The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 14.08.1957, Blaðsíða 1

The White Falcon - 14.08.1957, Blaðsíða 1
]\AjT O Volume VII, Number 16 THE WHITE w IDT Headquarters, Iceland Defense Force, Keflavik Airport, Iceland Wednesday, August 14, 1957 | NATO — UNIFIED POWER FOR PEACE General White Departs Iceland Defense Force Brigadier General John W. White, Commander, Iceland Defense Force since 6 August, 1955 is ending his tour of duty at Keflavik Airport, Friday, 16 August. He will be succeeded by Brigadier General Henry G. Thorne, Jr. Both Generals will be honored at a formal Change of Command ceremony featuring a review of the NATO Army, Navy and Air Force troops comprising the Ice- land Defense Force, to be held on the 16th. General Thorne’s most recent assignments have been as Base Commander and Commander of MATS Transport Aircraft Train- ing School at West Palm Beach, Florida; and Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel at MATS Headquarters, Washington, D.C. General White will leave for his new assignment as Deputy Chief, Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, Department of Defense, Washington, D.C. As Commander, Iceland Defense Force, General White has left a record of many notable accomplish- ments. By personal example he has inspired members of his com- mand to be individual ambassadors and to set an example of the true American tradition for which base personnel of both the present and future can be proud. He has rendered frequent assist- ance to the Icelandic Government and communities, especially in the time of crisis or emergency. One of General White’s major aims has Brig Gen John W. White been to make IDF resources, in- cluding personnel and equipment, available on an immediate basis to aid in relief work, perform rescues, supply transportation, provide medical assistance, etc. In the past two years, General White has successfully carried out his policies to make this base strategically strong and con- stantly alert to defend Iceland and to provide a key, reliable point in the NATO defense line, in case of any emergency. Improvement of living and working conditions for personnel assigned in Iceland were accorded high priority during General White’s Command, and much has been done to enhance both the physical appearance and the morale level at Keflavik. General White, a Command Pilot and the holder of the Legion of Merit, is a graduate of the United States Military Academy, class of 1934, and the National War College. Prior to this assign- ment, he served as a member of the Joint Chiefs of Stqff, Washington, D.C. During World War II he was instrumental in the establishment of bombardier schools in the U.S., two of which he later commanded. In May, 1946, General White was transferred to the U.S. Air Force in Europe, where he became Director of Plans for the Berlin Airlift. After graduating from the Air Force War College in 1950, he went to Mather AFB, Calif., as Commander of a Bombardment Training Group, and he assumed Command of the Base in January, 1952. General White is married to the former Patrica Krausse of Galve- ston and San Antonio, Texas, the General’s native state. They have two children, John W. Jr., and Sally. The family now makes their home in Washington, D.C. Regulation Change Eases Overseas Travel Expenses Travel to and from overseas as- signments will be less expensive for Air Force families in the fu- ture, according to Pentagon of- ficials. First change is an entitlement called the Interim Housing Allow- ance. Under it the quarters por- tion of the overseas station allow- ance can be paid an AF member before his dependents arrive. This allows him to obtain non-govern- ment family accommodations, which he must have before his dependents can be transported to his new overseas station. The second change benefits both . AF individuals and families ar- riving at new overseas stations. It permits payment of Temporary Lodging Allowances while living in hotel or hotel-type accommoda- tions up to the first 60 days. The new allowance pays 50 per cent of the country’s travel per diem rate to a single individual, 100 per cent of the rate to the indivi- dual accompanied by one depend- ent and 150 per cent to an AF member accompanied by three or more dependents. Temporary Lodging Allowances in the same percentage rates also may be paid for a maximum of ten days to AF members, and families, upon completion of their overseas tour. Secretary Brucker Visits Iceland The Hon Wilbur T Brucker, Secretary of the Army, U S Department of Defense, arrived in Iceland Saturday, 10 August. Mr. Brucker’s visit here was for the purpose of conferring at the American Embassy in Reykjavik as well as inspecting the American military installation at Keflavik Airport. Secretary Brucker was accompanied by Mrs. Brucker and Hugh M Milton III, Assistant Secretary of the Army. AF Grants Early Outs To Meet RIF Washington (AFPS)—The Air Force has announced that several thousand airmen in grades E-3 will be released from active duty approximately five months early. The early out will be given to those airmen whose enlistments expire during FO 58 and who don’t intend to re-enlist. In order to reach a 900,000 strength figure by the end of the year, the Air Force said 3,800 officers and at least 21,200 airmen would be discharged to meet a recent Defense Department order. To meet the required reduction in officer strength, the Air Force said officers who are non-career reservists and who have established dates of separation (DOS) during the last half of FY 58 will be selected for release from active duty by Dec. 31. The Recall and Direct Appointment program has been reduced, and about 500 of the AFROTC FY 57 graduates selected for call into non-flying duty during the current fiscal year will be delayed some three months before being called up. Army Secretary Greets Battalion Army Secretary Wilbur Brucker and Hon Hugh M. Milton III, Assistant Secretary of the Army, greet members of the Second Battalion Combat Team during a Sunday visit to the Meeks Army Mess, during an in- spection of the NATO installation at Keflavik Airport. Pictured left to right are: Maj Irvin G. Ochs, CO, 2nd BCT; HQ Co’s Lt Harlan; Asst Secy Milton; Secy Brucker; WO Mixon, Ordinance; Maj Damish HQ Co Commadant; M/Sgt Murphy, HQ Co 1st Sgt; and Capt Butt, CO Co A. Secretary Brucker and his of- ficial party were met at Loftleider Airport, Reykjavik, by the United States Ambassador, the Hon John J Muccio and Brig Gen John W White, Commander, Iceland De- fense Force. En route to the American Embassy, the Brucker Party was conducted on a brief tour of Reykjavik, led by an Ice- landic Police motorcycle escort. At the Embassy, Ambassador and Mrs. Muccio entertained the Bruckers, Mr. Milton, and Ice- landic officials at dinner. FLY TO KEF At the conclusion of the visit to Reykjavik, the Party, joined by Ambassador Muccio, flew from Reykjavik to Keflavik Airport, via 054. Early Sunday morning the Secretary, The Assistant Secre- tary, and General White, were joined by Col Howard Dellert, Chief of Staff, IDF; Base Com- mander, Col Richard Philbrick; Col Linwood Griffin, COMNA- RICE; Capt James T Moynahan, COMNAVICE; and Maj Ervin Ochs, Acting Cmdr, 2d BCT, and the officials began a scheduled inspection of the NATO installa- tion. During the inspection trip Secretary Brucker addressed the officers and EM of the 2nd BCT. He stressed the importance of their assignment in Iceland and cited the Army’s history and tradi- tions as worthy of note today, as in the past. The Secretary, in France im- mediately prior to his Iceland visit, moves from Keflavik to Thule, Greenland, before return- ing to Washington, D.C. ; f #:«F -'A v'T*-; *»*•►.* f ■». •* • Army Sergeant Takes Award SFC Clinton M Owens, stationed with the Reykjavik port commission, was honored for meritorious performance of duties at his previous post in special ceremonies at IDF Headquarters last week. Owens was presented with the Army Certificate of Achievement by Col Howard C Dellert, Chief of Staff, acting in behalf of Brig Gen Jeremiah P Holland, Commanding General, Ft Gordon, Ga (Owen’s previous post). Navy Announces Cartoon Contest Washington (AFPS)—-The Navy has announced plans for its third cartoon contest open to all naval personnel on active duty and their dependents. Gag or situation type cartoons must have a Navy theme or back- ground, and must be suitable for general use. They must be in black ink on 8 by 10 and one-half 'inch white paper or illustration board. A contestant may enter as many cartoons as desired, but each entry must contain the en- trant’s full name, rate or rank, serial or file number, duty station, hometown and hometown news- paper, and a brief statement that the cartoon is original. That ma- terial must be attached to the back of the entry. All entries must be submitted to the Chief of Naval Personnel by Oct. 1, 1957. At the ceremony, held in Col Dellert’s office, Lt Col William R Shaw, Adjutant General, read the citation, while Col Dellert, Lt Col Franklin Patterson (Reykjavik Port Commander), and Asst Port Cmdr Maj Philip P Brown looked on. The certificate specifically cited SFC Owens for distinguishing himself “... .through exceptional- ly meritorious performance of his duties in Household Goods and Dependent Travel Section, Post Transportation Section, and demonstrated outstanding leader- ship and managerial abilities.. .. (at)... .Fort Gordon. His leader- ship qualities, efficiency and sin- cerity. .. .set an example... .to bring great credit upon himself, Fort Gordon, and the United States Army.” The signature was that of Gen Holland. Presidential Pilot Honored The job of piloting President Eisenhower’s personal plane, the Columbine III, is the subject of a current magazine article. The article, by the President’s pilot, Col. William Draper of the Air Force, appears in the Aug. 20 issue of “Look,” currently on sale at the Base Exchange.


The White Falcon

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