Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1898, Qupperneq 65

Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1898, Qupperneq 65
73 UPERNIVIK 1898. januar. Bar.véd. a la, hd. 45°. Daq BarorrveJjor Thermometer C&Iæ ixvs JJsCtrnjitryk.' Fugtigheclsgrad VindensJFdfUog SiyrJce/ Skydœkke, Ned bör Arvnvœrkninyer. 8. 2. 8. í). 0. Max Mvrv. 8. 5. 8. £ 9. 8. i'. 9. 8. 2. 5. 1 ISoí 1SZ$\ 76'So '11$ '22 7 -2/8 -130 -11% 6.$ 0.5 0.7 76 64 85 dMl 2 AAt -2 m 1 lo Jo /0 02 s U.i $71 y&« -IV 0 -2S.1 -2 $3 -214 -1VI> 0,5 o.V 0.5 73 63 61 £ / / tn 1 Z 0 0 3 3*7 7, i*n V6> '26.7 -2SV -2$í -23 Sl -27/ 3 3 o.V 05 56 ?0 9o 0 A£ / Sw 2 2 5 V ! / S'iú! 538 -2V.7 '2V7 -2W -ZVÖ -26.7 or o.H 05 ál 72 73 0 C / L 2 2. / 0 5 V7ft %2 v?V -26| -26,4 -233 -26,1 *.V OV 0,5 60 8? ú 0 0 ð / / 6 $5i S8Z SS'S' -261 -261 -26,9 -253 -273 ö.V ov 03 80 76 68 0 L / L / 3 2 0 7 S'S'1* $7,7 S36 -271 -26V -27 V -25V -28/ 8V 0.3 03 74 68 S$ c 1 í, / 0 0 0 0 8 $$9* 53 3 'lb% -26.V -2í»V -<263 -278 <7,3 o.V 05 78 9o 0 8 / L 2 0 0 3" 9 V71 vv.v 7$S ■'2S2 -2S3 -as;* -2V3 -276 Í.V 05 ov 72 tl 72 c 1 t- / l 1 0 1 / 10 V7Í> V8i V7 3 -23*1 -2513 -2s;8 -23 S ðf 05 o5 7V 73 80 0 At 1 0 lo V 0 02 11 39,2 íLú 3ST7 '27* -l(tc -25:3 -2J3 -2?6 0 3 ö.V 0.5 66 70 61 AC / C 1 n 1 Z /0 r o.V 12 V23 V6.f '21.61 -líi -2ö,8 -2IV -27t oj 06 0.8 6s~ 8V 93 0 ) 0 /0 /0 lo 13 VSI Wo -2iz ~IZ b -221 -2o6 -211 Oit 6s Ss N .1 / 0 lo 1't V93 V69 VVb' ~l{«\ -236 -2S-3 -Z1V “22.8 07 o.V CV 92 66 72 d t y L N 1 7« lo Z 15 5(e0 i?v<» VI7 -261 ~2$7 -2y3 -2/. 3 -263 C^ OV ob 76 71 9/ <L 1 $w L jL 6 lo 16 V$t V9.</ Sö.i -22.6 "21 $ -2y« -Z/6 -28,1 0,5 05 0.6 76 69 loo 5 t 5w 1 SL 2 6 5 3 17 5ú S03 vvv -2S3 -2SV -263 -216 -25% es 03 03 81 60 69 L 1 £ 1 {. 1 2 2 1 18 ys;?, 'V7S- -26V -2V7 -3o 3 -287 02 0.3 - $1 73 0 0 L / / 1 1 19 su Í2S S-ÍTl -27V -27.3 -175 -2S6 -303 43 o.V 0.3 66 78 55 0 t l 0 0 0 0 20 Sbíe íu SSÍ ■17 S' -265- -293 -26.5 -3oi o.H- 0.3 03 77 63 7v 0 L 1 0 0 0 0 21 56. V SípS Si.i '3/ C> -3t$ -Ji.i -268 -311 — - - - 0 t / L 1. 0 1 1 22 569 SVb $6,0 'Ztfýj -281 -2/4 -283 -3i.3 — o.V 06 - 76 77 0 H í 0 1 7 L 23 Í3S VbO VVi ~1V<\ -2$1 -2V3 -/9.6 -3 0 1 o.H o.v 0.6 72 72 9/ l/n, l ítrí. 1 0 2 z 5 21 Sl S SV.7 -n 9 -21,3 -223 -ll.S -27.1 ð$ 06 06 76 76 M. S5>v i SSw 1 i$w 2 /0 fo /0 25 $11 S-/V Í3S- -2V,2 -25;s -273 -21.1 '251 0$ o.V 03 73 7/ 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 syy Jí/ 7 62.V -25S -2SV -26.S -23S’ -263 Ö.v 05- o.v 71 61 69 L 1 UrL 1 £ 1 5 $■ 0 27 a~3S' HÍo -26< -291 -29,3 -29,5 -263 4V 0.3 02 $4 7V 60 0 81 1 ð 0 1 0 28 3S.0 -26<f> -2V7 -234 -265 «3oí 0. V 0.5 o.V 66 8l 66 0 8 1 0 lo to lo 29 Vl.t V7.7 $11 -2o9 -232 -2V3 •2o>' -246 <7.7 05 06 86 75 9/ id X $w í Sw 2 to Io lo 30 S$3 5'feS' S’&V -22 S -23ö -233 -2od '25.1 05- OS' o.V 76 68 67 S 1 tSí, 1 V 1 3 1 V 31 SHJ So. 7 V&2 -2V.7 -26/ -273 -21,7 '2 6| 05 - O.V 81 78 0 0 0 a 0 1 MiddU 7$ot 7VV.4 7W.2- '2SV -2Sr -2S6 -231 '27.3 Ö,S~ o.v oS" 75 73 78 O.b 70 08 3(0 Vi 3.V 0.8 FEBRUAR. Bar.réd. d la f/d. 45°. 1 7516 7$2>l '262 -2s;i -223 -2Vo -273 0 0 s J z V 5 2 l*ltX ÍS;3 631 -237 -273 -2V 3 -/80 -27, 5SW Z 8L 1 0 /0 5 5 3 $ÍS 37,5 5Z8 '26, i -26.7 '256 -2iö -269 0 0 A / 7 7 /0 1 $7 0 56 0 5'6S -267 '2ST7 -22.3 '2S;8 -283 8L i 8L 1 0 lo 8 /0 *I°-2P 5 íö? 6l. (é -22S '2 VI -259 '/8.1 -26f 0 ISw 1 S 2 lo 5 5 o.V 6 6J 9 íoífi S'S-S »2-7./ -266 -30S- -210 -296 81 1 8L 1 CAt / Z Z 0 7 vn sii sv 1 -3ð7 -3o7 •“295 -283 -3o4 8L 1 0 At 1 X $ /0 8 $0% $‘.5 S2.2 Uv.i -3oo -3o l -283 -3o8 /tr 1 1 0 V $ 0 . 9 $12 vvs VV.7 -327 -31$ -333 -28S- '52.7 K 2 2 8 1 2 8 /0 10 $12 S2.J S"6S -3ííJ '3,7 ~32ö -3öð -336 S 2 s 3 S 3 /0 /0 /0 0.2 11 $7.0 Í8.i> 5V.I -3Í.V '31.3 •31.3 '29.6 -32,3 S 3 SSvv 3 S 1 lo /0 /0 0.2 12 $&$ 58 V S83 '3V3 -336 ~3V3 -J05 -395 0 0 0 1 2 0 13 l»o.$ bl.3 60, V -3V3 '3V.7 •333 -3V.9 0 L8l í 0 3 / 0 0.9 *Na' 11 sz»l Sl.7 S*vi -34'.? -JS"3 -32.9 -3Ío -357 H 2- 8L 1 SS*y 1 V 3 3 0.2 15 b$l 712 738 -2vy '262 -296 •2Í3 -35% S 3 SSí. 1 £A£ / /0 8 2 16 6V.6 599 5V.9 -3o 2 -277 ~2s;$ -26 0 '30.3 C/rt 1 t 1 £ / lo 5 3 17 $b.c 71,6 783 -/«1 -2VS -2V.9 '/02. ~3o 3 5 V SSW V SSw / Jo 7 3 **f<^ «^a' 18 ?7V 771 7<?S -2S6 '26V -263 -/0,2 -26.7 0 L 1 0 $ V 0 0.2 19 %ll Sl.v 77ö -2&.I -27.7 -283 -253 '29.0 L / L 1 L 1 0 0 0 20 Mfl iö.S Ifillc -266 -2V1 -21.3 -268 '284 Aí, 1 íftL 1 0 s /0 /0 *K1Y3 21 íS-V.2 662 7/.V -27,S '26.3 '283 '21.3 '27.5 0 NHl 1 0 5 /0 0 >.l *'*2P 22 73. v 72.9 727 -32.V -3o 1 -3ö.3 -26« -33o e> 0 0 0 5 0 1.5 23 73«, 73 fe 76 / -311 -3o.S '3(4 '28 s -33 0 w / 0 0 5 0 3 21 7S;(9 m 72.5 -335 -32 S -3V,3 -293 -335 L f 0 í. / 1 0 0 25 663 63.1 -3V5 '336 *3V3 '3S;5 C/ 1 tAt 2 w 1 JL 0 0 26 71.3 7S<? "32,Ö -313 -3o.6 -31% '35Í 0 S l 0 s <7 0 0.2 27 S02 UöS ■|0.3 -335 -30 <í -31.1 -30 0 -33.6 0 0 í .1 0 0 0 28 80.I 706 77 y -33 5 -311 '31.3 -294 -3Vs 0 6 í / 0 0 0 2.9 30 3/ Midd lb3.1t 763.7 76V.6 -2V.V -293 -29.2. '~1U -3í.y 7.0 /./ 0.8 VV >1
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Meteorologisk årbog

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