The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 09.01.1943, Side 6

The White Falcon - 09.01.1943, Side 6
6 Barney Google and Snuffy Smith by Billy DeBeck HEME HE GEEtfl CHOSEE EOVAHGHBOUT TE' CHW? GR0URW5, COREL'? TE’ \1WW6 TcTM G0N\E eoedv^v N\OHRM Eft' VN\ GREERRD he-le EOUR VMHtfDS f/ /Z[)-c fJ* So.—'! I&-, sir NO,X HWOEtVT, HERO fc\RO - rnn dontchrtrm th' ch&ter^t MGHGE EE'6 SIEVIWt EMSELE EELLH VCt CREHCA ©.53-4- Y HW. / CCMEGHCR CE05EE - HOE'LL CHECH C , M H 3 VEEN ilgkL—LPJ.-i. Kin" Feature, Syndicate, Inc., World rights reserved. '( HERR-HLLXH \ GOTTH DO VS \ SHHEE’EM HP ' \ vX HN? VV0V.VEP, )(C SEVIER COME X ELRVJEN" gre.snuefh - VM G'POSE’TO WEST W( SEE EE TEE MOSEN vm - EEMEV^ O'CLOCK 6HHRE - GET X CENT GET OUT \NOHLD HOE GEKH ceosee ONER THERE MWTH H KOTE? VNV\X .SROWE, - SEE' GCRV3BLE \T OEE HM' V'EECEESE EM RIGHT OMER- HH-THHT'YLCOSV HE EVETM CEMTG MESSENGER. EEE- CHGH OM TH' GHRR'LTOP BftU.5 O' RRfcV. 1 MEREVM ESI VE HE CRHNEO TO TERM ONER HOPE EOLGVR' CAO^EM TO CAE PER GHEE KEEEIR' ^HOSEE - HE GEM EHOEH LIKE T mi E GH\T O' MNOLE ?VZE&. VMEET GW-G HE ■2? 3-536 1 5VN0VM W T TPM VAH OHTMOST TO DO HE E EHMVOR HR' TEEWS TE* THHRKG T GVT — ERIE GRVE - -L M^ORK WM PURSERS TO TE’ GORE PER HE HR'To . CEP TE' CEHEEH - SRVE HE CA-W\5T^ST N\C V. Headquarters “Have a cigar,” said Pvt. Jack Roberts. “I’m a father of a brand new baby girl.” Pfc. Dale Wash- burn has been walking around with a smile from ear to ear ever since he received that swell watch from his loved one. Pfc. Andre, that rugged Signal boy, cuts a mean rug at the Red Cross dances. The only man missing from the Signal Corps on Dance Nitc is Yehudi. By “Ding Dong.” Air Warning: We were honored by having Chaplain Tatsch for a nomsec- lariun service. It took place in the mess hall; our honored guCst bad to use one of the tables for his pulpit. After the servicos, Corps. Falk und Alexander were out rounding up some of the boys to help them “steal” enough lumber to build a pulpit for Chaplain Tatsch so that he would be sure to . come back. “Pop”. Lee was telling his boys all about the fine points of a soldier, and pointing to Pvt. Kel- log, said, “There is a model sol- dier for you.” Pvt.. Kellogg was all aflutter until he looked up the word “model” in the diction- ary and found it means: “An imitation of the real thing.” Oran E. Thompson. “Notice”: Anyone wanting bids on excavation work, please get in touch with Pvt. F. T. John- ston. (P.S. Prices are very rea- sonable.) A certain lad of our outfit is trying to get a picture of a wi- dow back home. A word of ad- vice from your reporter.: See Lt. Hudson Rotelli, he gives advice to the “Lovelorn.” Sight: T/5G. Zaricky sitting on his bunk look- ing at his photos of beautiful girls—and sighing. Pvt. Graves. Lt. Burnett: That was a deli- cious custard pudding. Corp. Vail: It should be with 65 eggs in it, Sir. Lt. Burnett: That sure is a lot of eggs! Corp. Vail: But that’s what made, it good, sir. , ..... Lt. Burnett: OK, I guess the )ke’s on me! Since Sgt. Hoepfner became Sgt. O'Brien’s-competitor for the hand of a sweet young lady, Sgt. O’Brien has worn out 3 pairs of GI shoes, beating a path to the young lady’s door. Wanted: Anyone having litera- ture pertaining to cows, chick- ens, crops or farmers’ daughters, kindly get in touch with S/Sgl. Curtiss, whom we understand has inherited a farm in upper New York Stale. .We wish to extend to all for- mer highlanders, as well as all other dog faces,v our greetings and salutations for a very happy New Year. Corp. Ben Hyman. Air Corps Billed enticingly as the “Free for All,” the Christmas Day enter- tainment provided by our own troupe, under the direction of Capt. Landes and assisted by T/Sgt. Healey, scored a great success. The program sparkled with humor as several very fun- ny skits were well handled by Sgts. Monteleone, Bubelis, Hague, Clausen, and Tricarick. Especi- ally amusing was Tricarick’s dil- emma as a waiter. Later Sgt. Joe Rosen donned feminine attire to the utter be- wilderment of S/Sgt. VasDias, and amusement of everybody else. Featured vocalists included Sgts. Tom O’Rourke, Dick Lieber- man and T/Sgt. Samuel (Buster) Kearton, who did splendid jobs on Christmas carols and popular songs. Playing publicly for the first time was the orchestra, led by Corp. Morel, and featuring a quartet. Responsible for the vari- ous aspects of production were T/Sgt. C. Healey and Sgt. J. Daube, direction; S/Sgt. John Wark, artwork and scenic ef- fects; Corp. H. Sternberger, print- ing; Sgts. L. Milano and L. Tric- arick, curtain; S/Sgts. E. Noll, E. Hayes and D. Woods, lights and sound; S/Sgt. C. VanDias, props.; S/Sgt. A. Abendschein, stage construction, and S/Sgt. J. Edmunds and IV. McCarty, photo- graphy. Corp. Don Groth. Ordnance Foney. Futures: Pvt., Awe: bone specialist. T/5G. Furbush: quiz kid. Pfc. Cusatis: coal miner. Sgt. Barrett: Morpheus hunter. Pfc. Coyle: bartender. T/4G. Carroll: blues singer. Sgt. Calvert: planta- tion owner. Sgt. “Bull” Fletcher: moving van driver. T/5G. Schil- ling: Wl’A. T/5G. Bartholomew: librarian. S/Sgt. “Chief” Camp- bell: “30-year-man.” Pvt. Berg: Bacchus research worker. S/Sgt. Feinberg: singing waiter. Corp. Wood: Harlem preacher. T/Sgt. Didgeon: “Big” business. Pvt. Sherman: boss doctor. T/5G. Abbate: banker. Corp. Cray: bottle manufacturer. Sgt. “DC” Sod: beachcomber. Pvt. Richard H. Oliver. Corp. Johnnie Plewa decided not to write quite so often to his girl friend, Flo. What is the reason for this, Yank? Is it get- ting too hot to handle? Do you think she will be sore with only one letter every day? Grouch Pease received a wond- erful picture frame from his girl friend, “Stella.” It was admired by everyone in the outfit. Did anyone stop to notice if there was a picture, in it, Grouch? We wonder what happened to. our M/Sgt.’s big black book? Pretty slow on the entries, huh, Paul? Pfc. R. A. Ven. *


The White Falcon

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