Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1887, Qupperneq 51

Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1887, Qupperneq 51
57. QODTHAAB. 18 8 7 JAiMUAR. X■ - //f fr 7fa Dagi Baromstjj- TTurmoiruter CeJJizu Dump tryk 'nigtighedsgraa Vindms Re/m.og Styr/cn Skydalc/u Ntd 4rwru»rkru*u/er. S. 2. d. S. J? 4. Mcuz. A/uiy S i1. 9. S. 2. 9. 8. 2. 9. 8. 2. 9. iör / 741. 7 731-1 755.3 -lí.f -19.7 -4.5 -/2.5 -15.2 /4 /.7 /4 12 71 1t Áfí í 42 1 42 1 8 1 9 0.9 2 6 f.c> 6/.f 53. t -/&.! -ÍÍ4 -16.7 -/9.0 -/34 /*o J.o /.t 9t 80 1o l I 48 9 42 2 5 0 O 3 91.7 H,t 2/B -m -/0.2 -8.2 -174 -/7.9 /4 /.5 2.t 73 73 85 £SÍ 1 42 9 448 7 1 to fo ooH ti 12. c ílff 57. & -//•? -íl.g -Í2.0 \ -74 -12.7 /■7 /4 /4 w 19 /QO Jíiti l 4 1 0 to to lo *h oo^ S Ffi.a 53.7 ía.i -12.7 -/3.5 -/3.7 -I04 -’94 /■5 /■5 /4 n 16 W W / W / W 7 to 10 °t i. 7 4;Ma2l° 6 ío.i ío.o 5U -12.7 -17.1 -/3.9 -/24 -ií.í /■5 /.7 t.t toa 76 68 tsz 1 252 / 42 9 10 1 5 2.8 7 F&.'f 5U 5o.6 -&.Z -t.o -Í.7 -n -lt.2. 24 2-0 /•7 too 88 52 5S wí 42 7 SSW 7 1 1 1 /4 * á 3i.& 23.2 2 0.6 -6.2 -Í4 /.0 -Í7 -14 2.7 2.2 2.1 11 61 58 41 1 42 7 42 1 (0 /0 lo a.i * S Sa.7 27-0 n.i — O-ÍL 1.5 -a.5 /0.1 -64 3.1 9.5 24 8/ 61 53 0 252 7 42 / 7 1 9 ÍS Í5M ÍO 2F.7 2o.o 27.Z -24 -3.7 -7-7 /.6 -24 2.8 2.0 2.5 79 58 /00 Slflf 2 2S% 7 S 3 % °t to NSh H nz 27.7 m -<?.o -8.7 -1.7 -14 -1.7 2.o 2.o /.5 1/ 85 61 S 1 441 2 42 9 1 7 /0 0.2 #•*“» 00H Í2 /6.% /S.i iz.l -1.2 -í-7 -7.7 -1.2 -/04 i.i 24 3.3 /oo 75 81 vn/ 0 SS2 2 1 7 to o.í /3 io.'i n.í tu -8.0, —tO.o -/0.5 -l.a -84 2.7 2.1 /•7 11 /00 86 S 9 S 3 4 7 1 lo 7 1.3 NCa2l° /4 tl.'i n.í tí.O -U4 —ll.g -//■2 -7-7 -(94 1-8 1.6 /4 17 81 75 0 4% 2 442 í 8 6 5 0.% 'dd tí Íf.f u.7 Í5.5 -to.5 -f.2.1 -II-7 -to.i -t2.6 /.5 t.5 /.& 77 85 81 M 2 Jfí i 4421 5 5 to 16 tt.í n.7 tu -/2.7 -lí.2 -/54 -(04 -IV4 /4 /4 í.t 12 12 86 J/t 9 42 2 42 2 5 5 0 W n fo.'i Sf.i 5t.í -lío ~tí.5 -IÍ4 ~(o4 -lí.i /4 14 14 88 1t 16 41 1 44% 7 442 / r 2 to 1S Í2.i 52.2 íí.t -164 -l5.o -12- 7 -/94 -/6.7 /4 14 (.7 15 loa 79 Mí 1 442 2 42 3 5 í 0 w 19 !&.% /6.3 íí.í - 6.0 -t-3 -74 -6.0 -16.7 1-1 34 2.6 6í [OO íaa M 3 S 9 5 í /0 1 to 26 n.i 73.0 37B -64 -74 ~%4 -04 -7.7 2.8 2.5 U /ao (Oa to 0 ssg 1 $S4 2 442 7 /0 10 10 í.í 21 ~Ju Í7.2 ti.í -K4 -12-7 -lt.7 -6.0 -(24 1.7 1.6 14 (QO 12 loa SVf 2 Swr 2 442 7 /0 1 /0 1.2 22 n.i 2a.L 3 0.7 -Í5.i -12.0 -114 -1/4 -(5.5 1.7 14 l. 7 87 76 12 Míi 42 2 0 (0 1 5 0.6 23 m tú.o t2.a -/2.7 -12.6 -/5.2: -(04 -15.5 /.6 1.5 t-2 lao 16 86 44 2 4 7 442 7 to /0 í Q.% 2<r ÍLÍ Í7.Í U.n -154 -/f.o -18.5 -Í2.8 -/6.7 14 /4 U 15 11 íoa 4í ! í 1 S 7 1 7 tct Q.1 *h 23 n.% 37.0 Ufi -/24 -tZ.o -10.6 -/2-7 -15.5 14 14 Í.6 8í 7% 83 52 / 842 2 42 3 1 /0 to 0.1 M. /»3 26 /3.1 Z/.o Z8.Í -lo 4 -124 -174 -84 -19-7 2.a Í.6 l.t /00 fao toa 44 í 4W 3 W4uf i. /0 /0 ta x^ch 00 27 2%.% ÍO.L tt. 7 -íq.t -2a-5 -214 -/0.% -11.5 l.o 0.8 - fOa 13 - 4442 4441 4 1 (0 8 5 /0.9 *‘ua-'4Sv>*2H 2S 3n ía. 7 í3. s -214 -225 -224 -I1.Q -22.1 - - - - - - 44 1 44 l 44W 1 /0 6 /0 0.7 <x>/u’ 29 tu 5(1.7 513 -m -264 -274 -204 -26. 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Wi -1/.6 -20.7 -2o4 -21.0 -29.6 a.% 04 - • /ÖC toe — 4 2 442 2 48 / 7 5 /0 K- <«^3 23 ttSf n.’i Í2M ~2a.i -2o.t -lo.a -2o. ~22.o 0.<f 0.1 - too (00 48 7 42 2 48 2 7 5 5 -90.1 444 f 4W / 4 2 8 2 /0 /0.1 00 A2(° 27 H7 tí.i Í8.5 -203 -n.i -2l.o -173 -2o/, (4 a.% 0.8 taa 77 (00 4442 4 / 44W2 1 1 /a Kr 00 /' 9 2S tu Í74 m -2o.i -lí-7 -2o4 -174 ~2/a •«. l.o a.e - 1í /00 W4W 44W2 .42 7 7 /a 0 oo'1*- 29 30 31 Midd 7í5.o 7 fí.7 -lí.5 -ít.o -lí.5 r M -/61 /•7 U 1.6 15 8f ‘H /.<5 h Z.o &! 7-7 8.1 6o.2 .
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Meteorologisk årbog

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