The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 21.10.1966, Qupperneq 3

The White Falcon - 21.10.1966, Qupperneq 3
Friday, October 21, 1966 WHITE FALCON 3 Rod & Gun Club Here Provides Much for the Hungry Sportsman scrapbook full of pictures are proof enough of the big ones that didn’t get away! Going as a group provides that extra enjoyment and sporting fun. Too, one is able to share their experience with a shipmate, for many times our paths do cross while in the ser- vice. By that, it is certain that at your next duty station you’ll prob- ably meet a member of the Capt. R. R. Sparks, USN, Rob & Gun Club, for the membership is scattered all over the world. Even though clubmembers are many miles away from Keflavik, they still continue to faithfully keep up their membership, because many will often find themselves rotating right back here to the fisherman’s paradise. And, it’s good to come back to an active club! One individual who perhaps has contributed the most to the club’s organization was feted at a fare- well dinner last Friday with a host of fellow club members giving him a toast for his untiring ef- forts to give members one of the finest clubs existing today any- where. Receiving recognition was Lt. Nick Potts, a sportsman who will always be remembered by the club not only as its past president, a post he held for two years (1965—66), but as a live wire who pulled the club from its lowest ebb to the outstanding club it is to- day. The club today has more to offers it’s members than ever be- fore with much of this resulting from past trips with Icelandic groups, especially the rod and gun club at Reykjavik. Such good times were had by all, that future trips are now in the planning stage. Anyone who took part in the 6th and 7th International Deep Sea Fishing Tournament off the coast of Iceland know of the splen- did time they had and the many tubs of fish pulled in during both events. This brought together American sportsmen here with the Icelandic sportsmen who ex- changed many stories of sporting interests between our two countri- es. Too, friends were made and it’s often heard just from these two events that a few club members have been invited to join an Ice- landic friend to his favorite hunt- ing or fishing sport. Five club members just recent- ly returned from a very fine and profitable trip to Ireland. There they took part in the Irish Inter- national Deep Sea Fishing Tournament and were graciously excepted and extended a return invitation for next year. Every angler returning from the Ire- land trip regreted that time didn’t permit them to stay longer to fish the beautiful countryside where an abundance of streams make trout and salmon fishing memorable everytime a cast is made. After talking with the men who went to Ireland and viewing some proof of what’s there, it’s certain more than five will be going next year! Club membership is only four dollars the first year and two dollars each year thereafter. Meetings are the first and third Tuesday of each month. You won’t find a more enjoyable sporting club anywhere for so little a price. If you do like by JOl George Cates A few years ago here at Kefla- vik International Airport, a small group of men interested in hunt- ing and fishing met and suggested they form a Rod & Gun Club. As the word spread throughout the base, others became interested and a date was set to see just how many others were. Today, the club membership is approximatly 300 and still growing, as new per- sonnel report in for duty. Named the Capt. Robert R. Sparks, USN, Rod & Gun Club in memory of the former com- manding officer of the naval sta- tion here who lost his life in a helicopter crash during 1965, the club is located in the old CPO Club. If you should wander into the club house, you’ll see scores of photographs displayed on the walls showing some of the adven- tures experienced by club mem- bers. You’ll see beautiful colored photographs of club members with fantastic stringers of trout taken at Hitarvatn and when a group can fish in a single lake in Iceland for two days ending up with over 300 beautiful trout, this is indeed an memory that will linger on the angler’s mind for years to come. The fishermen who went on that trip are still boasting that trout fishing isn’t anything in the states compared to right here in Iceland’s lakes and streams. Fishing in Iceland stops briefly for some club members and they venture to Norway, Ger- many, Ireland, or some other European country to wet a line. Colored slides, and a TROUT HAVEN—TSgt. Gene Ellsberry, Mr. Ernie Corbiel and Lt Nick Potts beam with pride over several nice stringers of trout and char taken at Hitarvatn last fishing season. Located an almost six hours drive from Keflavik, the lake attracted a party of 11 anglers from the Capt. Robert R. Sparks, USN, Rod & Gun Club. Others in the party credited with a catch of over 300 fish were Capt. Emile E. Pierre and his son Vance, AMCS James Henderson, Nick Potts, Jr., PH2 Max A. Akins, “Rocky” Joiner, DKC Thomas Ronan and AC2 James L. Woodward. READY, MOUNT UP!—Geese and duck hunters from the Capt. Ro- bert R. Sparks, USN, Rod & Gun Club prepare to mount up for a ride by horseback to an area in the countryside where geese and ducks were found in great flocks. Club members bagged an approximate 250 during last season and already reports from hunters this year are encouraging. hunting and fishing, then a mem- bership in the Capt. R. R. Sparks, USN, Rod & Gun Club would only add enjoyment to your stay in Iceland. Sporting equipment can be pur-1 chased through the club for much less than you would have to pay back in the states. Catalogs are numerous and are on display at the club house for your conveni- ence and needs. , IRELAND BOUND—Five club members about to depart by plane for a fishing trip in Ireland. They are, (1-r) PH2 Max Akins, DKC Thomas Ronan, Lt Nick Potts, AMCS James Henderson and AEC Winston Dil- lard. These anglers took part in the Irish International Deep Sea Fishing Tournament. LOOK OUT FISH—HERE WE COME!—Members of the Capt. Ro- bert R. Sparks, USN, Rod & Gun Club take to the high seas during the 6th International Deep Sea Fishing Tournament held off Iceland. Plans are now on the ‘drawing board’ for another to take place next year, perhaps here at Keflavik. EVERY RIGHT TO BE PROUD!—Lynn Potts (left) shows off her first successful trout catch to her sister Janet and brother Robert. Children of Lt and Mrs Nick Potts, they could often be seen with their parents at the Security Camp, Whale Bay—a retreat for so many ang- lers stationed here at the NATO Base.


The White Falcon

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