The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 23.12.1966, Page 1

The White Falcon - 23.12.1966, Page 1
U.S NAVAL STATION, KEFLAVIK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, ICELAND Volume VII, Number 19 Friday, December 23, 1966 Christmas Greeting. s Christmas is a time for hope. It is also a season for renewed in- spiration from Christ’s univer- sal message of peace on earth, goodwill toward men. To the men and women of the armed forces and to their families, Mrs. Johnson and I send our warmest wishes for the bless- sings of the Christmas heritage. Many of you are serving the cause of freedom far from your homes and families. Among other freedoms, you are safeguarding the right of wor- ship. Our prayer, the invocations of free men, are constantly with you. Your courage and dedication have earned our deepest gratitude and pride. As we enter the New Year, we shall reaffirm our determination to secure a world at peace. And we shall hold fast to our faith in the brotherhood of men, every- where on earth. Lyndon B. Johnson President of the United States. At this time each year we find ourselves re- sponding to the spirit of the Sea- son, to its reli- gious signifi- cance and to its promise or our loved ones. We also find ourselves reviewing our accom- plishments during the past year and reflecting on the demands of the future. The year now ending has been one in which Air Force personnel, both overseas and at home, have made historic contri- butions to the security of our country and Free World. Men and women of the Air Force every- where have earned the high re- spect and gratitude of their fel- low citizens. As another year of challenge begins, I am sure that you will be dedicating yourselves once again to the defense of freedom. I wish all of you and your families a joyous Christmas Sea- son and a New Year full of achievements and satisfaction. J. P. McConnell General, USAF Chief of Staff U. S. Air Force. As we cele- brate the birth- day of the Prince of Peace and look forward to the opportunities of the New Year, each of us at the U. S. Naval Sta- tion Keflavik can with modesty and humility re- flect on our contributions to peace on earth and good will to- ward men. The year 1966 has demanded much from the Naval Station team. I am proud of the station’s accom- plishments and our ability to meet the problem and challenges that have come to us. I am sure the year 1967 will again require our best efforts and unstinted devo- tion to duty. I know that every man aboard the station will meet his obligations in a manner that reflects credit on himself, on our service and our country -— such is the record and tradition of sai- lors and marines. Those of you who will be away from your home this holiday sea- son will find comfort in the reali- zation of the importance of your duties and the safety and well being you are providing for your loved ones. To each of you and your families, I extend my very best wishes for a Merry Christ- mas and a Happy New Year. Captain Emile E. Pierre, Jr. Commanding Officer, Naval Station. With the advent of this Christ- mas season we renew our hope for peace on earth. You, the men and women of the Armed Forces, at home and abroad, are the guardians of that hope. We are grateful for your sacrifices and devotion to your country. May the spirit of Christmas be with you. May the New Year bring the peace for which we strive. Robert S. McNamara Secretary of Defense To Marines, to all Free World fighting-men, and to your families may I extend my warmest wish for a joyous Christmas. May the promise of Cln'istmas, which your service and sacrifice pro- vides for all, be yours through the coming year. Wallace M. Greene, Jr. General, U. S. Marine Corps Commandant of The Marine Corps. World's Hottest Story Received By Teletype Several years ago, a staff of newsmen on a large metropolitan daily was working the Christmas Eve night shift when they were alerted by the Associated Press (AP) to stand by for a story It was a few minutes to mid- night when the message came from a clacking teletype machine: BIGGEST STORY OF THE YEAR ON WAY. Night reporters and rewrite men stopped what they were doing and crowded around the teletype. Editors from the city and tele- graph desks also showed concern. A few minutes of silence fol- lowed. Then at midnight the AP machine began to vibrate and a simple message appeared: Bethlehem, 25 Dec. (AP) — A CHILD IS BORN. Admiral Weymouth’s Christmas Message The wonderful Christmas sea- son again cap- : tures the hearts of Christians as have the days of the Festival of Hanukkah done for the Jews. For both it is a time of deep reflec- tion on the meaning of our lives among men. It is a joyous time, too, looking ahead to better ways. We in the Iceland Defense Force can reflect that our profession is dedicated with good will towards our fellow men. Well done, our tasks are aimed at the protection of all our fellow men throughout the world. At this season, as in others, we ask that we be well guided to accomplish this. Some of us are fortunate to be able to enjoy this season of joy and reflection together with our families. But many others are se- parated from their loved ones. Despite this we know that the spirit of this season will prevail and help us to accept the labors of our profession, knowing its value to those loved ones, to a grateful nation and to men of like mind everywhere. Rear Admiral Ralph Weymouth, USN Cominander Iceland Defense Force FORTY FEET HIGH—Bondfires light up the coastal areas around Reykjavik on New Year’s Eve as hundreds of people gather to sing carols and dance around the fires as they bring in the New Year with cheer and warmth. (See Christmas in Iceland, page three) (VISIR PHOTO) Station Church Services, Club Activities On Xmas Special schedules have been set here in observance of the Christ- mas Season. The birthday of Jesus will be celebrated on Christmas Eve. The Solemn High Mass will begin at one minute after midnight and Christmas hymns will be sung at 11:30 p.m. Masses on Christmas Day are scheduled for 10 p.m. at the Polar Club and 12:15 p.m. at the station’s chapel. New Year’s Day a — Holy Day of Obligation for Catholics —- the Masses will be held at 10 a.m. at the Polar Club and 12:15 p.m. at the chapel. Confessions for Christmas Day will be heard Saturday evening between 7 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. and for New Year’s Day, Saturday, Dec. 31, 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Candlelight Divine Worship ship Services for Protestants have been scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Christmas Eve and 10:45 a.m. Christmas Day, at the Stations chapel. Regular Divine Worship Ser- vices will be held New Year’s Day and there will be no Sunday School on these two religious days. The Navy Exchange Office an- nounced certain revisions in hours of operations. The Retail Store will close Saturday at 12 noon and remain closed till Tuesday. The Commissary Store said it will close at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 24 and open on Tuesday at 9 a.m. Dec. 27. Both stores will follow the same schedule on New Year’s weekend. The Officer’s Club announces a special New Year’s party for Dec. 31. Reservations are requested and should be made prior to Dec. 26. There is a candlelight dinner planned with music provided by the “Americans Plus 1”. Celebrat- ing the coming-in of the New Year, a champagne breakfast will be served. The Polar Club manager an- nounced that the “Icelandic Beat- les” will entertain Christman Eve. On New Years Eve, the jazz band, the “Bluebirds”, will swing into action while a special buffet is offered. Today at the NCO Club, there is a Christmas party beginning at 7:30 p.m. with “Happy Hour” and at 8 p.m., the “Country Gentle- men” and the “Americans Plus 1” will entertain personnel and their guests. The Special Service’s Office said they have scheduled the folk singing group, “The Splinter” of Northern Arizona University. Curtain time is at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 27, at Andrews Theater.


The White Falcon

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