The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 31.07.1957, Blaðsíða 4

The White Falcon - 31.07.1957, Blaðsíða 4
Pace 4 THE WHITE FAl€ON Wednesday, July 31, 1957 By Pfc Mickey Rosen Consistency is one of the rarest virtues known to baseball. With the Major League season a few games past the halfway mark, many of last years stars are conspicuous this year by their absence among the leaders, and many of the failures in 1956 are becoming the stars of 1957. Every big league manager, at the start of the season, makes a predicition about the September finish of his club,and even though most of the claims are wishful thinking, many of their predictions are based upon the previous records of their stars, especially the pitchers. As an example, manager Jack Tighe of the Detroit Tigers rated his team a top pennant contender, partly on the strength of two pitchers, Billy Hoeft and Frank Lary, who won 41 games between them last season. Tighe counted 40 games in the bag before the season even started, on the past performance of his aces. So far this season, Hoeft and Lary have won the grand total of six victories. After the 1956 World Series, the Yankees looked like a team that would make a parade out of the 1957 pennant race. This was based mostly on the Records of the pitchers in the Series. Larsen had pitched a perfect game, and Turley and Rucks had held the Dodgers to one run in the last three games. Then there was Ford, Grim, etc. To date, Turley and Larsen have won only five games apiece, and the rest haven’t done much better. Whitey Ford was hampered by injuries earlier in the season, but is regaining his stride now. The big gun for the Yanks has been little Bobby Schantz who won only two games for Kansas City last year. His record this season is 10—2. Let’s look at some of the others surprises. Robin Roberts, who can usually be counted on to win 20 games, this season has a diss&pointing record of 6—12. Don Newcombe is off his 1956 pace of 27—7, with a current 9—7 record. Chuck Stobbs, who last year won 15 games for Washington, a feat equdl to climbing the Matterhorn, didn’t win his first game this year until June 21. Bob Rush who won 13 games for the lowly Cubs last year, is now faltering with a 1—9 record. On the credit side are a number of pitchers who couldn’t win 10 games last season, and are now on their way to a possible 20 victories. Two pitchers who played a big part in the American League’s victory in the All-Star game, Jim Bunning (11—2) and Billy Loes (10—4), didn’t win 10 games between them last year. Ruben Gomez, who last year had a 7—17 record, has already won 11 games this year. Duke Maas didn’t win a game last year, but has won seven so far this year. George Zuverink (9—5), Virgil Trucks (7—3), Jack Sanford (12—3), and Lary Jackson (10—5) have all been pleasant surprises to their managers. Look Out Below A Frenchman named Jacques Andre Istel has raised $50,000 and opened an office in New York to begin a new sport in the States ....jumping. Jacques says, “from my own experience and from what I’ve seen abroad, I know there are people who Have the urge to jump, but don’t have the place or equipment. I intend to supply them”. But Jacques doesn’t mean broad jumping, high jumping or leap frog. His sport is parachute jumping. He places it in a category with water skiing, skin diving, and bobsledding, and he thinks it will grow to the same proportions, and he wants to be in on the ground floor. Jacques’ company is called Parachutes Inc. At the beginning it should cost about $50 for the first jump, and $10 each additional jump. The beginner leaps at 2,500 feet or better, and it should take him about 95 seconds to land. Although the sport is new in the United States, it is quite popular in Europe. In France there are an estimated 55,000 civilian parachute jumpers, or sky-divers as they are called, and in the Soviet Union estimates run as high as 800,000. Well, it might catch on in the States, for if you ever get fed up with those everyday worries and problems, you could always go to one of Jacques’ places and try a jump. Any volunteers? Football Even though the baseball season is just getting into high gear, and the mid-summer heat waves are plaguing the States, preparations are already being made for the coming football season. The professional clubs are starting the journey to their summer training camps, and many of last^ year’s college stars are already practicing for the anual football classic between the college all- stars and the professional champi- ons. This year the collegians will meet the New York Giants on August 9 at Soldiers Field in Chicago. We’re not yet ready to stick our necks out and start pre- dicting the outcome of the coming season, but we will warm up a little by picking the Giants over the All-Stars by at least 10 points. A 0 E ciHaa R a m G o 1 s ip] 1 A i A R K s N C E ■ D IF E D sl E R A i E '■> s E Tj S E R 1 R s 1 g] Hollywood (AFPS) — Doc- tors said this curvaceous young lass could never return to show business after she suf- fered a broken back. Here to prove they were wrong is 21-year-old Marie Lane. Her back was broken when she fell off a bluff at Laguna, Calif, last year. Currently she is practicing for her role in the forthcoming mo- vie. “The Joker Is Wild.” We’re happy that she’s in such fine fettle once more with her black lace sunshade and all. Keflavik Sports Briefs As softball season closed bad weather has held up the playoffs and only three games have been played. The tournament will con- tinue when weather permits. The final top four teams in the American and National League are: AMERICAN, 57tb FIS won 24 lost 2, Co “B” 23—5, Co “D” 21—6, Co “A” 19—7. NATIONAL, Supply 23—3, Fasron 22—4, 86th Btry 21—6, AB Sq 20—7. Winners in the Horseshoe tour- nament will be announced next issue. The base softball team will journey to Harmon AFB, New- foundland on 16 August to parti- cipate in the NEOC Tournament. A team will be picked from the NEOC entries and will go to Patrick AFB, Florida for the all Air Force Championship Tourna- ment. Education Notes S/Sgt James Murray and A/2C Albert Whipple have gone TDY to H-3 Site, Iceland for the pur- pose of counseling personnel on Education and Personal Affairs program. Sgt Murray and Airman Whip- ple plan to visit H-2 and H-4 in the near future to provide the men with educational opportuni- ties. Regular registration period for the University of Maryland will be held from 1 through 17 August. The US government will pay three-fourths of the tuition on two courses. The students part of the tuition is 7.50 for each course but does not include books and sup- plies. In the case of a first en- rollment there is a matriculation fee of 10.00. The University of Maryland conducts five terms throughout the year. It is possible for a student to earn 30 hrs of credit by atten- ding all terms. Class schedules include the fol- lowing courses: English 2, Geo- graphy 20, German 1, German 4, History 6, Math II, Military Science 153, Philosophy 123, So- ciology 2, and Spanish 2. Freedom Contest Underway Valley Forge, Pa., (ANS)—Have you mailed your entry letter to the Freedoms Foundation? Participants seeking cash and honors in the 1957 Freedoms Foun- dation Letter Awards Program have only two months left to sub- mit their entries to meet the Sept- ember 17 deadline. Open to all members of the Armed Forces on active duty, the subject of the 1957 letter, not less than 100 nor more than 500 words, is “My Job: Protecting America’s Freedom.” This year for the first time the Freedoms Foundation has prepar- ed a new combined rules-entry blank that is now being distri- buted throughout the services. It provides space for the contestant’s entry in addition to complete in- formation about the 1957 program. The top awards will be $1,000 cash for the best letter, two $500 cash awards for second place and 100 checks for $100 each for third place entries plus a George Washington Honor Medal. Honor- able mention contributors will re- ceive George Washington Honor Medals only. The top service winners will be invited here to receive their awards during an official cere- mony on George Washington’s Birthday, February 22, 1958. Entry blanks are available at the WHITE FALCON office, IDF Headquarters. Battalion Hi-Lites 2nd Bn Combat Team By Pfc Ron Bayes Here and There M/Sgt Wm S Bledsoe has been appointed, PDY, as Sgt-Major of the 2nd Inf Bn. . . . Slated for De- ros in near future: HQ’s SFC K Tower; also 95th Tank’s SFC F Helton ... on morale leave at (of all places) PLEASURE BEACH, Conn, is “C” Co’s Lt V K Bane . . . fresh from TDY at Ft Dix (Sig Corps activity) is Capt C B Watson, HQ S-3 Div. . . . Capt Ulmer McNeill of 2d BCT has been rsg to ROTC work in Texas w/Allen Military Academy. His EDCSA is 19 Aug. . . . Motor Pool’s Lt Souza has shipped out . . . and “A” Company has a new Cammanding Officer: Capt Mar- shall Butt, Jr, who has spent 5 years with the 16th Inf’s 1st Div. Side Notes New feature of this column up- coming: a personality sketch each issue. Watch for it. . . . Charlie Co’s B Tulley is home; father ill w/ heart attack . . . hi-lite among recent Platoon parties: “C” Co’s 1st Pit Party at E-7 under NCOIC Brown, SFC . . . Battalion wishes are sent to EM Jim Mahoney’s friends who hope he likes his new Benning assignment. . . . New treasurer for the KIA Masonic organization is Med Det’s Sp/2 Barrett. On the Lighter Side Maj Eb Smith invoked the music which hath charms on his last night at KIA. The music was on TFK’s request hour and was cro- oned by Elvis via Miss Melody’s turntable. The number was dedi- cated to the Officers and EM of the 2d BCT. The tune, you recall: “All Shook Up.” New Sgt-Major for the 2nd BCT is M/Sgt Wm S Bledsoe, formerly 1/Sgt for Battalion’s Charlie Co. MAIL THE WHITE FALCON HOME Postal rates for mailing The White Falcon: Third Class, 2t; First Class, Zi; Airmail, 6t From STAMPS To (Fold and fasten with staple only)


The White Falcon

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