Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1888, Page 49

Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1888, Page 49
GODTHAAB. 1888. ss /t*+.'Ut* . •«**. Nordliíj Bredde (Lat.N): L 7°H '■ VestUgltmjde fra Greenm. (Loncj. 0 de Gr.).- N/ iNí. /, =/.z/ ^r7Sd. /<iff tia/fe/sestf '/J/T/J/ciœes d oltscroa/ion) S a/. rrv:, p.rn . p.rrty. t. a i Februar \ Marts ít c •? JuW § September Oktober % 1 Decernber Aar (anm'e) Middd ('moirmru.•) -L.l -9.1 -Í.5 -2.3 /■9 í-9 7/ 7.2 27 0.7 -5/ -9.5 -íi Th/rnw rtu'Jrr. Maxiimim ~jh_ -5.9 -2.9 0.7 5-i /o.3 /0.9 tío 54 3.0 -32 -19 /.* MiddeJ/' Minirtuirri -9.3 -ll.t ~S.L -(.5 -o.g 3.3 7.7 77 O.o -17 -M -!2.o -2.8 C e/Ls ius. Variaiiort- 5.7 L.í (7 7.9 5-9 7.o L.5 L.t, 5.7 77 s.t 5.1 f.L Absohity Ma.zimuitv 2.7 2.°! 9.o 59 /2.7 23.2 /7.5 ÍL.5 H-l 9-7 8.5 5.9 29.1 Mijiinmrn -21.9 -2o.$ -2.L -9-t -0.8 ‘■9 /t -2.7 ~8.o -/7.2 -22.5 -23.5 fugtigh/dsgmd(fmm.n// Middf’J n 9o 8L 22 82 75 8/ 8L 87 25 23 27 27- Damptrylc (tais.d.vap.) Middei' 2.f 2.2 27 3.3 7.5 5-7 í% 5.8 7.8 7.3 2.5 2.! 7.o Barometer. MiddeC 751-3 752-9 751-7 758.1 7M.1 750-9 757o 755.9 75(s 7527 775.1 77o-% 75(J SkycUdckefn/bubsitÁ) Middch 7-2 8.i L-7 7-2 U á.t 57 5.8 55 7.L 5.L 7-7 7.o Ncdbör ( Snmy 77.1 L5.L 257 22.3 22.8 25.2 7tl 75i 73.8 87.2 17-3 6t2 535)5 JV/dbör • * i /7 /L /2 U /0 /5 II /7 /7 17 18 /L 175 Sne■ * /f U /( /C 7 8 - L 2 7 /2 /5 í/7 Dage mecL: (ýours d/J: Hagl i - s fc 2 L •» V w 2 5 Taage/ = - 2 7 V 8 2 /5 18 2 z / 7 ff Torden/ K l % . * «. << - «t L L .fc - L Frost (iroid/) 31 28 29 12 / L /8 2/ 29 2/ 230 Storni (tempétc) l / 2 (r / Cf y 3 3 /f N 7 II 12 2/ u 9 5 5 /3 12 /3 /0 /37 JVE $5 22 27 22 27 /o 7 3 22 27 37 23 2L7 E /5 °l 2 7 L 3 L w 3 7 2 7 55 SE 7 9 L l 3 /5 ‘7 // ‘9 // (a 3 /lo S 7 5 n /5 23 lo 12 $a /8 12 L 7 170 (directíon du. ven/J : stv 2 f 5 7 8 9 7 /2 7 / 5 /0 29 W i á / / L 13 22 (2 7 5 5 /7 92 JVW 9 /1 7 5 7 Lf /7 7 2 // f // /03 Stille (c/dme) °L 9 12 /3 9 5 7 /0 3 2 fc V 2o JV 1.(1 2.L 2L U 1.5 1.7 u U 2.5 2.t 2.° 2.3 2.t JVE 2-2 2.t 2/ /■8 /■5 1.5 ‘■7 /7 2.7 2.5 2-3 2.7 2., E 1-7 U 2.o U w 1-7 - *% (2 ti 1-7 U U SE 2.( 2/ 2.7 2.0 /•7 2.8 2-9 2.7 2.7 2.5 2.7 >■7 2.L Findstyrke,: S U 2.2 2.2 2.t 2.o 2.i 2.8 2.í 3.t 2.1 2.t 7o 2.L (force du ren/(: SW /.8 2.9 í.o 2., /S /2 13 U U 2-2 2.7 3.5 2.C W 17 2.5 2.o 2.o U 1-2 Ul /-/ 1-2 2.o 2.L 27 U NW 2.5 2-7 (8 2.o /■7 /•3 /.5 /•f 2-9 2.t 2.7 22 Z.o Midddshjrkr (Jorœmot) >2.o 2d /■9 U (5 /U /•7 u 2.5 2.7 2.5 2.5 2.a


Meteorologisk årbog

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