The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 10.07.1943, Blaðsíða 8

The White Falcon - 10.07.1943, Blaðsíða 8
8 THE WHITE FALCON OUR FORCES — ALWAYS ALERT Published by and for the American Forces, under the super- vision of G-2 Section. Managing Editor, T/3 Gene Graff; Asso- ciate Editors, T/5 Joseph T. Koren, T/4 John G. Wentworth; Art Editor, T/4 Harrison Standley; Circulation Manager, Pfc. Anthony J. Schulte. All photographs are by the U.S. Army Sig- nal Corps unless otherwise credited. THE WHITE FALCON receives material supplied by Camp Newspaper Service, War Department. This paper has been passed by Censor and may be mailed home for one cent. Salute to China Hoary China’s resurgent millions this week began their seventh year of defensive warfare against the rapacious Jap aggressor with final victory clearly in sight for the first time. Fighting with antiquated wea- pons and without any substantial aid from the other United Nations for most of the time since the first Nip “land grab”, the venerable Chinese Nation has set an example for all other freedom-loving nations of the world. With its back against the wall from the start, Chiang Kai-Shek’s country has made the most magnificent stand against overwhelming odds recorded in recent times. The Russians at Stalingrad fought courageously and ten- aciously, but they knew they had vast resources in well- trained men and superb materiel behind them. The Chinese have had nothing but their own unparalleled courage and faith in the inevitable triumph of right over might, heritage of their age-old wisdom. If ever a country has proven its ability and right to stand high among the councils of the free nations of the World, China has done so. The new China which is rising from the ashes of outmoded extra-territoriality, domestic brigandry and the residuary rubble of war is a nation of destiny. * As the Jap Rising Sun plummets toward its nadir due to our combined efforts, we of the American armed forces offer a toast: “China, we salute you, your leaders and your future!” Hitch-Hiking Some men in the local command apparently are too pre-occupied with problems of the day or the latest pin-up they pilfered from a buddy’s collection to worry about seemingly trivial things. So occasionally it be- comes necessary to “get ’em on the ball” before they forget completely that this is a community dependent entirely on its own citizens. Hitch-hiking is essential here. Since fuel must be shipped from the States, any effort to conserve it is note- worthy, and that makes it doubly important for Army drivers to heed the flip of a soldier’s thumb because the more riders in one vehicle reduces the burden on trans- portation. There’s nothing wrong with that and a fellow who flags down an Army car is entitled to consideration by drivers or passengers who have it in their power to make the driver stop. Pedestrians can make it easier for the drivers to stop by waiting at the designated road signs. Hitch-hiking has been banned in the States, and is permitted here only as an expedient. Soldiers don’t rece- ive passes every day, but when they do induce their top-kick to break down, they’re entitled to a ride. It’s the only way one can get into town without making each unit furnish transportation for its own men, an unneces- sary Waste of fuel, tires, etc. Soliciting rides from civil- ians, of course, is taboo. Fortunately, the percentage of drivers who ignore hitch-hikers still is low. But that’s not enough; there shouldn’t be any. It isn’t a comfortable feeling to stand at the road and watch vehicles slide by without stop- ping, and every driver should make a mental note to rectify the situation if he’s one of the violators. THE PRIVATE .. . WHO RECEIVED HIS PASS .. BUT SPENT HIS TIME SITTING ... ALONE ON THE GRASS/ Srt\nuLeY The local GI barbers have really been getting down to the root of things lately.... Victims of the clipper wielders are referred to by their mates as hair-raid casualties. As the Japs would say, “Hono- rable comrades have gain much face during recent attacks.” A dispatch from North Africa says that the leader of the Mos- lems there has moved into his summer home and taken his 25 wives with him. ... Too bad the doughboys couldn’t interest this gentleman in a share-the-wealth program! A Broadway columnist reports that band-leader Gene Krupa developed a sense of humor after being jugged on a narcotics charge .... “Don’t send me cig- arets,” he wrote his pals. Stolen story: A Betty Grableish young beauty i was watching drill one day. Suddenly a rifle volley rang out. With a surprised scream the young lady shrank back, dir- ectly into the arms of a young private standing behind her. “Oh,” she stammered with a blush, “I was so frightened by the rifles. Won’t you please for- give me?” “Not at all, not at all,” spoke up the quick-witted private. “Let’s *go over and watch the artillery.” A precedent in Uncle Sam’s Army was set this week when a Cpl. stationed near Hollywood told authorities he didn’t want any pay.... He probably figured that being located next door to Veronica Lake was pay enough. At the recent food conference back home representatives were told that whale meat actually tastes like beef.... So don’t be surprised if the next steak you get has fins on it. They say the meat shortage is so bad in the States that horses never know whether they are going to spend their next night resting in a stall or on a dining room table. Screen comedian Stan Laurel was sued for separate mainten- ance this week by his wife. They have been married three times and divorced twice.... It might make matters easier if they started keeping a score card. A woman in Florida was sen- tenced to four months in jail and fined $100 because she imperson- ated an Army officer... .seems to be the fad now that they have abolished bingo. A sailor went into an auction room where a parrot was being sold. He bid $10 but was raised to $15. He bid $20 and was raised again. The bidding continued un- til the sailor got the parrot for $45. “That’s a lot to pay for a bird,” said the sailor. “Can the parrot'talk?” “Can he talk?’ the auctioneer replied. “Who do you think was bidding against you?” 'JA& Inquiring. (Do you intend to pay your income tax now or when you get home? This was the question The Inquiring Reporter asked this week. Here are the answers:) “I would rather pay my income tax now,” said Pfc. Carl A. Bangert, “be- cause as long as I know that I have to sooner or later, I might just as well have it over with.” A native of Fost- oria, O., Carl is 26 years old and a member of the Infantry. Lt. Lorraine Emery replied, “I haven’t given the subject much t;h o u g h t, but since I can pay it when I get home, I’d rath- 3r wait and settle it later.” Miss Emery, 27, is in the ANC, and claims Maryland as her home state. Signalman T/5 John Haslam of Santa Cruz, Calif., answer- ed, “It does not make much dif- ference to me when I pay it. However, if I can put it off until I get home, I would rather pay it then.” John is 27 years old. “My wife will have to make the decision,” explained Pfc. William Bake- man. “I send her all the money and she is the boss.” Bill is a Signalman and specified very clearly that he was from South St. Paul, Minn. CHAPLAIN’S CHALLENGE “But the tongue can no man tame; it is an un- ruly evil, full of deadly poison. James 3:8. As a contagion, an emotion is much like a rumor. That is—it is infectious. 'For in- stance, a depressed person may contaminate an entire body of people, even a sheer stranger, simply by expressing a despairing attitude. Emo- tions are deep within us, and while it is quite impossible to eliminate even the more un- pleasant ones, such as fear, grief and uneasiness—they are controllable. A low mood be- comes truly serious when it affects a whole groupf and above all, we should always remember others. EjZpCMbVl \ \


The White Falcon

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