The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 23.09.1961, Blaðsíða 2

The White Falcon - 23.09.1961, Blaðsíða 2
2 WHITE FALCON Saturday, September 23, 1961 THE WHITE FALCON UNITED STATES NAVAL STATION KEFLAVIK The WHITE FALCON’S mission — To inform and entertain all hands; to serve as a positive factor in pro- moting the efficiency, welfare and contentment of per- sonnel. CAPTAIN WILLIAM R. MEYER, USN Commanding Officer, Naval Station, Keflavik COMMANDER F. G. VESSEL, USN Executive Officer, Naval Station Keflavik LIEUTENANT COMMANDER R. T. SMITH, USN Service Information Officer & Officer-in-Charge STAFF Ralph M. Tuttle, SSgt., USAF Editor D. R. Vanden Brink, SN, USN Assistant Editor The WHITE FALCON is published weekly on Saturdays in accordance with NAVEXOS P-35, revised June 1958, for free dis- tribution to personnel of Naval Station Keflavik, Keflavik Inter- national Airport, Iceland. It is printed commercially by the Isa- foldarprentsmidja h.f., Reykjavik, Iceland, from appropriated funds. Opinions and statements made in articles published here are those of the authors and are not to be construed as official views of the U.S. Government, Department of Defense or the Navy Department. ★ ★ ★ Red Star On The Home Front (This is the fourth in a series of articles dealing with the cold, hard facts behind Communism, its doctrines and threats to the free peoples of the world. These are provocative articles and should provide the reader much food for thought. Ed.) “It is absolutely necessary for every Communist Party to systematically combine legal with illegal work and legal with illegal organization. Sabotage, assassination, and armed revolt are justified, if they will help to replace the existing government with a Communist government.” — LENIN This organization, working both in the open and underground, is a new type of enemy of the United States Government and the American people. This enemy can be expected to fight without morals, without honor, and without human decency, using every opportunity to strike during unguarded moments. It is known that the Com- munist Party already considers itself at war and is actively engaged in subverting Western Democracies by all means possible. Comunist leaders have often declared that the Communist Party, USA, has no connection with the Soviet Union but is, instead, a legal political party, organized and run from within the United States. The arrests and convictions of Communist leaders however, and the testi- mony of government agents serve to contradict this claim and establish a definite link between the Party and Moscow. From the military standpoint, it is not considered that the Soviet Union and her satellite countries are in the advanced stages of preparation for a major war, with the United States as her only logical opponent. It is there- fore mandatory that the Communist Party, USA, like- wise be considered an enemy with the intention of dis- rupting and overthrowing the government of the United States by all means possible. Proof of this ominous fact lies in the professed aim of the Communist Party, both in the United States and in foreign countries. For example, as early as January 1936, the editor of the Daily Worker the principal Communist news organ at that time, printed the following statement: “If the imperialists unite in their murder march on the Soviet Union, we must be prepared to wage a relentless struggle, using every weapon at our command for the defense of the Soviet Union.” To Wreck A Career A man’s word is as good as his signature and a man’s mettle is as good as his word. The man who commits himself by signature to obligation he can’t fulfill, or has no intention of trying to, has no place in the service; if he’s an incorrigible in this respect he’s likely to wind up in another kind of uniform. Right now the services are ask- ing Congress for stiffer legisla- tion so they can crack down on the bad apples who cash bad checks. The House Armed Servic- es Committee heard from the Air Force JAG, Maj. Gen. Albert M. Kuhfeld, that “just too many bad checks” is a service problem. And nothing he added, “gets the ser- vices into quicker disrepute in a community than a rash of bad checks.” Ideally, it should not be a service headache at all, but a certain number of deadbeats, grifters and chiselers are bound to get in and make trouble for the great majority of honorable, conscientious career people. For, as Gen. Kuhfeld told the com- mittee, when they bring dis- repute to their uniform they are hurting others besides them- selves. Any serviceman who has had difficulty cashing a perfect- ly good check in a strange town can vouch for that. Bad-check offenses at present are prosecuted under the UCMJ articles covering larceny, unbe- coming conduct or discreditable conduct. But beause of technicali- ties involved in their use, says Gen. Kuhfeld, “offenders go un- punished.” The' new law the ser- vices want would convict an of- fender once it was clearly estab- lished that he wrote a bad check intending to defraud or deceive. Obviously this would not be applicable to the financially har- assed individual who is likely to overdraw his account toward the end of the month. He is a ser- vice problem too, but any ex- perienced commander can dif- ferentiate between the man who’s weak and irresponsible in money matters and the criminal type who knows the checks are worth- less. The former offender can, of course, flounder and trip himself right out of the service if his checks bounce often enough. The latter would get no-nonsense pun- ishment under the law the services want. One is weak and perhaps deserving of pity; the other de- serves having the book thrown at him. Both can ask themselves when it’s too late: Was it worth it? — o — “What did Whistler say when he saw his mother scrubbing the floor?” “Mother, you’re off your rock- er.” The Chaplain A Corner By Chaplain, Cmdr. Warren L. Wolf, USN, Staff Chaplain ‘The Face With A Smile’ There is a story of mid-century vintage which concerns a nagging woman. It was her perpetual practice for years. The family became accustomed to her whining voice and sour face. Then one day she attended one of those “inspirational lectures” which was titled, “The Face With A Smile.” The speaker talked for a half-hour on the winning qualities of the smiling habit. The lady went home much impressed. She spent several harrowing hours reviewing her short comings and decided to reform. As a first step, she practiced smiling before a mirror. When the family came to the dining room, she greeted them with a smile. The effect on this household bordered on the miraculous and a happy integrated family was born. The simple moral of this yarn is applicable to both men and women as they go about their daily living. The results can be amazing. A fitting epilouge to “The Face With A Smile” is found in Proverbs 17:22 which reads, “A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine but a downcast spirit dries up the bones.” eivicei PROTESTANT SUNDAY Episcopal Services ... Chapel .......... 9 a.m. Adult Bible Class .... Bldg. S-626 .... 9:45 a.m. Sunday School — Primary .... Chapel Annex.....10. a.m. Sunday School — Jr & Sr .... Chapel.....10 a.m. Worship .............. Chapel .......... 11 a.m. Christian Science .... Chapel Annex .... 12 noon Lutheran Sevice (3rd Sunday) .... Chapel .... 2 p.m. Evening Vesper Service .... Chapel .... 7 p.m. Fellowship Meeting .... Chapel Annex .... 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY Senior Choir Rehearsal .... Chapel .... 6:30 p.m. THURSDAY Junior Choir Rehearsal .... Chapel Annex .... 6:30 p.m. SATURDAY Senior Choir Rehearsal .... Chapel .... 4 p.m. PROTESTANT CHAPLAINS Chaplain, Cmdr. Warren L. Wolf, USN and Chaplain, Capt. Luther M. Neilson, USAF. CATHOLIC SUNDAY Low Mass ..... Chapel ....... 8 a.m. High Mass ....Chapel ........ 12:15 p.m. Dialogue Mass.... Chapel.....4:30 p.m. Religious Education (children) .... Hut-314 .... 11 a.m. Holy Name Society Communion (2nd Sunday) .. Chapel 8 a.m. MONDAY—SATURDAY Low Mass ..... Chapel....12 noon Holy Name Society meeting (1st Wednesday) .... “C” Club 7:30 p.m. THURSDAY Adult Choir Rehearsal.. Chapel .... 6:30 p.m. FRIDAY Novena.....Chapel......7 p.m. Have You Submitted a Suggestion Adult Religious Education by appointment. Confessions heard one-half hour before each Mass and on Saturday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Baptisms and Weddings by appointment. CATHOLIC CHAPLAIN Chaplain, Capt. John H. Greeley, USAF. JEWISH First Friday Sabbath Service .... Chapel Annex .... 7 p.m. ★ ★ ★ Call This News Tips Week To Ext. 4156 (Continued Next Week.)


The White Falcon

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