Tíminn - 06.12.1991, Blaðsíða 5

Tíminn - 06.12.1991, Blaðsíða 5
föstudagur 6. desember 1991 NOTAÐ & nýtt Vélbundið hey til sölu. Uppl. í síma 98- 68918 ákvöldin. ÝMISLEGT Óska eftir sög til að saga skrautsteina. UppLísíma 812354. Til sölu saunaklefi, ónotaður, hagstætt verð. Uppl. í síma 813993. Til sölu: Gyllingarvél (Pottprinter 800) með ýmsum fylgihlutum. Uppl. í síma 77485 á kvöldin. Til sölu gerfijólatré. Uppl. í síma 74078. Til sölu stórt gullfallegt málverk eftir Ejólf Einarsson, og fl. málverk. Uppl. í síma 28925. Til sölu handunnir fsl. skrautmunir, tilvalð til jólagjafa. Uppl. í síma 28925. Til sölu lítill peningaskápur, hæð 76 breidd 55cm. Einnig skjalaskápur, hæð 130. Uppl. í síma 91-35443. Til sölu: Rjúpur. Uppl. í síma 30605. Til sölu nýleg og ónotuð útiljósasería með 90 perum, kostar ný um 80 þús. Selst ódýrL Uppl. í síma 11431(símsvari). Til sölu fluguhnýtingagræjur. Uppl. í síma 78257. Til sölu littæki 22” 8 ára. verð 11 þús. Einnig eldri gerð ljósritunarvélar m/vökva og pappír, verð 4 þús. Og lampaútvarp ELL 800 x 2, verð kr. 2,500. Og svo sýningarvél 8 mm. með upptöku, verð kr. 5 þús. Uppl. f síma 16276. Til sölu handgerðar brúður. Uppl. í síma 686029 á kvöldin. Til sölu ódýrir hlutir! Fótstiginn bamabfll 2,500 kr. Beddi frá Ikea, verð kr. 3 þús. BMX hjól á kr. 3000. Og nær ónotuð Candy þvottavél á 22 þús. Uppl. í síma 91-17482. Til sölu: Rjúpur. Uppl. f síma 30605. Laufabrauð, tilbúið á jólaborðið, bragðgott og fallega útskorið, til sölu. Uppl.ísíma 51438. Til sölu: Teppi og Korby ryksuga, tilboð. Uppl. í síma 39246. Þýskan skiptinema vantar fjölskyldu í Rvk. frá byrjun des (í síðasta lagi í jan.) til apríl. Eg er á íslandi síðan í ágúst. Ég verð að vinna, leita að þaki yfir höfuðið. Uppl. í síma 98-78909. Swantje. Óskum eftir jólaskrauti og jóladóti. Uppl. í síma 623550. (Krísavíkursamt) Til sölu Royal Safe peningaskápur, selst ódýrt Uppl. í síma 14994 eftir kl. 19. Tek að mér fatabreytingar og léttan saumaskap. Sigríður Ólafsdóttir, Freyjugötu 11. Uppl. í síma 10334. Vantar vél. í Subaru '81, má vera 1600 vél. Uppl. í síma: 32101. ERLENDAR AUGLÝSINGAR Romantic white male 31, attractive, se- eks quiet, romantic relationship with attractive, sensitive, kind, fun female. Like adventure-travel. James, Boxll25, 151-4800 Kingsway, Bumaby, BC Canada V5H2C6 Female 31 seeks penpals. Hobbies are stamps, post cards, crafts & writing. Bemice Evans, 107-98 Laval St, Coquit- iam, BC Canada V3K6S9 Girl 13 wants girl penpals same age. Like music, reading, swimming & family. Reply to Cherie Betker, 9008-87th St, Fort StJohn, BC Canada V1J5H4 Eam thousands of dollars from a small investment of USD 100. No selling. Write or fax: Nomeland, Nyhavnsbk. 12, N- 5035 Bg-Sandviken, Norway. Fax: +47.5.953686. 120 maater aa tjene penger paa. Heftet med mange tips, raad, veiledning, adr- esser etc. Alt lovlig. Passer for alle. Kr. 150,- + porto. Info. gratis. Per Prytz, So- ertromsoeya, N-9000 Tromsoe, Norge. Mann sucht die ledige Sie zwischen 25 und 35 zum Aufbau einer Partnerschaft. Ich bin 33,170, Handwerksmeister. Foto von ganzer Figur erwuenscht. Hans Weigand, Bergstr.9, W- 5378 Blankenheim, Germany. Symp. Angestellter, 27, 193, kraefig u. korpulent, Wohnung, sehnt sich nach einer lieben, toleranten, schlanken Frau, 18-30, fuer’s Leben. Foto. J.P. Sigmund, Noervenicherstr.58,5160 Dueren, BRD. Good looking male, 28, seeks penpals, female or male, any age, interests inclu- de sports, music and travelling. Please write to: Armin Ziemons, Freunder Landstr. 30, 5100 Aachen, West- Ger- many. Es gibt Zeitungen, die sollten auch Sie haben! Deshalb ab sofort: ANNONCE AACHEN fuer 5,-DM pro Exemplar in der BRD oder weltweit 20,-DM. Schrei- ben Sie an Annonce, Juelicher Str. 40, 5100 Aachen Englishman (28, lm75,70kg) well educ- ated, many interests, seeks friendship and maybe more with attrative and int- elligent girl. Write with photo to: WEL- HAM Keith, 4 rue de Valence - 75005 PA- RIS (FR) French student in Paris (22, lm3) would like friendship with nice girls. Inter: voyages, music, outing, sea, moto, film, life. CHAIEB Pierre, 18 rue Desbroussea- ux - 80000 AMIENS (FRANCE) French boy 23 wants to get acquainted with a young Icelandic girl for friends- hip. Many hobbies. Pls write to: Raynald TAUPIN, 2 rue des Grandes Fontaines - 95100 ARGENTEUIL (FRANCE) Sculpteur 27ans correspondrait avec femme 20\35ans sur Scandinavie. Cuis- ine, arts, histoires. SIRAC Laurent, 42 rue de la Commune de Paris - 93300 AU- BERVILLIERS (FRANCE) Large house, 6 5roomed flats in Neu- chatel, Switzerland, for sale. 500 m from a lake, further extension possible, price 330 000 FF. F. Vybiral, Heyrovskeho 7, 779 00 Olomouc, CSFR. I’m well-bred, highly cultured, attracti- ve lady who wants romantic gentleman, over 46yo, same level, for longlast relati- on. Maryrose Maluf; Rua Barata Ribeiro 26-908, CEP 22011 Rio de Janeiro-RJ Brasil 22-year-old male student form Heidel- berg wants to correspond with Icelandic girls. My hobbies: sports, sailing, music, dancing, etc. Write to: Stefan Selle, INF 683 1-14, W-6900 Heidelberg, Germany. Young woman from east of Germany se- eks penpals. I am 30 y.o. have a family and many interests. Write engl. or ger- man to: Gabriele Jaeger, Mulandtplatz, D 0-4200 Merseburg Hello, my name is Gerd. Tm looking for a nice penpal. T m from Germany and am interested in Island. Tm 27 years old and studying technicals economics. Gerd Wolfer, Carl-Zuckmayer-Str. 13, D W- 6800 Mannheim Hallo! Young man (24) from Germany seeks boys and girls from your land for frienship. Maybe we can change infro- mations from our countrys. Write to: Fred Koester, Pfalzstr. 4, D W-7512 Rheinstetten 2 German boy would like to correspond with people. Juergen Barth, Losburgstr. 44, W-7305 Altbach, Germany You have a lot of knowledge - is it eno- ugh for your Iife? Or do you want to bec- ome wise? Free information from Uni- versal Life, PO Box 5613, Abt 6M22-1, W-8700 Wuerzburg, Germany Hey boys & girls over there! Austrian girl, 18, seeks penpals. Don’t miss writ- ing to Martina Liska, Gerasdorferstr. 153,217, A-1210 Vienna, Austria. Austrian single man, 58, speaks F, E, G, professional, wants to meet young lady under 35, for sincere friendship (comm- on future). Write to Mr. Robert, P.O.Box 1053, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, WAfrica Croatian male, 27, 2 years in Austria, English- and German-knowledge, exp. in tourism, seeks job. Darko Culina, Weil- burgstr. 75, A-2500 Baden, Austria Dream house for sale: 260 sqm, + 1400 sqm park, double garage + carport, DM 460,000. Write for expose, you'll be sur- prised. A.F. Kowalczyk, Glashuette 3, W- 3430 Witzenhausen 4, Germany. I’m looking 4 penpals near my age (22). My hobbies are listening 2 music, going to the movies, reading and travelling. Please write soon 2: Kirsten Strack, Werrbachstr. 12, W- 5244 Daaden, Germany. Brazilian boy, 15, blond, wants to corres- pond with girls and boys. I like music, natue„culture etc. Write to Deivy - R Pauliceia 122 - Santo Andre 09230 - SP - Brasil. PS: maybe I’ll visit you soon! White boy, 23 yo, lawyer, 177 cm, 85 kg, would like corresponding with boys (18- 30), for friendship-more. Letter + photo. EnglishNport Femando Caixa POstal 45316 - Sao Paulo - 04092 - SP - Brasil. Brazilian black guy, tall, nice, wants to correspond with you for exchanginfg ide- as, postcards, country informations and a good friendship. Joao Siulva - R Doze 26 - Guarulhos - 07150 - SP - Brasil. Please, send postcards of your country. I’H send you the same quantity from Brazil. Marcelo Criscuolo - Rua Renato Rinaldi 743 - Sao Paulo - 03426 - SP - Brasil. Many ineterests: brazilian male, 25 yo. seeks penpals for intercorrespondence. Many and avriated ineterests, any age, any sex. Write in German: Marcio Pequ- eno - R Visconde Alcantara 333 - Sao paulo - 03205 SP - Brasil. Brazilian man, 25, gay, seeks friends. Interests: travelling, music, movies. I’m honest, discret Please, write + send photo. Paulo Bemardino - Caixa Postal 20246 - Sao Paulo - 04034 - SP - Brasil. Exchange stamps. Exchange stamps. Ofter: brazilian stamps and another co- untries. Largret format only. Write me. Romero J SWiIva - R Pilade Pistelli 20 - Sao Paulo - 08010 - SP - Brasil. I’m a brazilian boy and I’d like exchang- ing postcards, stamps, adhesives and souvenirs with you. My name is Sergio Araujo - Av Campos Sales 161 Campinas - SP - Brasil. Desejo corresp com sr (50), livre e sit fin def. Sou jovem de espirito, livre (43). Proc amizade, tr de postais e selos ou algo mais. Denise L - R Toledo Barbosa 723 - Sao Paulo - 03061 - SP - Brasil. Brazilian attomey offers legal assist- ance, hints & info to business with Brazil (import & export). Other cases acceptable. English-portuguese spoken. Ricardo Ribeiro - Caixa Postal 244 - At- ibaia - 12940 - SP - Brasil. I’m a brazilian male, living in Santos, 32 yo, and I want to meet pretty rich women from anywhere in the world. Please, write to Claucio - R Lincoln Feliciano 21\ apto62 - Santos - 11045 - SP - Brasil. Brazilian guy, 21, would like corres- ponding with young girls who loves writ- ing letters. If you’re so, let’s share a good penfriendship. Marcelo Martins - R Cui- aba 139F - Santo Andre - 09195 - SP - Brasil. Brazilian male, 27 yo, wants someone to talk to, age and sex aren’t important, write in English, spanish, french or port- uguese. Paulo Barbosa Lemos - R Ican- hema 125 - Sao Paulo - 04810 - SP - Brasil. Amiga Intemational Sharecropper - Am- iga users club write to: Caixa Postal 16232 - Rio de Janeiro - 22222 - RJ - Brasil. Hi girls! I’d like corresponding with girls any age for developing a close and lon- glasting friendship. I’m a braz boy, 19. Marcos Freitas - R Antonio Velho Tinoco 351 - Sao Paulo - 08280 - SP Brasil Hello girls! Brazilian boy, 18, looks for new friends all over the world. I’d like le- arning new cultures. I could become good penfriends. Anderson Pereira - R Anduia 138 - Sao Paulo - SP - Brasil. I sell a seaside house, Rio das Ostras (Buzios - Regiao dos Lagos), 6 bedrooms w wc, price US 150,000. Contact: (55- 011) 223-082A221-4589\ com time. Vacations, Xmas time, I rent a seaside house, Rio das Ostras Buzios, „sauna“ & barbecue, 6 bedrooms w wc, play room, fumished and with maids, US 200 a day Contact: (55-011) 221-4589X 223-0827, Yara Brazilian lady 26, stamps collector with many interests, seeking pals and stamps traders. Answer all as soon as possible. English, Spanish and Port. Gino Arduini, Caceres 10,1-C, 28045-Madrid, Spain. Lesbian girl 25 want to correspond with other lesbians. I want only friendship. Marisol Gonzalez, Pseo. Extremadura 113,28011-Madrid, Spain. Boy 15 want to have friends around the world. Pls, write me to: Sergio Echeverri, Tranv. 39 B #73 A 39, Medellin, Colom- bia. Desire interchange stamps and post- cards of every world. Pls, write to: Eug- enio Hernandez, Jose Abascal 10,28003- Madrid, Spain. Stamps, blocks, book, etc. If you want to exchange or sell just write: Club Filatel- ico, Apdo. 46,48910-Sestao, Spain. Professional 28, honest, true, I write and read poems. I seek a woman 18-36 to marriage. I want to share my life. Ro- berto Elias, Apartado Aereo 2392, Med- ellin, Colombia. Gentleman lawyer proffessional, honest, loving, romantic, 28 yo. Interest I write poems, nature, sculpture, want to corr- espond with woman for marriage. Mat- hew Diez, AA 2392, Medellin, Colombia. Nautilus-Fitness equipment. 31 differ- ent, used- but wellkept Nautilus machi- nes for sale. Frame: Dark brown, Up- holstery: Beige. Please call: Adin Gruppen, Soehesten 4, 2635 Ishoej, Denmark. Ph. +45 42 73 72 22. I’m a Danish girl and I’, 13 yo. I want to write with a girl or a boy. You must be 12-15 yo. Please write to: Helle Johan- sen, Baekparken 37, Valsgaard, DK-9500 Hobro, Denmark. I’m looking for penfriends. I’m 27 and li- ve with my family near Bonn. I hope you will write to me: Petra Adrian, Schollen- gasse 7,5307 Wachtberg, Deutschland. Engineer,m.,brown skin, good char.,shape+health,sks woman,35-45,ev- en with child. Pls. write to: S. Pillay, c-o Henze, Bluecherstr. 28, 5210 Troisdorf, Germany. Instead of throwing them away, think about me: I collect illustrated telephone cards from the world. If doubles, I ex- change with you. Thanks:M.SIMON, 206 Av du 8 Mai 45 -93150 LE BLANC MESN- IL (FRANCE) Blond Hongarian woman, green eyes, 44 years but looking much younger, living in parisian area. Write in English, Ger- man, French. GULYAS Klara, 13 rue E. Bataille - 93100 MONTREUIL (FRANCE) Regarding relatives of Stefan God- mundsson, Parents Raynheidur & Gud- mundur, please write: Mrs. Sigrun Lytle, 49 Swan Lake Bay, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3T 4W6. Greek man (29) wants correspond with women (25 - 35) about photografy, paint- ing, travels, sports and music. CHRIST- OS SIMITSIS, PELIADOU 10, 54629 THESSALLONIKI, GREECE. To all people! Who send me used telefon- cards? You get really some back and a Disneysticker too. Please send them to: Reiner Prause, Achtem Bom 80, W-2000 Hamburg 53. W-Germany World trade exchange, will trade abs- olutely anything worldwide regardless of what you want or what you have to offer. 160 Hoppers Rd, London N21 3LA, Eng- land. Telephone bugging equipment and audio surveillance devices, recording, briefcases, room transmittors, etc, for details-brochure: Audio Surveillance Ltd, PO Box 35, Pudsey, Leeds, LS28 8TE, UK. English lady, 46, blonde, slim, seeks to write to nice, genuine, honest, caring gentleman, for friendship, maybe more, photo ensures reply, M Conway, 58 Church Street, Failsworth, Manchester, M35 9JW, UK. Englishman, 28,175, loves people, plac- es and parties, what nice girl wants to call me?, Michael, UK 44772700720, we- ekends only. Mexican boy, 20, want new friends write english or spanish. Ivan Gamboa. Eje Central. L. Cardenas 1179-302. C.P. 03650, Letran Valle, Mexico D.F. Mexican man 33 y.o. veterinary surgee seeks girl same job write me soon, with photo. Roberto Mata, Central Plomeros #35, Col. Emilio Carranza. C.P. 15230, Mexico D.F. Mex boy 27 y.o. wants correspo, with boys from 20-35 let’s be friends letters in span- his-inglihs. Jose Luis Naranjo Gonzalez. Lote 1, M-C, Dpto. 202, Piedra Blanca, Cuautla Morelos, C.P. 62757, Mexico. 5 NZ female, 23yo, looking for penfriend only between 20-30 to exchange letters and have a fun friendship. TVina Jones, 4- 30 Puhinui Rd, Papatoetoe, Auckland, New Zealand NZ man, 39, 170cm, sensitive, caríng, into healthy living close to nature, owns beautiful house on peaceful island, wis- hes to share with slim, adventurous girl. Please reply with photograph to L D Tumer, 50 Belle Tce, Onetangi, Waiheke Island, Auckland, New Zealand Alcoholics anonymous male member, 59, young, happy outlook, seeks male or fe- male penfriends in AA, any age. Write to H M, 131A Solway Crescent, Masterton, New Zealand Beer can collector wishes to trade beer cans, is there anything you want from NZ in exchange for what I collect, Darryn Mattin, 90 Farquhar Rd, Glendene, Auck- land, New Zealand. NZ white 15 yr male wishes blond female for contact, maybe someday serious rel- ationship, pref. 14-15 yr, chew it over - then write, Peter M, 54 Castleton Dr, Howick, Auckland, New Zealand. Australia immigration, Investment or workskills, fax NZ lawyer (649) 780- 513 NZ 15yo male seeks short, pretty, blond for relationship, pref my age. Write to Peter, 54 Castleton Drive, Howick, Auck- land, New Zealand Italian girl 20 y.o. collects and exchan- ges postacards, stamps. Who can help me? Claudia Prandi V.le Bialetti 22, 27035 Mede (PV) Italy. Hi, world. I am a 14 y.o. Italian girl who would like to correspond with penfriends 14-18 y.o. all around the world. I’ll ans- wer to everybody. Susy Bruneri via Col- ombo 8,210090 Cesano Boscone (MI) I. Italian girl 18 y.o. wants to know new fri- ends. I like reading, travelling, archeo- logy. Please send photo. Celeste Par- meggiani via D. Dossi 19,40066 Pieve di Cento (BO) Italy. Nice Italian boy 20 y.o. would like to correspond with nice girls any age. Ple- ase send photo. Angelo Panzavolta via Soldata 57,48010 Faenza (RA) Italy. Hi, my name is Vincenzo, 27 y.o., I wo- uld like to correspond with girls. I like travel, music and many other things. Please write in English or Italian. C.I. 82161781 F.P. Monza Milano, Italy. 31 y.o. female Hungarian, with religious and artistic interests, seeks a man, 30-40, who’s educated and has a belief in God. Write to: Elizabeth Sarkadi, Viola u. 37B., H-1094 Budapest, Hungary. Vendo hotel, frente praia cid.eco- log.pescadores, Alcobaca, Bahia, Brasil, 3600m2 area constr, 50 apart-restaur- ante-boite-Ianchonete, USD 1 milhao. Inf. (005573)2932258-2144 AJcobaca, Brasil I collect empty beer soft drink cans scratch off games, phonecards. If want exchange, contact: Femando Henriques; Travessa Visconde Morais 256, CEP 22260 Rio de Janeiro-RJ Brasil German collector want to buy and sell original car-salesbrochures and own- ermanuals, 1940 - 91,e.g. Ferrari. Write with special interest or list to: T. Wing- en, strunder Feld 4, 5000 Koeln 80, Germany. Minner plate and dishes, about 1900, 47 partel, flowers pattern, best conditi- on, most offer from private to sell: Fa- ber, Klettenbergguertel 77, 5000 Koeln 41, Germany. Untraditional holiday in CSFR: Spend- ing a week going down the touristic ri- ver Vltava by canoes. For beginners, ad- vanced, sports groups. Prospectus:WTA Czochtan, Ledvinoval717, 14000Pra- ha4, CSFR. Czechoslovakia, Prague: Nice ac- commodation for only 20,-DMVnight in a house in 2-beds rooms, 20 minutes from the centre. Pension SYLVA, Rude armady 201, 18200 Praha 8.CSFR, ph. 00422V840038. Many greetings from Prague to Icelandl Libor Sukovaty (37 years), Cemokost- elecka 18, 10000 Praha 10, Czechoslo- vakia. Live in full time house. Keeper for italian family living in Napoli. Photo please. Marin- ella Grimaldi Via Manzoni 177 Napoli Italy



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