The White Falcon - 25.12.1942, Síða 5
The latest addition to the Ame-
rican underseas fleet (right)
plunges into action at an Atlan-
tic Coast shipyard.
One of the first flight pictures of the U.S. Army’s new fighter plane, the P-47 “Thunder-
bolt.” It is believed to be the fastest single-engine plane in the world, having done 680 miles
an hour in a power dive and more than 400 miles an hour in level flight.
A seat pack which turns into a full-size, one-man life boat in
10 seconds is now being used by U.S. airmen. Weighing 12
pounds (left), the boat is inflated automatically by monoxide
gas at the turning of a valve and expands into a craft five feet,
six inches long and three feet, four inches wide (above). Note
paddles strapped to downed pi-
lot’s hands for propulsion.
The 25,000 ton Essex, one of a scheduled class of eleven similar aircraft carriers, is
launched in the Eastern United States as the Navy strives to cancel its carrier losses.
The Jap Navy would rather
not hear about this United States
submarine and its defiant “Jolly
Roger” pirate flag (above) for
each torpedo beside the skull and
crossbones represents an enemy
ship sent to the bottom.
A mechanic adjusts an undercarriage part on the Army’s
giant B-19 bomber, capable of round-trip bombing flight
from New York to Berlin with 18 tons of bombs.