Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1886, Qupperneq 51

Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1886, Qupperneq 51
JANUAR. I. 57. QODTHAAB. 1886. AM . AA* • . /t** • X ‘/-jlt , Da# Ba, ronir: í&r Thej •mometer Celsius Damptryk Fuytighedsyrm VineUtis Rdn.og Styrke, SkydaJdu, Æed- bör Xnntce,rkrdru/er. 3. 2. 4. S. 2. 9. Macc Atm,- ■ 9 2. 9. S. 2. 9. 8. 2. 9. 8. 2. 9. / m,x m.'i 7464 :U ~ ó.a -10.6 '7-t -to-l 2s 15 l / bW 1 XXW 3 /a ta (a i1 £(>7 J.i Cf.% ~tf.9 46. t -16.7 -tf.c -6.c ->7.0 1.2 15 — tidví 3 J6 i Jf/W í XS / (O to p 634 3 bi.7 _ j m 62.2 -(5.6 ~>1.6 -ll4 ~t7.o t-2 15 í t JfS 2 8 8 0 24 9?a-‘Zk oo^/^vt/ 11.2 ía.i 57.1 -124 (0.2 -ta.c -12.<\ -17-2 t.C 16 n 2 Mé 3 X2 2 8 /0 ta 0Í7 s n. 6 i'K 7/.Ó -íú -5.7 -2.2. -/0.1 -4.7 6.6 85 í / 822 2. S 5 1 ta (0 : : f 6 JAi (14 Ji.f ~!°4 -tt.6 -//■6 -2-7 -134 /•7 1o sw 1 wew 3 W / 1 1 1 1-7 7 i<f.í tiO.f 544 ~((.Q -tt.o -ttý -104 -Í3.0 /■8 12 0 W 2 xxs 3 1 °! /0 04 " j s Hst St.% '48.0 f74 J64 it-7 -í/.1 -ti 7 -fa.6 - (2 * -74 ~Í3 0 -(04 - * 1 -13.1 hl l .5] n q/ Jífj Kí Xí 3 X 3 ta ta to 10 ÍZ.o 55.5 7 04 -124 -tz.i - 7.5 -12.t -‘34 61 8/ íjj 1 Jl ( 562 / rL. t x / (0 8 /0 1 (Q fa ZZ/b 04 AD73Í „ 11 'BU '414 .117 /./ -11 -2.6 r.t ~/2.7 1.5 1o sst 1 8 1 s 1 to /0 /0 1.0 X~a-2fr ^ 72 J/Á 564 57.0 -10.2 -104 J.o /4 -to.5 ~ - Jf ! S / Z t 1 7 1 2.7 «> T 3> /3 46.7 2,4.7 3(4 -7.6 ~S4 -8.1 -7.2 -t/4 2.0 81 2 3 X2 3 XXiJ ta (0 ta ■%°-lfa oo'w iS ió /ss if'ý.i. 77.8 ~/2ý -H. 6 -/2.2 -74 -/3si 67 16 53.1 p4 57./ ~/6.o ~/54; f',7 -124 '-*(•( 474 -'/r.f -n.i m /00 Jf 7 W6Z 2 XW 2, XW 1 a x? Z to 1 _L 7 /0 6 t.c 0.5 17 (Ö.Of (14 13.7 ~ÍÚM ~Í5.7 -/f.1 -154 -<78 ■ - % 1 S 1 2X2 2 10 (0. lo *r~C2fr IS tfO.Z 32. t -16.2 -íl.o -la -Tft -tf.o ií> — t.Q 0.2 04 -t.o - m t 0 0 10 60 (0 3o.2 •S *if& Úf> 20 TÍ4 51.7 564 -74 -ta.7 -I/.6 a-7 ~8.o 24 11 Mtw 3 XXW 3 XXX 7 ta /0 (0 22.0 útr^t*- 21 iíý 47.o 57.0 J-7 -7.0 -64 22 J.l -64 -8.2 -t/.í' 1.1 /QO s 2 0 Xi 3 8 1 (0 23 (.YS 66.7. 6/41 O.o 0.6 -OJ 0.0 -/O.o M 76 S í S í. 2 i 8 7 T 0.7 *■ 26 5/°! 514 77-2 2.0 3o -/04 3.o -to.o '1.7 tOQ hfw i s w 3 x% 1 ta to 7 *r~(°-2f> 26 ÍVS 52.i 76.6 .r/M -7.6 -1.0 -8.7 -I5.a 67 7<? í$Z 2 S2 3 5 1. i, te /0 2.1 27 ÍZ-7 524 51,1 -170 X 1 X 1 ta 7ö ta 23 ~/C4 (a 8 to a-7 29 úas U.7 fC-t -21-2 ~2l.a -224 -/8.5 ~22.o - - WWi 2 XJfí 1 Xí 3 /a 8 1 0.7 T S±/ 30 áa.y ll.o 6,0.4 ~23q. -21,o -23.1 -2/.i -2I4 - - J6S 1 X% 2 XZ 3 1 1 0 \±/ 31 51.7 55.$ 51.6 -214 -2o.a -174 ~2l.i ~25.o . - Jti. 2 XI i> xt 3 3 7 a Mídd, 'm.7> 752.1 752-4 -H-7 -664 -162 -8.5 -11.1 14 1o 24 2.7 2.3, 84 U 8.1 658.Í U>%. /VH.'HI, FEBRUAR. X ~l2o./Ú75o- 1 Ht.f 75o. 2 74(4 -174 -71.7 /.0 21 tiWi 2 Xi 2 Xi / 5 3 (7. 2 ií.i 47.7 51.0 -/64 ,~/ÍZ -664 456 -174 - - xt 2 Xi 2 Xi 3 5 3 0 NV 3 52.0 Ht 22.6 -134 -124 -(0.6 -t3.í -174 l.a (7 J68 1 Xi 1 xs 1 0 0 0 Si 35.7 /24 -74 ~7.1 -124. -74 -tf.í 2.6 toa J61 7 J/ / X 2 /0 (0 (0 mt°2fr ;“/*' S 11-7 72.6 -124 -ll.o -II. 6 -64 -134 66 12 J5 7 x 2 X 7 /0 /0 /0 ~Í4 6 m U.c 324 ~l3.f —/f.o -H.2 -la.q -12.7 6f 16 Jfi/tti 2 3fJfW 4 JfXvt 2 1 $ 5 60 X W 7 its 314 354 r4.f -2.0 1 -12-7 °4 /00 ofví 1 i l XI 7 to 1 0 3 3fá Ul Æl ~2o4 -2l.(, -21.5 -/75 -214 04 /QO J6 2 ww 7 Xí í /0 1 a T7 S fif 5Ú 5o.o -I34 -23., -2/4 -/?.? -25-3 - ~ 0 ixi 2 Xí 1 5 5 0 /•? ^rzfri .10 51. i 534 52.6 -'Zí-l ~tí.% -2/ý ~2U -21.7 - XJ6% / a xs t 1 1 0 2.4 11 (5S u.f 664 -23 0 -22.6 -224 -18.6 -22.7 - - n 2 XÍ 3 Xi 7 3 1 0 12 011 354 63.5 zm ~22.1 -ÍS.1 -22.1 -214 Q.6 12 iJÍÍ 2 0 XS 7 5 8 /0 «> *-2fr /3 55*1 584 564 -Í2.0 iS ií'.i 5l.o 314 -2.2 04 -2-2 13 2a.v. -í.o ~Í4 14 -24 1-2 toa S 5 S8M/ 7 S 1 /0 /a to 71 ■ 16 57.1 52.2 -tt.t -7.1 -1-1 -04 -//4 /•? /Oo WSW tj sw 1 62 3 1 1 /0 1.0 fíHfr 17 Zt.J if.$ 224 -3.1 ~T-1 -f.f -3.t -//•7 3.6 too Vfí 2 SSS 3 252 1 lo to 10 xm 13 ?t.i 35.7 75.7 -66 ~/4 -662 19 m foý 504 ~!2.7 -t2.6 ~14 -/7.7 l.f H JÍJÍÍ 7 0 JW 1 $ 7 to /4 20 1<U\ 714 72.0 -(1.5 -121 -(2.5 -Í04 ~/5í /4 71 va 7 %X% 1 X2 í 5 5 7 . 04 ■X 21 774 7i.i 352 -654 ~(34 14 ta 0 JfJÍW 2 Xi 3 XZ 1 /0 (o ta 22 lii.f 71. C 72-7 -13.2 ~!5.6 -117 ~t04 ~lf-7 - - J6W 1 xxx 3 X 1 to /a to 3 7 X^t^lfr 23 íiý 52.5 724 -Í3Í2 -M. -t.o -/2.6 ~m 6.6 /00 X í ta /0 (Q la 6 .24 f/.t 57.1 55.7 -3-1 r i,2. -64 :l4 -13.7 3.5 /QQ % 2 a X 1 to ta to XwC7fr 23 Í84 (24 (7.7 -to.7 -h.o -(3.5 -04 -10.7 - X 7 xxw 7 X 7 ta to ta 5.0 26 (%.( ($.( 7a.l -74 -2.6 -°I4 -13.7 14 %0 Jfí ( % 1 Q 8 8 8 Q4 ™*2fr 27 1o4 Cf.C 7o.a -2.2 -(■•7 -14 -24 -ta.7 M 75 J61 2 X2 3 xz 1 3 a 0 00 X-j tn 28 Ký 77. t 1 0 ú 29 30 31 MM. nn 7504 750.1 -624 -66.1 -624 -1.3 -65.7 ■ t 16 2.1 76 U 5.7 m , '
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Meteorologisk årbog

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