Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1889, Page 80

Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1889, Page 80
NardJig Bredde ÍLattíude/ArJ; 30. VesiligLœtujdc' fra, Gr. (Longiliule 01; 11° /3 / PAPEY 1889. 1/öjde ovftrí/avcl (AUUudel: Obftcrvalor.- 0. . Iag'tícujels&stieLef r 1 S < 3 ÍL s <> k >0 | Aar tancue/ (líeurcs d'obstrvuttonsJ % cum/., L pj/r. el' Of p.rn... § Fe6n I k'! 1 ;t f<5 á a § Middeb (rrLoyerirœ) -/.8 -31 -o.z 3 g té> 3 (. 8 78 3 r/ 5.8 1.1 Tn Fh/irrtn n/r/rJpt' Ma/ximum C {’LsÍAJtf;. Middd. < Mtfibmum, ■ VarLattjtn, Mavlt \ Mtmimum/ 3 H 3. S /3 Srj 7.5- iz.z //. S //.á /2» 7.7 79 Íd°) (%.z Mini/ruun, -'l i -Fi -7.7 1.2. lí H.o Fs -/.V-. -*./> -u -lY.l FagttgJiedsgratKhmmrd) MLcLdeb Damjdtyk (tens.dvap) Middel Skjjd.aJdtf (neJndosi/J) MiddcL A'edbör (húui. Su/m. Nedbör » * & 13 Ito 13 10 n 1 & 9 7 /3 1/ /9 m Sn,e * 10 Itt L u & 1 n 7 i sz Daxje rnjtfl: llagi/ i •• - - • ■■ M n 1 £ 1 7 /jours de )-. Taage ...= lo 7 If ‘tf u )/p ZL 2-7 I5T v? 3 7 i&f Jorden. K (1 v " " " * •• 0 1 / €• £ Frost (frobd) Slorrrv (tejnpjjei 8 II (j) 5' •z 3 1 £ /7 7 /7 Up P NordtigBrédde ŒatiJude/JSL/; í'fu2Z. 8JARNAMES Llöjde over/Idoef úlltíJjjdeJ: 2 VksitigLœnj/dv LraGr. (LongiLnde. OJ: ISa/S. 1889. Ohsrrvator: M-j/M . /ax/tiageJresiJjJju K i | 'á >5 < Is 1 1 S5 k -s (lleures d'observa.twns) fí a.m/., L p.m/. et °j p.m/. Fehr 3 1 > 1 1 & 1 (aruiée/ Middd/ (moyerme) ~'7 - 3. 3 - 0.8 1.3 7.8 i 8 lo.z 9.7 7.2- ^3 £0 S' To Tfvérrrwmeter. Manitmuti, Mi/LM, Minimum< Cels Lu/i. Variatiom MaalL Ma/.cimum, Sz Si 7.8 /39 lá> 2. 15* 0 /?8 97 7.? U0.2, MinLnuutv ~?i 'iS.l -9 s — k>lr 3.S 7/ L 3 Sz -£ 5- -3.9 -*.3 -7 3 "/3.7 TugttghodsgraeKhmnrd) Middel/ TJampJrglc (iens.dmp) MiddjiL Sfigdœíuke/ (lududosilé) MrddeL k i Si 6 l 7/ 8 S Iti 7. Y L 1 á9 73 s.°> £ 8 47 Nedbör ( Sum Nedlör m -* k u 13 lt tz lo \0j 8 II /3 18 IS /9 /7^ Sne * 13 IZ °l 3 er II - ll / Z z /0 SZ Dage rrvexL: (jours de/)-. LLagL A #* §• - rt H »1 w *' • M - m Tcegjje = - 1 3 3 3 C 3 V (d - zz U Ve Tord.em K M r « / *• *• M * •• « 1 Frost I.frobcb) Slarm (txm/réte,) c. 1 > «1 - j «r /• «< t. 1 / 3


Meteorologisk årbog

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