Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1904, Blaðsíða 65

Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1904, Blaðsíða 65
1 7* UPERNIVIK 1904. JANUAR U(tr. rftl. (í 1.1 l/ít. 4S°. Ðag Barometer Thermonveter (Jelsúus Jkmqitryh fíujtighedsgrad Stgrke/ ,S3tj fdaJch bör AnmxsTkninger, a. 2 9. a. 2 9. Maa, M«/. A 2 á 8. 2 9. 8, 8. 8. 2 9. 1 7 ns 7S00 7S03 ~/it -210 “22,Vj -!$0 -/$6 0 £ ) c 1 /0 6 0.4 2 5l.Z. 53.7 SÍ.9 -25/ -25.4 - 26.3 -m -757 6 2- £ 2 l 1 3 2 1 3 s/.r si£ $39 -26,5 “26.7 -27.3 -2 9j -275 t I £*£ 2- /it 3 í 3 3 1 Si.o Iný/ 96.6 ~i$.S -234 -236 * 7*2 -285 At 3 3 8 3 /0 /0 5 5 m 31C) 37.5 -21.7 -2/.0 - 2/.0 -2/.V -Í6tf Í/V£ Z y 3 > V /0 /o /0 6 37.«/ 39.9 31,1 -io.s '2/,/ -200 -2</l -221 l/>6 I tdC 2 0 7 ...3. /0 7 ns V3S 999 ~lí,i -/4.5 -/4./ -/4.0 -2/.8 0 0 0 /0 6 7 8 97.3 9Í.0 SoA ~!<U -/7/ -m -/8.3 -te.t l X C 1 t 1 6 lo /0 9 $s:3 $9ý 547 -is.s “/6.2. -17.7 -//.3 -74.5 vVSw' 2. w 1 0 /4 /0 3 10 sta 61.9 61.3 ~/6.f '2o6 -2/4 -/55 -/8,1 35W 1 w$w 1 /Zi/W t V /0 11 71,9 61.9 -23 3 -1V.4 -26.8 '/6.V -2V.V Mr 3 dw x 0 /0 5 1 12 Lia 6n.3 6/. 7 '16,9 -17X -26.0 -22.3 -280 $ 2- t / l 1 2 / / 13 5M 56.7 5V.1 -23.0 -Z3.I -23/ - 23tf -27.7 6 2 £ i £. 2 3 / Z 11 99.0 V7./ 97,3 -20.8 -17.6 -/a.% -205 -2V.0 1 t £ l 5/VL / 2 V 10 15 Sl. 3 s/s 91.0 ~/Vá -/8.3 -i/.O -//.0 -21.$ 3 1 «5 x 0 /0 /í> X 16 16.9 9o.7 91.7 ~32.$ -2V.6 ~i$i -/V.O -t3S S * J/ 1 // 3 3 8 to 17 9o.7\ 9/4 -27.4 -247 -32,3 -2/.S -2g 0 8 3 /\f 3 /5 /0 10 18 m 53.5 S9.S -3/./ -S/.7 -3/.6 -26.3 -330 0 0 t 1 /0 1 1 19 Sí% Sl.i 525 - 30.4 -24.4 -266 -24.5 -32.Ú 0 SL 1 SSW 3 t /0 /0 20 $0.1 98f) s$.$ -19.1 -25% -32/ '23.5 - 3o.4 0 MV 2 w$W 2, /0 /0 X 21 Í2.% 6e.i S7.3 •33.1 -33«? -3V.3 -22tf -33.7 0 0 0 1 1 / I 22 ■ io.t> aa 6Z.0 -5S;/ -SV.8 -35/ -2«V “3S;/ 0 y 1 0 1 z / 23 69X w 0SO -39.1 -3VS -3 9.S -»2« -355 0 t 1 0 I 1 / 27 U.°l ii.t $1X -3/.4 -3/.V -30.6 -3/.5 -39.7 0 y 1 £ / 3 7 7 =nf3 25 SS. $ 51.3 $1.6 -3/.0 -S/.2J -3)0 -30,3 -311 t 1 L 1 £ / / i / K/ 26 SI.L 3i,3 53.7 - 3/.3 “ 10,/ “24.6 -30.3 “1/.7 t z 0 0 l / 0 27 sst 56./ 55.7 -2V5 -28,3 -27/ -Z4.0 -3/.S 0 t 1 0 0 / / 28 Si.Of 97.1 97.9 “28.5 -24.8 - 30.0 -.258 -24,6 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 95,1 9$X 9$a 'io.o -3/./ -30.5 -1Z5 “30.7 0 0 0 1 / 0 30 %,% 9S$ 9$.b -30.5 -244 -1/./ -24,0 -3I.Z 0 é> 0 0 / / 31 V4t 91.1 $1.6 -27.4 -274 -26.4 -27.% -3I.Z At / /fl 1 0 / 1 3 MitífL ?5/,f 751.1» 7 $14 “257 -26o -24.2, -21.4 "27.7 • /./ 1.3 1.0 9.i 9.7 Vi 0.4 FEBRUAR á la Itri. 4S°. 1 756/ 75% 0 -26.3 -27,4 -266 -256 “2 8.5 0 £ : 1 t 1 Z 0 6 2 Sz.9 V5.g “20.3 -/3,8 -/B3 -/8.0 -2«0 £//£ 3 £/V£ V ídt y 1 3 5 3 931 99.zJ 96.0 -65 -57 -53 -5.8 “l/.O C4«L V /VL y 0 t 8 8 i ns 91,7 Sl.% - V.O -33 - 35 »> 24f - 7.1 ÍAÍ 2 4 5 L l 3 V V 5 5S.L $6.0 S7.& -2.8 - 38 -1.0 -7.0 L t 3 t t 3 V / 6 57,7 6ZS SV.z, -7.3 -6.5 -7.1 -t.% ~4.0 t /. L 1 e 0 0 0 7 SLS S9.S $i.9 -11.3 -/2,3 ~/9x -53 -/2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 S9.I 6o.t $M -m “/76 -itfz -/0.3 -/«,5 0 0 0 10 /ó 5 'TW 9 s&z S7£ 54.7 -23 V -255 -16.8 “/70 -i»7 >V 2 0 0 7 V 2 10 $6,1 SS<6 ss.s -263 -26o -2S,S -l/.$ -272 0 0 0 3 l 3 11 $$.9 $5.0 S5X -251 -2V.1 -29.6 “2*1 -245 0 0 ð X 7 3 12 $3,9 SÍ6, $96 -24,3 -26.0 -27.3 -13.8 -265 0 0 £ / z 1 1 13 Sss S6.0 $7.1 '30.3 -3o.l -3/.S -19$ -30.5 0 0 /•y / 0 1 1 17 0,0.3 ii.9 ot.l -Íl. 3 -30% -3o,S -285 -31.5 0 0 0 / 1 0 15 <3.7 m -,-.6.1.41 -303 -27.1 -26,3 ~24,3 '3/.7 £• / L / L 1 0 X 2/ 16 íe.V S%<) 58.$ -22.7 -/4.4 -/6.6 -1X9 -30,3 t / í i 5 2 z z /0 17 Stfi 66.9 i6% -23,5 -321 “35/ -/58 -135 /V' 3 f/ywi 0 /0 7 / 6.2, 18 0S.3 63.9 6X.3 -352 - 39.3 -.35,6 r.m -36.2 £ / L 1 l 1 1 / / 19 $3% S3.Z. $W '16.7 - 36.V "36.7 -31.3 “36.7 /F 3 /{ 3 y 3 z 1 2 20 «7 S/. 7 Sx.9 -373 -37.1 '37.f -36.0 “375 /F 3 0 0 z Z 2 21 53,7 soý $0.3 -36.4 “36.3 -363 -iifi -380 t 2 0 0 1 0 0 22 96.9 934 -1*7 -33.7 -32% -35.7 "37.0 £ / 0 0 0 0 Z 23 9i,% 904 3 $J -244 -U.9 -27.3 -26,3 -357 5 3 0 1 / 3 / Z 27 n.i »3.4 34,/ -2fty “17./ -2 7.0 “263 -245 0 0 0 V / 0 25 99.(1 9S3 97.9 -28/ '45/ -25.8 '285 0 £ t ssw 3 / to 26 9U V2.r 99.6 -23.7 -21/ -2S.S -/8.8 '28.7 0 /V 2 »v S 8 /0 S 27 si.o 51.7 $6.9 -27.8 -1/,/ -333 -2), 5 -17.% iiw 3 6v/ 3 lo /0 <? 23 $5.3 s9$ S3.9 -33-9 -3/.4 -28.8 “265 -3 V5 8 ( t X t a 1 9 6 29 99.3 93.L 374 -24.0 -2V.7 -23.3 -26.% “334 C / £ / u 3 9 6 6 30 31 Mitíll 1S3.I 753.V 7531 -19.7 -i9.l -«V/ -1// -27./ /.3 /2. /./ «?/ s.9 36 01 L
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Meteorologisk årbog

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