,12 -BL r>7+ -175 -179 -ijs ~>7.l “2/7.7 SJ.o 9f2 51.7 YYE 2-3 Y 2 YY j 3 1 lo 0.8 26. -135 -123 -3.2 '9,7, -136 -lf.2 SI.8 9Sz 377 SS£ 1 £Y£ 3 ss£ 9 10 10 10 0.2 *123 27. -65- 00 -92 -IS -0.3 -199 36,0 31.9 29.3 s 3.9 ss&39 S 9 lo 10 w 73 XIZ3 23. -9.1 -I6S -m. 09 -Í9.0 908 97.0 98.7 Y 2 YY 2 yy 1 10 lo w 0.3 *U3 v6/ JA. 30 M /m -ISV -156 -155 -IZ.8 -!U nm 7 m 7 m l.o Z.% n Is t.t '94
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Meteorologisk årbog

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