Tíminn - 14.06.1991, Síða 10

Tíminn - 14.06.1991, Síða 10
10 Til sölu Vatnfild farg á votheitum 4m þvermál, Hummel blásari '85 ásamt rörum fyrir tum, aðflutn- ingsfæriband 3m. S. 98-78570. óska eftir garðhúsi í Skammadal. Uppl. í síma 673421 eftir kl. 19. Til sölu spænskunámskeið m/ísl. leiðbeiningum. Uppl. í síma 673421 eftir kl. 19. Til sölu 10 dekk 13” og hansa- rennibrautir 2m. Uppl. í síma 623915 kl. 5-10 föstud. og 6-10 laugard. Meira pláss! Hirðum dót úr göml- um geimslum. Uppl. í síma 16497 og 39621 Helga og Hanna. Hitatúpa til sölu. Uppl. í síma 96- 41915. Laxa- og silungamaðkar til sölu. Uppl.ísíma 91-681972. Óska eftir fjarstýrðri flugvél nVfjarstýringu, byrjandavél, fýrir lífið verð. Uppl. í síma 653634. Hljómleikar með Roling Stons og fl. sendið eftir lista. Pósthólf 87 300 Akranesi. Uppl. í síma 93- 11382. Til sölu nokkrir dyrakarmar, tvær innihurðir hvítar 2,1 á hæð og 75 á breidd. Til sölu maðkar. Uppl. í síma 681956. Til sölu notaðir pottofnar. Uppl. í síma 612362. Óska eftir að kaupa lífeyrissjóðs- lán ríkisstarfsmanna. Ef einhver sem hefur réttindi ríkistarfs- manna sendi svar til: Notað & Nýtt, pósthólf 10240 merkt „Mód- el 0083“. Rennibekkur, lítill járnrennibekk- ur, uppgerður Myford (enskur), 50 cm milli odda. Uppl. gefur Jóhann í v.síma 689100 og hs. 53097. Rafmótor, 3ja fasa, 2 hestöfl, til sölu, 2800 br.m. Fæst á hálfvirði. Uppl. gefur Jóhann, vs. 689100, hs. 53097. Óska eftir að kaupa bensín- sláttuorf. Uppl. í síma 620382. Til sölu rafmagnsþilofnar , einnig gömul slátturvél verð kr. 10,000 einnig gömul heiþyrla verð kr.15,000. Uppl. í síma 93-38938. Til sölu hjólhús Predon og hand- verkfæri fyrir tré Uppl. í síma 687168. Til sölu gyllingavél (Hot printer 1000), ásamt mikið af lausaletri og gyllingafólíum. Nokkuð af nafn- spjaldapappír, kjörið tækifæri fyrir þann sem vill skapa sér auka- vinnu. Uppl. í síma 82354. Erikson Hotline til sölu, verð kr. 75.000, nýyfirfarinn og í góðu lagi. Uppl. í síma 672716./ 98534595. Óska eftir hleðslutæki fyrir Mobira City man farsíma. Uppl. í síma 985-34595. Óska eftir fataslá á hjólum. Uppl. í síma 10304. Óska eftir útiþvottasnúrum. Uppl. í síma 10304. TtVOLÍ. Opið alla virka daga frá kl: 13- 20. Um helgar frá kl: 12-20. Ýmsar spennandi nýjungar, t.d. míni golf, Hryllingsbúðin o.fl. Til okkar er styttra en þú heldur. GLEÐILEGT SUMAR. Tívolíið - Hveragerði. Tek að mér að þrífa í heimahúsum og fyrirtækjum, er í Norðurmýri í síma 24311, Kristín. Húsnæði í byggingu eða tilbúið undir tréverk óskast keypt, er með einstaklingsíbúð við Laugaveg og öruggar greiðslur. Uppl. í síma 985-34595 eða 672716. ERLEifDAR AUGLYSINGAR Send me 70 stamps from your country and I send you 70 Spanish, too. Jose M. Gil Olmedo. Gandia, blq. 3, P. 6. Seville. Spain. Girl 26, would like to correspond with penfriends to exchange ideas, postcards and a good friendship. Write to: Dany P.O. box 25 - 60028 Osimo Stazione (AN) ITALY Spanish shapely healthy openminded masseuse offers her friendship any race or age. May Martinez, Jose Maria Pereda 23,1 izq., 28017-Madrid. Spain. Girl (25) wants to correspond with girls and boys (21-30) for friendship. Maria Teresa Ruiz Garcia, Guindales 22, 4-D, 28921-Alcorcon, Madrid. Spain. Hi, all you boys and girls from Iceland. Here’s a 16 y.o. girl, waiting for your lett- er. You should be 15 - ? Many interests. Write to: Jessica Jodejahn, Woerthstr. 33, DW-4100 Duisburg 1, Germany. Hallo, I’m a 15 y.o. girl from Germany and I want to have penpals. If you’re between 15 and 17 y.o., write to me. Des- ipee Hoff, Anrather Str. 16, DW-4256 Willich 1, Germany. Willst Du Freunde in Europa haben? Dann schreib mit frankiertem Rueck- umschlag an V. Starck, Schoenberger Str. 92, W-2300 Kiel 14. W-Germany Student, 23, 175, with interests in theatre, politics, art and different cult- ures would like to correspond with wom- an from your country. Joerg Nickel, Fritz Flinte Ring 12, W-2000 Hamburg 60. W- Germany German girl wants to correspond with young people who live in Iceland. I am very interested in your beautiful country and I like horses. Please write to: Sabine Eggers, Kurfuerstendeich 40, W-2050 Hamburg 80. W-Germany Exchange stamp, coin, banknotes, viewcard, friendship. Alfred Rost. Venezuela 4751.1754-San Justo. Buenos Aires. Argentina. Welpen von goldenem Collie, aus- gezeichneter Stammbaum, Uebergabe August. I. Racova, Lesni 303, Velka Dobra 27361, CSFR. Au pair boy, aged 14-16 required. Want to leam the german language in exchange for littie help in housekeeping. Good money. Letter with photo to: R. Rochow, Oberdorfstr. 13, D-w-5441 Brachtendorf. German female, 21, seeks penpals. Inter- ests: music, art, literature, life and death. Gudrun Nobelmann, Am Wichelshof 32, D-W-5300 Bonn 1. Achtung! Loese meine Eisenbahn Spur N auf: Grosse Anlage, viele Rangi- ermoeglichkeiten: Fleischmann und Minitrá. Horst Hanisch, Arcadia Passage 3, D-W-5300 Bonn 2. 15 aquare dance petticoats in black, red and white, and 20 pairs of Nylonstock- ings, 32 cm, with white seam in black and brown. L. Merk, Mollwitzstr. 12, D- W-5000 Koeln 60. bautiful, majorcan lady, 30, intelligent, 8 languages, wants to marry professional, handsome non smoker, 37-40 y.o. Long N O TAÐ letter. Box. 579. Palma de Mallorca, Spain. High educated man 33, 176-78 from Iran, 15 ears in abroad, seeks intelligent female penpal 24-30 to exchange ideas. Intr: culture, music, travel. Afshin Bavand, Edingekroken 15, S-16363 Spaanga, Sweden. Educated Iranian man 33, 173, seeks nice, intelligent penpal 25-30. Interests: culture, classic music, travel. Siavash As- baghi, Armegatan 32-312, S-17159 Solna, Sweden. Wellpaid work abroad. Normal salary for men & women USD 100-350 a day. 150 diff professions. Ex: Baby-sitters, deaners, engineers. Catalogue free. Employment Agency, Box 9040, S- 17109 Solna, Sweden. Swedish men seeks Iadies, 18-50 y.o, from your country for friendship and marriage. Send photo, seifdescription and wishes to: Sonny’s Contact, P.O. Box 55101, S-40053 Gothenburg, Sweden. Deutsche, 29, sucht Briefkontakt. Wer erzaehlt mir etwas ueber Island? Bitte nur in deutsch schreiben. Takk. Bless. Astrid Schygulla, Im Doeming 24, W- 6900 Heidelberg, Germany Hello Islandl 21 Jaehrige, w, sucht pfer- debegeisterte(n) Brieffreund(in), freue mich ueber jeden Brief. Patricia Bach, Pirmasenser Str. 74, W-6750 Kaiserslautem, Germany German student searching for a half year term practical course in information el- ectronic. Please write to Stefan Springweiler, Morgenstr. 20, W-7500 Karlsmhe, Germany I’m an 18 y.o. German girl looking for penpals from Iceland. Please write in English or German to Sandra Thomas, Jakob-Rettig-Str. 1, W-6710 Frankent- hal, Germany German girl, 20, wants penfriends. I’m interested in a lot of things. Write in English, German or French. Jutta Hezel, Auwaerterweg 15, W-7000 Stuttgart 80, Germany I’m a 22 y.o. German girl looking for penfriends from all over the world. Claudia Neher, Luederitzstr. 18, W-7140 Ludwigsburg 10, Germany “Antiche famiglie’’ rent weekly farm houses and villas. Tenuta Bossi via Stracchino 32, 50065 Pontassieve (FI) Italy. Fax:+39-55-8364008 1-7 p.m. Are you looking for a sincere friend? I am an Italian man 26 and I would like to correspond with young men or women. I like very much your country. Stefano Cuizzardi C.P. 14161, 20140 Milano, Ita- ly. Stamps, send me 100 from your country and I’ll send you back the same quantity and quality. Mrco Lorenzi V.le Corsica 11, 50127 Firenze Italy. Disney story writer 30 y.o., smart guy looks for girl penpals. Nino Russo via Betti 27, 20151 Milano, Italy. Austrian female, 27, seeks penfriends, 25-35. Interests are travelling, music, to write etc. Please write in German or English to: Michaela Brenner, Rathaus- platz 15,6, A-2000 Stockerau, Austria, EU. Student of computer science, 28,183, seeks a nice girlfriend. I’ll be in Sarps- borg, Norway during summer. In Eng- lish, Swedish or German to: Horst Schmied, Mitterberg 33, A-8665 Langenwang, Austria. I’m tired of the gay-mentality here in Austria. That’s why I (28) am looking for friends in Iceland. I like music, travell- ing, dancing, sports, theatre, penpals, nature. Pls. write: Andreas Blaschke, Schlossbergg. 6E,10, A-1130 Vienna, Austria Deutscher Mann, 40 Jahre, moechte huebsche junge Frau heiraten, auch mit Kind. Antwort bitte mit Bild an: Hans-H. Herbst, Waldstr. 20, W-5249 Bitzen, Germany. Wer kann mir behilflich sein bei der Suche nach Oldi Kfz und Moebel. Tausch mit neu Kfz moeglich. Martin Haberkem, Aeuss. Nbg. Str. 3, W-8542 Roth, Germany. Suche Brieíwechsel mit Damen und Herren in deutscher Sprache. Bin 51 Jahre. Hans Jung, Siegelsteiner Str. 12, W-5439 Bretthausen, Germany. You are alone and don’t have the time to look out for a partner on your own? Partners in Harmony will help you. Tell us your needs. Membership for 6-12 months only 15 USD p.m. Partners in Harmony, U. Klein, Waldfrieden 13, W- 5413 Bendorf-Sayn, Germany. Argentinian, male,17, wishes to contact boys and girls for friendship. mariano Ticinese. Pio Diaz 1075 1 B. 1674-Saenz Pena. Buenos Aires. Argentina. Exchange stamps from argentina and your country. Nestor Sufuentes. Malabia 75. 1704-Ramos Mejia. Buenos Aires. Argentina. Mexican 39 years old, single, ingennier, wanted relacion with atractive lady 24 to 35 years. Fernando Alvarez del Castillo A.P. 13-283 Mexico D.F. Young student seeks correpondence with cunning people. I’m looking for people who can send sightcards to me. Info immediatly. H-H Sprick, Vahren- heider Markt 8, 3000 Hannover 1 W- Germany I’m a 16 years old girl who wants to write with boys-girls, aged 16-21 year in Dutch, German, English and French. Imbrechts Sandra - Elleveldweg 10 - 3150 Wespelaar (Belgium). Please send me telephonecards form your country and viewcards. Muller Theo - Kolibristraat 1 - 2170 Merksem - Belgium. Thanks! I collect camumberplates. I would like exchange them for anything from Belgi- um. I answer all letters. Write to: Johan Janssens - Mussenhoevelaan 39 - 2530 Boechout - Belgium. Collector wants police-unformbuttons. Can offer snopmaterial and a free liftime membership of intemational collect- orsclub. Please contact me: Van Wesem- ael - Bullinckplein 4 bus 3 - 2000 Antwerpen - Belgium. I’m a collector of used matchtickets from big footballgames (Europe-Ancup, Interaationals, etc...) in exchange: stamps, viewcards, money, etc... Seven- hant Roland, Zandstr. 419, B-8200 Sint-Andries B. I send telecards for all kind of amusing card from before 1914, tradecards, postcards, calendars,... Contact me ple- ase: Collectom, Stenenbrug 14, Antwerp 2140 Belgium. Tel: 32365962 Blond Venus, 30, delicious body! Fond of private pictures-video-lingerie-n- aughty letters? Only one adress: PB 75, 4640 AB Ossendrecht, Netherlands. W- rite now! With Intera. Answer Coupon. Send 100 or 200 stamps from your country and get the same from Belgi- um. F. Van Hame, Olifantenstraat 66, Bus 1, 9000 Gent, Belgium. Pretty girl with humour and brian wanted by Swedish man for friendship, poss more. Intr: travel, nature, books, music, movies. Photo pls. Kennet Nordqvist, Krysshammarv.20, S-17157 föstudagur 14. júní 1991 Solna, Sweden. Man, 30, 182-77, slim and sportive, blue eyes, blond hair, seeks openminded, sensual female for fy. attract and maybe marriage. Pls answer with photo: P.Karlsson, Alhagsv.58, S-14559 Nors- borg, Sweden. Swedish boy 25y.o, 1.88, good looking, interested in litt, movies, art, travelling & much more. I’d like to corr with a females who has the same inter. D.Ericsson, Aguelig 15, S-73339 Sala, Sweden. Lot’s of money! For salesman or firm. One good agency products for your country. Call +46-10886462 or write to: Dan Straahle, Box 226, S-19902 Enkoeping, Sweden. TELEPHONECARDS: Look for used pho- necards from your counmtry. Offer you German stamps or other used pho- necards from many countries in exchange. Christian Cebulla, AM Heidehof 49,1000 Berlin 37, FRG Telephonecards: Send me 4 telepho- necards from your country and I’ll send your 4 telephonecares from Germany. Norbert Musical, Skalitzerstr. 96, 1000 Berlin 36, Germany Alþjóöasamtök smáauglýsingablaóa: 6 MILLJÖN LESENDURí 21 LANDI NotaA & Nýtt er í alþjóöasamtökum auglýsingablaöa sem ; birta ókeypis aug- II lýsingar fyrir ein- : staklinga, FAPIA (Free Ads Papers International Asso- ciation). í gegnum gagnanet sendum viö og fáum aug- lýsingar sem birtast I í næsta blaði á hverj-1| um staö. Auk þeirra landa sem birtast á listanum neöst á síöu 15, eru fleiri lönd aö tengjast okkur s.s. Frakkland, Mexíkó og Ungverja- land. Enn fleiri lönd eru búin aö sækja II um aðild aö FAPIA II og þá um leið aö gagnanetinu. FYRIRTÆKI OG EINSTAKLINGAR SEM VILJA AUGLÝSA meö smáauglýsingum erlendis, vörur sínar og þjónustu, þurfa aö greiöa kr. 1.000 fyrir dálksentímeter : (3 Ifnur). Þessar viöskipta-auglýsingar eru feitletraöar. Vió gefum allar upp/ýs- ingar um stærri aug- lýsingar í síma 686- 300. SMÁAUGLÝSINGAR sem berast okkur frá einstaklingum til ókeypis birtingar í er- lendum blöóum, þurfa aö vera skrifaöar á eyöublaöiö sem prentað er hér fyrir neöan. Ef auglýsingin á aö birtast í fleiri löndum/borgum sam- tímis þá kostar hver aukabirting kr. 10O.



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