Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1884, Page 86

Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1884, Page 86
n. MíDDEL-VINDSIDEN FOR FÆRÖERNE P R O O E N T. I,C' cötc du nciit de,9 llcs Feroö (7 ntatioiwj 18 8 4 NW N NE E SE S SW w NW N NE StMe Vúidstyrlm. Skala, 0-12. i/iuuuir f-fO 3£ 7-z S i-b SW tg-tg Wlg~l3 1Z J.O) U W SW37-0 W 38-0 JfW/ð-i Jf 6-1 H- 2.7 21-31 W zo-q JCWii-S Jf IZ-S W£ 31-3 1 2.6 Fcbruar 1-10 ó IS-8 SWz<f-2 W zq-o J/Wq-s 3 2.7 1120 & 6-1 S 3z-o 3 W10-3 2 2.8 21-21 J(& 23-V- 6 tt-o 36 30-0 S 20-3 ú> 2.1 JVtarbr 110 S 8-V 3 81&-0 S zi-o SWtS-t 3 2.7 11-20 SCzs-o S 31-7 SW 20-3 W 6-3 2 2.2 2131 S /£-9 se 3s-u S /í-9 sWs-i 5 J.0} Aprils 1-10 Jt£■ 3ú-i: £ zz-i 3£ i(,-o 3 7-S (0 2.0 H-20 IfV/lbAi Jfwi J£ £7-0 £ á> J. 7 2130 Jíí 7-4 £ *.i 38 W-l S Z8-Í. 3 2.i Maj 1-10 JC/9-3 JÍ& W-l 6 i6~o 36 tl-0 6 2.1 11-20 S 13-13 SWZ3-I W 16-2, J/W ii-it 7 2.1 2131 S£ 13-3 S 13-1 SY/lq.i W zi-z £7 7.0 Jmtú 110 N633-3 £ 17-1 3£ ig-o ð S-0 /3 J.1 11-20 S 3-0 SV/26-0 W 3S-0 MW/z-z 2Z J.S 21-30 S iz-o sWsz-o W 28-0 Jfv) 1-3 d Ul J uli/ 1-10 M£n.o £■ 3 9-o SÖZS-0 S 3-0 n ■7.1 11-20 % \ 1 Jí zo-o S£ 3%0 £ Z8-1 7 J.w 2131 Jf IS.S Jl£ IS-S 6 IZ3 S£ /3-/2 J8 J.S sfoufust/ 1-10 £ /£-3 S£ ii-ð S 28-0 SWif.i 23 J-7 11-20 S 6-3 3£ ZG-0 S I8-0 3Wl7-S ZJ J.1 2131 í H-U 36 zi-z S Zl-o SW20-1 °1 2.0 Septerríber 1-10 SW g-g W io-z WW19-10 JflS-9 At.. J.(o 11-20 S£ i)-z iS Xb-z SWzi-o W 7-Z 3H- 7.3 2130 S zs-i sWis-o W h-o WW 9-1 3 2.S öktóber 1-10 r 3 W12-13 W 13-1 JfW 8-2 Jf 19-17 (0 2.1 11-20 & S 10-10 sWig-i W 21-0 YWlí-5 73 2.1 2/31 S 21-13 sWii-o W 7-1 JfWlZ-3 2 2.7 JVootmber 1-10 3£io-i <S Ity-é) 3 W 33-1 W Hf-lt 1 2.0 11-20 SW29.0 W 11-1 J/W 17.1 ■W >7-12 9 2i 21-30 *V/v.3 Nss.s Jf£n.z £ S-i /7 ll Deeembér 1-10 S zi-s sWís-o W is-i WW 8-6 70 2.3 H-20 SWlZ-6 W 9-1 l'WUr-12 Jfl3-Á 71 2.1 2131 SSiés £ 13-1 5 W13-1 W ii-i 3 2.S Vúvter. (DeebnFebr) S£ io-i S 11. g SWl2-it W 22-S v- 2.1 Foraar (MarLnMfý) Jt£ ti-n £ *-7 S£lS-S S iS.<j 8 2.0 Sommer (JunlzAiig) 6 3£ il-i S 13-1 SW11-11 16 7.6 líÓit (Septbr-SoBÍ^ S tS-13 SW 21-S W n-z JfWn-b 72 2.o Aaret (ÞeeirJ/oob^ S11-8 SV/ ts-i c W /2-7 uo 2.o l.


Meteorologisk årbog

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