Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1906, Page 82

Meteorologisk årbog - 01.01.1906, Page 82
70. NoMlá/Breddc (La/i/iuh'N^: ^ ; SAUDANES ffÖ/deoverffavet'(iltitude/.g^O Ve&llu/ Lœn/jde fraGr. fLorujihidcWi: IS'I1!-. 1906. Oh.<ifrofif/tr: / o i-r, ^ ^ ‘Pfmi lagitagelsestider (fleuns d'obseroations) | VD 1 A | •si b cf1 A 1 5 4 Aar tannM 8 arn., >2. p.rrv. ei/ prrv. § £ Middel tTrwyervne) — -V-ö \-lS -o V- - - - - - - - - — Thernwmeter. Maodmum/ - MiddeL MirUmunv ~-(s> í -4».8 -35 - - - - ■ — - Ce'hsÍlLS. Variaiion Absohit ■ Mwxinuurv Minimum- - -14)0 -164 —9.6 — - - - - - - — - Fagfigkcdsgnu/dmm.rd) MvdcLei/ J/amjdrylc t1ens.d.vap) MiddcL SkydœJcke tndmlositó) Middcl - 7.7 7.6 74> - - - - - - - - - Nedbur ( Swm Nedbör • * i - ‘7 18 »7 - — — — - ~ - Sne * l(o /6 »6 w - - - - l/age, nveFL: fjours de): Bajjb i «• « M - —s - - ** - Tcutge = - 3 3 - —* - - - - Torderv K - m • 0« ~ ■■N ** - - - - - Frost tfroid) - 2.8 30 26 - »■* - — - ~ - SLorrrv ttemjulte) - 2. M 3 - - - - — - . o I +** NordLU/Bredde (Latitude/N(: ■ SKEGGJASTADIR. fföjdeoverffaveJ> (Altilude/:<r $8. Ve&tiig Lœru/de frw Gr. (LoTujitude W/.- VV-0 57. 1906. 0bs^^r^i^UÍeurUU^ ^^4j/ Jaj/ttcujeise'Stider 1 SS 5 «0> i i 1 4 Aar (fleurcs d'observations) s 1 “1 I5 il ;§ § 1 (ann/q & aarv., 3 p.m/. ei Oj prrv. <0 § Middel frrwyerme) Ss 8.2 Si 67 -08 , Thermometer. Maadnvnm Middd MinUrvunv v-a S3 2>S 36 -0.3 -7 6 — Ce/Lsius. Variation Absolut | Maocimunv Mininuvm' -0.(d 0> -»S -16 i oo 6- -8.7 ~l(sH - Fuyliyhedsyraddmmrcl) Mvddci/ Bamjvtryk ttens.dvap) Middeb S/a/dcekkc tndndositii) MiddeL hZ 8> 8» 67 77 7« (s.o\ — Nedbör Swrrv Nedbör • * i <7 ÍO II io lú> 2/ n Snx * 1 I 4 6 15 IS .Daye nvedi: Hajjb i * n o t* n 4 n — fjours de/): 7'aage =E 7 10 »6 7 to 7 l *-* Torderv K ■4 * n H n M Frost tfroid) 2. n i > l> 25- 30 Storrrv ttemjuUe) r* *9 n te\ M -


Meteorologisk årbog

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