The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 13.03.1943, Blaðsíða 5

The White Falcon - 13.03.1943, Blaðsíða 5
5 Troop News From The Sgt. Charles Hawkins has an idea that the correct way to build a coat rack is to finish it and then build a house around it. For all the new styles in form- fitting fatigue jackets, see Sgt. Joe Pelopida. Pvt. Robert Cornett, our bar- ber, says, “I can’t help but give GI haircuts, ’cause when a man falls asleep in the chair I just keep cutting.” Sgt. Nolan F. Adney. Pfc. Clifton L. Lester has been going around with a lot of tape on his nose. He says it wasn’t a door which hit him, but a ham- mer which slipped from Pfc. Paul Blevins’ hand while they were doing some carpenter work. The Kentucky Colonels put on a bit of jive music for us at the theater one night this week and from the applause they received, I’m sure the fellows would ap- preciate a lot more of it. T/5G. Shelby F. Rinehart. We still have a few die-hards who can’t see anything new. And among those, our oldest timer, Sgt. Walter Kulebokeon, speak- ing of WO Harry R. Bradley’s musical compositions, says^ he should put “more fire” into his music, or vice versa. T/5G. John A. McDaniel. I have seen champion upon champion, but there is one who we have here that is a genuine champ. He can break any known record for being able to go to sleep, any place, anywhere, any time, within 57 seconds flat. When I say sleep I mean a sound snoring sleep. He is Corp. Jeptha Crum, better known as “Zip” for his dazzling speed. Pfc. Eugene M. Schreiber. In a short time our organiza- tion will hold a ping-pong tour- nament and some of the most likely participants will be Pfc. M. Wallace, Sgt. J. Maynard, T/5G. L. Bandkowski and Corp. E. Kissling. T/5G. S. Rogers. The boys are calling Pfc. Leo- nard E. Earp, “the Dictionary soldier”. One of the fair sex has so completely snowed Corp. Frank C. Dameron, he volunteers for duty in town every night. Corp. Clifford E. Shanklin. 1st Sgt. Joseph C. Day has made the grade for OCS and everyone wishes him much suc- cess. S/Sgt. Woodrow D. Harris is our new Acting 1st Sgt. Pfc. Elmer F. Fry, our new carpen- ter, is now on the sick list. He hit his hand with the hammer while trying to drive a nail. Sgt. Orland H. Parsons. "an offer to be dancing instructor at the local Red Cross Center. Johnny Saddler. Now that Sgt. Burnett is no longer here to make such a close check on them, two more of the married men can step out and trip the light fantastic. Green T. Mills Jr. S/Sgt. Craven was making sure he passed the inspection held re- cently, so the night before he put all of his equipment on his bunk. To top it off that night he pulled two footlockers to- gether and slept on them, just so he would have more time the next morning. Now he wonders why the fellows call him “Foot- locker Craven.” Pfc. T. H. Thompson. No sarong for Dotty this trip. Dorothy Larnour dons costume she’ll wear in latest picture with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby. During the past week, Sgt. Isaac Hornsby came back to the organization for a visit. He’s still attending school, and seems to like his job very well. Pvt. Jesse A. Hunt apparently likes his job of K.P. very much for he seems to be in the kitchen all the time. S/Sgt. Melvin E. Dinser. The bearded Beau Brummels, Bator, Wood, Hamilton and Cleary, should take a few hints from professors Zamie and Black in the raising of an hirsute ap pendage. “The Fuller the brush, the better the bristle.” Corp. L. Smith still holds first position in the chow line and is the first to hit the coks for sec- onds, although being hard pres- sed by Corp. Uhl. Pfc. Edward H. Boomgarn. On a recent date, it was this unit’s pleasure to be treated to an evening’s entertainment by two of the local Red Cross workers, Misses Rita Shaw and Ethel Rea. The fellows especially liked Miss Shaw’s rendition of “Some of These Days.” She can really send, and when she beats out a tune on the piano, it really smokes. Since Pvt. Roy Canino has join- ed the Kitchen force, we have spaghetti at least once a week. Pvt. William A. Itnowlton. -TTi, -jur?* --mg It happened recently to our own Sgt. David E. Palmer. While in town, he was standing in front of a theater when a gorgeous blonde came by. Of course, “Dave” smiled and turned on the pressure. Much to his surprise, she stopped and had a chat with him. It all ended with her giv- ing him a show ticket. It has finally leaked out that Pfc. James R. Divis was given Pvt. P. Keicher can rest easily now. It’s a bouncing baby girl, and cigars were enjoyed by all. SIGN OF SPRING: T/4G. Mc- Gowan, the cook, smiled yester- day while putting out chow. After much “sweating,” Pvt. Sid Goldberg finally received his accordian and promptly gave out, accompanied by Pvt. Joe Feiferi on the sweet potato. Pfc. Paul J. Florentine. Everyone participated in a celebration last week. The start was a review of the past year by 1st Sgt. Pirman. A band gave out with some very good music. All joined in some singing, led by Sgt. Burk, who later, with a golden, -mellow baritone, sang a solo, called the “Cowboy’s La- ment.” Everyone enjoyed some red hots, hamburgers and beer. T/5G. Petrone, who dished out the beer, was mad ’cause he did not have much of a chance to drink his. We all had a good time, to the end, when Lieut. Blumberg chased everyone to bed. The spice' of the program was when Sgt. Bemke tried to imitate the 1st Sgt. on a trick he pulled on maneuvers, trying to get us up at 0400 to move. It was a good imitation, except that Bemke lacked the force of the bellow, “All Out.” Corp. O. Smith. S/Sgt. John T. Moore threat- ens that if someone else doesn’t provide cookies for the morn- ing snack, he’s going to make breakfast and leave the domestic affairs to others “not so good at it as he.” Maintenance Sgt. Howard Johnson’s waistline is rapidly becoming something to brag about. The boys are betting that ■within a month he will surpass our well-rounded Supply Sgt’s Organizations generous proportions. He is tak- ing all bets. 1st Sgt. Kale. qunRTEBmnSTER Well, our anniversary has come and gone. T/5G. Nidweski and Pfc. Mainolfi had top billing, and as usual did not fail us. A vote of thanks to the Navy for its kindly co-operation. And before we forget, a round of applause for the generous contribution of music by our friends from the Special Service unit. All in all, the boys had an enjoyable eve- ning. Field Artillery Minute Biography—Sgt. Robert Graves. Home—Rochester, Mich. Age—24. Favorite Color—Blue (also blonde). Hobby—Aviation. Ambition—To become a transport pilot. Favorite Orchestra and Singer—Tommy Dorsey, Bob Eb- e,rle. Favorite movie—“Desperate Journey.” Favorite Sports—Foot- ball, baseball. Some of the men have started their evening training for the forthcoming boxing matches. Last evening speedy Chuck Bruck sparred a few rounds with heavy- weight “Lightning” Don Wills. To top the evening’s training pe- riod, “Man Mountain” Joe Kaz- lauskas and Wills exchanged a few hefty lefts and rights. Pfc. John W. Mills. Sgt. Jos. Lerman. The boys are very happy now that they have a reading and writing room. S/Sgt. J. J. (Chow Hound) McGreevy at last has a local belle. The other day he wanted to know if he could ar- range an allotment for the gal. (And we thought Catherine was the one and only). Corp. Sellner. Pfc. Billie “Neighbor” Davis was sent a sympathy card and medal by an unknown “Chap- lain’s assistant” recently. The donor, who still hasn’t revealed himself, might send along several dozen more so we can place them where they’ll do a lot of good. “Teepee.” Virginia Dale is starting on the dancing road to fame. She is Fred Astaire’s current part- ner, following a brilliant line of dancers including Joan Craw- ford, Ginger Rogers, Eleanor Powell and Rita Hayworth. Does Sgt. Shufflebotham really sleep the long hours away when he’s on night shift? If not, why was he seen with his plate in the mess hall at midnight, ask- ing for breakfast? “Snooge.” Sgt. Ernest A. Horvath walk- ed into the barber shop, told the barber he was having Satur- day and Sunday off, and would like to get a hair cut so he would look good over his “weak end.” Sgt. David Cohen received word from the girl friend back home that she had joined the WAAC’s. Now what worries Cohen is who is going to wait for whom. Corp. Oran E. Thompson. T/5G. Philip McIntosh is at wits end wondering how he can get some false choppers for his mouth. He’s afraid he may have to use a tube for a liquid diet. Don’t worry, Mac, I’ll chew your chow for you. Pfc. John Tray- nor’s last words when ratings were posted, “Ye Gads, m’name is last again.” Sgt. Salvatore F. Gerardi. Should the news of the day be lacking interest drop around to the kitchen, and have our own Pfc. “Barrelhead” Black give you the “latest.” He never fails, even if he does add a few of his own touches. This iolly little Irishman would butt his barrel-shaped head against a post- if he thought it would provoke a laugh to some sad soul. Pfc. Jack D. Hunt.


The White Falcon

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