The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 07.10.1944, Síða 2

The White Falcon - 07.10.1944, Síða 2
2 THE WHITE FALCON OUR FORCES — ALWAYS ALERT Published by and for the American Forces in lcsiand, under the supervision ol Special Service Section, Iceland Base Com- mand. All photographs are by the U-S. Army Signal Corps un- less otherwise credited. THE WHITE FALCON receives material supplied by Camp Newspaper Service, War Dept. This paper has been passed by the oensor and may be mailed home for one-and-one-half cents. THE WHITE FALCON is written and edited by enlisted-man personnel. IBC Special Service Officer . .Lt. Col. Lee F. Giistrap. Supervising Officer ..........Lt. David Zink off. Managing Editor ..............Sgt. John Moran Associate Editor .............Sgt. J. Gordon Farrell Troop News Editor ............CpI. Robert Hill Staff Reporter ...............Pvt. E. C. Gray Multilith Operator ........... S/Sgt. N. H. Hoppel —PEACE PUS countries of whatever industrial machinery these nations want, and the destruction of the remainder. 2. The permanent clo- sing of whatever mines remain in the postwar German state. 3. The cession of the Saar and western German industrial areas to France and the eastern areas to Poland. 4. The dissolution of large German land hold- ings to small farms. b. The withholding of assistance - economic or otherwise - to the !German people, forcing I them to make their own way. 6. The prolonged con- trol of Germany hy an Allied military comm- ission. 7. Ho outright repar-' stions, since Germany would be an agricultur- al state with little or no commerce. Sec. Morgenthau fur- ther recommends that Allied administrators be instructed to take no measures to recon- struct any part of Ger- many or to supply the German people with food or clothing* Gestapo Murders Parisians In French Capital A French policeman, hi 8 wife and another woman were murdered in Paris last week by sev- en members of the Ges- tapo still at large within the oity. The polieeman had captured several Ger- mans during the French uprising before Paris was liberated. In re- taliation, the Gestapo agents entered the Frenchman's home, lined the three people up against a wall and tur- ned their tommy guns on them. CHOVAN* S SLIDES - MARIA LONTEZ FIIll AT FIELOHOUSE SUNDAY Teo 6 Luther Chovan 'will present his coll- ection of Kodaehromes on Iceland at the And- rews Fieldhcuse tomorr- ow evening at 200C hours. Patrio Knowles and Maria kontez are starr- ed in "Mystery of Marie Roget" — film feature of the evening. The FOTO-NOTE this week focuses on Cpl. David J. Mackey, postal clerk at Camp Monmouth. This is his SECOND war. June 6, 1917, found him, in the U. S. Navy, a Coxswain aboard the D. S. S. Aroostook, a minesweeper ploughing the North Sea between Scotland and Norway. Dave saw plenty of action in that war, his ship being engaged in four major sea battles—being award- ed two of the highly coveted Gold Star awards for the bagging of two German submarines. He came out of that war in 1919 as a Boatswain's Mate. In August 1942, he entered his second war. Between wars Cpl. Mackey was a rural mail carrier and also did some sleuthing for the Police Department in Omaha, his home. After this war he thinks he may try something else, maybe a email busineaa of his own. If you have not heard about your message broadcasts over Pappy Dexter's program, don't jive up hope....he is swamped with requests from all over the world....But he should get -ound to us soon....How long has it been since ! "ou have seen a long forgotten "A" gasoline ration coupon?....! certain car dashes around Reykjavik with one on it...And that isn't all- it alee has a New lork license plate on it, partially covered by a local one, it is true, but an American cue just the same. uiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiimiiiminrnmiiiinBHiMimfiMiin«i»iim»tniTimiiiimninininM»iiiiinnnininHiiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiiinirmii;::i:!!::i:!mi:ii:mniiii*iiiJiiiiHimiiiiinininmnTnmTig = 3 01 OPINION __IN RESPONSE TO THE QUESTION i "WHAT SHOULD WE DO WITH A DEFEATED GERMANY?" EDITOR, WHITE FALCON: There cam be no denying that this is going to be a highly important and difficult problem. The idea of national annihilation is, of course, out of the question - it being totally inhuman and imposs- ible. The argument that the Nazis themselves tried that on smaller nations, and therefore deserve a "dose of their own medicine," is weak because that is the thing for whioh we are fighting to rid the world. And if we were to attempt it, we would be lowering oursel- ves to the same barbaric standard. Remember the old axiom - "Two 'wrongs' do not make a 'right.'" What then should we do? defeat what the Nazi propagandists have so well in- stilled in the average German mind. This will take not merely words, but actual example on our part. They will have to see with their own eyes, that tfce Yanks are not as grotesque as they had been led to believe and that democracy does work suocessfv" ly. Now, what of the political and economic problems in- volved? Logioally, for sn indefinite period, a govern- ment made up of representatives of the Allied nat- ions would have tc pt;<-ail. This would be during the "turn-over" period - Iron Naziism to a government of the people's choosing "’he length of time it would take for this trens: on would be determined by the Allied go-ernmeat?« From here on, and inaeimitely, all countries would be "kept in line" by an in+ irnational -rani cation. —Pvt. Clyde K. Peters, Engineers. B c For the past ten years or more. Dr. Goebbels has been filling the minds of the German public with dis- torted "facts" about the Arnerioan peoplo, American democracy and the Amerioan standard of living. He has backed up these lies with authentic piotures, showing only the poor and wioked side of life in America. Be- cause of all of this false propaganda, it is little wonder that most of the people in Germany think them- selves so much better than, and even despise, Ameri- cans. —IN RESPONSE TO THE QUESTION i ‘'DO YOU THINK THAT U.S, ENLISTED MEN SHOULD BE REQUIRED TO SALUTE CAPTURED GERMAN OFFICERS?" EDITOR, WHITE FALCON : If and whan saluting enemy officers is going to be sanctioned by the War Department, I, for one, shall be Court Martialed for insubordination and nonrespeot to Therefore, after the defeat of the German military £ machine, in order to establish a peaceful-minded Ger- an enemy officer and of aotlons unbecoming an Amerioan many, and consequently take a long strido toward insu- Soldier. ring a lasting peace with that nation, we will have to —Pvt. Lad J. Soazi. Air Coma. 3 =


The White Falcon

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