Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1883, Qupperneq 59

Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1883, Qupperneq 59
ÍS. UPERN5VSK. JANUAR. 1883. Thej'mo rruMe.r'. Ccl*s iuo. Fn.<jii(jha/#tjrr/ú Jamptrtjhy B aa-orne.tcr. VirtÁMsJif.tru ojjSiyrhe. Skijd/rJrJef Ntcb. Ánmryrkii: Jjay 8. 2. 9. Middá Maec, Miru 8. 9. 9 6 2. 9 8. 9. & f 9. 6. 2. 9. hör 7. -ítn -272 -22.3 -Z3.Í -/7.3 -261 ÁsrP 7669 758.4 0 0 £ 2 6 Z 9 2. ■42,7 -230 -242 -23.6 -/8.3 -297 59.3 546 57.0 £ 1 <£ ) 0 0 0 0 3. -Zk'L -24.7 -27.2 -26.9 -2/7 -263 572 «56 á 659 £ J 0 £ ) 0 0 0 i. -17.7 -26.1 -23.2 -262 -297 -27.7 986 9/9 3?3 £ 1 Y£ ) c 0 3 10 5. J.n -/?.o -/96 -'7í -'?9 -27.7 923 995 437 £ 1 0 £ 1 8 9 0 6. -lo.o -/0,6 -13.0 -//.3 -6' -202 35? 32.9 396 £ 1 0 Jt/ 2 9 /0 í 7. -/4.7 -/6.2. -/32 -/6.9 -/0.0 -/58 9/8 97.3 52? -r / JFOÍ 1 sv/ 2 /0 /0 3 *iz 8. -/6.7 -/ 8,2 -/96 -/8.2 ~/39 -/67 589 57./ 536 0 0 0 9 2 0 8. -22.7 -20.7 -20.7 -2/9 -/46 -22.7 534 57.7 5?6 / £ 1 0 2 8 6 fO. -tZ.o -23.2 -'9.9 -2/5 -'72 -230 56 8 5/8 508 £ / 0 0 0 3 0 77. "H V -/62 -/61 -/44 -/56 -235 96.3 93.7 93 2 0 0 £ / 3 5 0 72. ~/4V -/6.7 -/66 -/6,2 -/50 -/7.9 9/8 99o 45o 0 0 £ / 9 6 0 78 -/6.7 -74 V -/67 -/6.3 -'49 -'79 93 8 92.9 9o8 0 0 £ / 2 9 0 .70. ~/2V -7.4 -7.6 -9.2 -/2 9 -/7 9 38 0 90/ 998 0 56 9 yY£ / 0 5 8 7S. -lo.i -/32 -/49 -/3.' -7.2 -'48 935 927 406 £ / £ / £ / /<? /S 6 MZ 76. -/7.6 -/71 -16.1 -/6.2 -.'06 -17.6 373 36.6 3 65 0 0 O 0 0 0 ...Æ -/66 -/7.2 -iq.l -/68 -'3.2 -/?9 90 6 925 959 £ / r / sw 2 3 ? /0 9t23 M 79 -19.7 -18.6 -20.Z -'9.2 -/?.7 975 98' 980 r / £ / C 1 lo 6 * / -2/.V-1 -20.7 -22.7 -2/. 6 -17.8 -2/9 959 472 59' £ 2 sn' 9 JW 9 io /0 /0 *Z.9> 20 -27.1 -277 -277 -276 -/9 9 ZÍZi 6/.9 663 Ó Í6 5»4 3 sw 2 0 10 6 0 27. -2? 2 - — ~246 -78.8 65« 60 4 553 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...2.1 28. — -IJS -28.7 -278 -308 98,9 93 8 905 £ l £ / í / 0 0 0 -2« 7 -27.2 -23.9 -26 9 -26 V -299 33.2 3/.i 273 £ l £ 2 £ / 0 2 z 'jL -232 -161 ~'9.9 ~/j> 0 -28.7 26/ 236 253 £ 1 / 0 (fi 8 lo -/4.7 -/3.7 -132 -'99 -/50 -23.5 27.8 30.3 396 £ 2 0 7ÍW 2 )0 /<7 io 96123 26. '78 “'7.6 -/76 ~'7.7 -/22 -18.0 9/.o 92,/ 92.5 Jd / 0 J/£ / !0 !0 )o */ 27. -/76 ~'7.v -/7.8 ~'7.6 -/6,9 -I80 9/. 5- 90.9 923 £ / £ 1 0 lö °> lo 28 -'*7 -/?.6 -/7.2 -/?2 -/6 9 -/?' 993 9/8 98.7 £ / £ 1 Sv/ 2 9 L 8 JÁ -/<>.2 -/66 -20.7 ~/?.4 -/78 -/9.6 ??? 99.8 5/9 £ / £ / 0 6 H 2 30. -2/. 2 -2/.7 -21.0 -2/3 -/8.3 -2/3 59.3 Sj 0 60 2 0 7T£ / £ / \ 9 2 J/. - 22.8 - 22.7 -23.9 -23.0 [-206 -23.0 6/.y 6/./ 5?. 3 & 2 £ / 0 3 6 0 Midíi -Zo.i -/^.7 -If2 -Hr ~/47 -222- 79/4.7 7?4v 797/ 0-1 0% O.oj u Sji 2/ Oo FEE IRUAR 7. j -ZS.i -2?V -2Zl -239 -2/./ 758.? 7575 7V?.6 £ 2 £ 2 0 (0 6 2 2. -22.2 -23.0 -2/2 -Zz.i -212 -ZS.8 377 36.3 36.0 2 / 0 lo to /0 */.23 3. -20.0 -'72 -20 0 -23.0 367 33.0 396 yw / 0 wr 2 io 8 T Z.o -K/.Z3 i. -'74 -19.2 -/96 -188 -/47 -20.8 936 907 9/5 r / r 2 0 to 8~ /ö */23 6. -2/2 -22.7 -242 -Z3o -'76 -21.2 92? 90/ 90.8 5 2 r / 0 z 6 í' OS */ 6. -24?y -2V.0 -240 -29? -20 0 -2S8 93.2 93.7 4?.3 a 3 sW 3 10 á /<? */. 23 7. -24y -26.2 -27-9 -26.9 -23/ -26« 5/7 5/.0 43 5 0 £ / 0 9 2 <7 */ 8. -2«g -2V2 -20.9 -23/ -23.9 '27.9 399 288 2 56 £ / JT£ 2 0 6 8 3 9. -'78 -/? 2 -206 ~/?2 -/6.7 -298 377 909 9/7 JSá 2 72 2 4 9 8 8 *5 20. -2/6 -Z0.8 -206 -21.0 -'72 -XI. 6 90.0 37.2 346 J7£ / e / 2 6 ? /0 */13 77 -2Ö.6 -202 -/9.6 -20 / -18.9 -23 0 393 39.7 3?' £ / £ ~r 0 /0 8 /0 72. -/?6 -20-7 -232 —Zl.lo -'7.8 -20.8 ' 92.2 929 3?9 £ 2 £ / 0 /0 /0 0 H/.23 78 -22.7 -22.7 -23.7 -23.0 -/8./ -23.8 329 38 8 38.7 jyyy / 0 Y£ / 8 W 70. -25> -232 -23.2 -222 -25.8 90 6 922 99.9 £ / M£ 2 3/£ / 3 ~S 8 -24.8 -242" -272 -26.9 -2/.1 -248 56? 57.8 629 £ / £ / £ 1 9 3 0 .76 -277 -247 -222 -24/ -239 -28.0 ~T 9? 3 9?5 44 7 £ / £ / 0 0 lo 10 =2.3 77. -2ð.ö -/2.0 -/42 -147 ~'?:7 -17.9 93 0 3?.6 39.2 £ / £ 2 sv/ / 10 10 5 *23 ...M, -/2.7 -Í2« -ISo -/3.4 -17 0 -ZO.S 259 /9.6 17.0, £ / M£ / 0 10 7 10 2.2 78 -ISo -9. V -6.7 ~/0V -/2.2 -18 0 /86 29/ 2 8 8 0 JV/ 2 st/ 5 10 /0 lo *23 . 20 -/64 iíZ£ -/9.2 -'7.? ~*7 -I80 563 38.3 9O.i sW 2 svi / S\/ / 10 /0 10 */.2 27. -2ó,7 -20,3 -202 -209 -20/J 926 95/ 988 SI7 3 svi T Si/ 2 10 /<? 10 * /.23 22 -22.4 -224 -229 -226 - -22 S 56/ 582 56 8 O 0 0 0 0 0 JÁ. -267 -2471 -237 -259 - -267 99? 927 98.9 £ 1 0 sW 3 0 0 3 -2.0. -22 o -2/8 -2/7 -2/8 -26 7 S80 623 697 svd 3 Sv/ 2 s / Z 2 0 */23 JL -2V.9 -23. V -247 -29.7 -242 62/ 56.7 5/8 £ 7 0 0 0 0 0 26. -248 -2*3 -23 8 -296 -262 528 53? 5/. ( 0 0 £ / 0 8 0 27. -26.0 -246 -29.9 -243 -26.2 95/ 936 369 0 0 0 2 3 0 26 -2/2 -/2.0 -23.0 -/8.7 - —26.0 2?.o 325 969 £ / sv/ 2 sW 9 )0 /0 10 /23 ..M 30. JL, Mi&L -ZZo -2/o “Uv -2/5 ~2y.o 7977 7V2.3 in.i ít iz i.O Ist) !•$ 6.'S V.7
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Meteorologisk årbog

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