The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 20.01.1945, Blaðsíða 8

The White Falcon - 20.01.1945, Blaðsíða 8
Organkation ,\fe IT COULD HAPPEN: “Hard Time” Akin being seen and riot heard .... “Lover” Romano leaving (lie girls alone .... “Champ” Riccardi playing ping-pong . . .'. “Limpy” Leslie runn- ing .... “Killer” Dobyns go- ing out without his camera. “Casanova” Stevens claims I be is going to start bis nightj life anew starting Thursday night. Re careful, girls .... Last week’s spoiling events came to a close with a foot race between “Limpy” and “Rad Knee” Lauther which *’ •' | ended in a tie ... . Wonder if “Rad Time” Ford is real- ly going to tie that matri- monial knot when lie gels home? Don’t keep us in sus- pense, Joe . .. . The girls of Reykjavik can be on the lookout now for “Wolf” Be- vill who lias returned .... Relieve it or not, Tec 5 Flenker was actually seen drinking a coke! Wonder what “Clioo Choo” Stewart is going to do when “Mad Love” Webb leaves? .... Congrats are in store for Tec 5 Sowalsky who became the proud father of a baby boy. How.does it feel, fellow? Butch and Chuck. lie was borne on furlough .... Homer Gottshall think- ing of following Rill Rath- man’s intentions of marri- age. It’s merely a thought, though. Pfc. Ben Rosenthal. The unknown soldier’s grave outside Hut 40 has everyone worried. It seems to be a symbol of something or other regarding those for- gotten soldiers on the hill .... Some people say that ,R. Rrown is leading II. Ros- well astray, but that is a riialler of opinion. We are not quite sure who got there first with the most .... Cor- win Rogers turned his sack in for salvage this past month — which is signific ant of something. LOCAL SCENES: — Pop Bremer with the largest fur bat this side of the Lenin- grad railroad .... Larry La- laguna with 50 MP brassards .... Stanley Z. with the world’s best 50 aurar cigar .... Rill Raumker taking bis chow to the generator but to save time .... Kid Eller- vson knocking the pins down at the ARC .... Tony Cort- ese in his own little world .... Clarence Wolfe losing another pinochle game .... All the stulkas happy again knowing that “Candy” Ken ■Stark didn’t go through with his threats of marriage while “Sack” Hunsaker is look- ing for someone who would like to “try” to knock his block off in a boxing match .... “Red” Johnson is blitz- ing his buttons and sewing on overseas stripes. We wonder whyf*" .... What were those sounds that “Frenchv” Leveille was making last Friday about 0900 hours? If you see someone walk- ing around snapping pictur- es of everything in sight that’ll be “Granny” Garetl .... “Shorty’’ Friedman has been getting a lot of mail from Glasgow and from a female, too. He must have put bis furlough to some good use .... We are all going to miss Sgt. Shea. May- be that gal — the one to whom he sends so much candy — will be tying the knot someday in the near future. Sgts. Schrecengost and Tompkins are looking for some thread that will re- flect a lot of light .... I hear that it didn’t take Beasley very long to get back to his “Chow Hound” ways. “Hi ya, Lard!!”. . . . Leveille lost about 80,902 points when he cut Lt. Edgar’s ear while giving him a haircut. Pfc. G. IF. Cletcher. “Acky” in the radio shack explains those weekly trips to the Norwegian Canteen. Of course, there is a female interest and each day it is evident that “Acky” is being brought more and more und- er petticoat government. How weak the women and how sti’ong the men seems to be a lot of “Spain” where the stulka is concerned. Ge- orge can be beard repeating over and over again, awake and asleep, “Yes, Dear, Yes, Dear!” We all wonder if this isn’t a little bit more than sulpher and molasses will cure when the .spring! rolls around again. Don’t worry, George, we will all dance at the wedding. T. Hibson, Y/2c. ORDNANCE Marine Sgt., Moore acquir- ed a new name for hiipself this last week. The boys all refer to him now as “Tarz- an.” Cementing international relations between Iceland, Norway and the American sailor is the wav George ORDANOTES: What’s this we hear about Pfc. (King Size) Pavo celebrating his recent promotion? .... It is rumored that Pvt. (B-29) Hingy is listed as twins on the roster. No, he is definite- ly not the reason for the Sixfh War Bond Drive .... Why is Tec 4 Sundeen so anxious to act as interpret- er for a certain Pvt’s Ice- landic gal? .... Ask Tec 4 Stahl what the prescribed uniform is that is worn(?) between the shower room and his hut. Wet’s the matt- er, Stahl? .... Mrs. Genz’ little boy Herbie lias practi- cally moved into the new pool room. Hey, Rack Roy! WE WONDER DEPT: Why the steak dinner of the “Slate House” gang didn’t pan out .... When “Hamm- erhead” will clean his upper lip .... Where “Jawja” Cohen gets his gorgeous stulkas......What “Doc” Kaske does in his spare time .... How we can in- duce Atteberry to keep his chin up. Tec 6 A. Nonny Muss. known as F(red Cross) Schwab, commando extra- ordinary, is sweating out a campaign ribbon for having completed over 100 success- ful missions to Club 14. Ev- ery Tuesday and Thursday evening, Fred “trucks” on downtown and, in true com- mando spirit, bis rallying cry is “Commando’s strike while the coffee’s hot.” Yes, Schwab can have his cake, and eat it. Many weeks ago Tec 5 Paul Nieminen turned in a performance at the ski club which in turn turned him into the hospital. While there, he was cast in a cast. The name of this play was “The Sprained Leg.” It had a wonderful cast. Now Paul is back in the company. He will always remember that show “Ski High.” He wants to thank the men who aided him. He calls them his “P-aul- bearers.” Pfc. Sidney Glickman. |L. , Pfc. Fred Schwab, better • TIME: 2000 hours last Thursday. PLACE: Sgts. Club. OCCASION: Gram} Open- ing. ATMOSPHERE: Damp. STARS, BARS, EAGLES AND LEAVES: RANK was very much in evidence dur- ing the opening minutes to lend official dignity to the gala occasion .... Qen. Dun- can commenced proceedings by applying scissors to im- aginary ribbons, thus open- ing the bar to a spirit-thirsty gathering .... Glancing at the, we find a .gal- axy of notables. — Brig. Gen. Duncan, Cols. Cbipman and Clingerman, Lt. Col. Herrel- ko and 2nd Lt. Lewey. Their names are entered in that order on the initial page. ARTHUR MURRAY TAUGHT ME DANCING: After viewing the efforts put forth on the dance floor, this observer is of the opinion that AC Sgt. Chester is hard- ly to be considered an ac- credited representative of the Arthur Murray style of ballroom dancing .... We also believe that AAA 1st Sea! THE WHITE FlLOSi 8<*»e ojoq duiBjg j[i?q-3UO -puu-auo 3DBIJ a'p3 a\3X[ ‘j3jsbui;soj o/a iuoj^ Sgt. O’Connor’s bulky torso is far from being adaptable to any sort of coordinated rythmalic motion .... Per- haps we can attribute T/Sgt. Birenbaum’s affinity for Lindy-hopping during the course of a supposedly slow fox-trot either to an 'unreli- able GI belt or, what’s more likely, over-exhilaration. Sgt. C. A. Post ter. FLASH: The latest news behind the news from the Happy Boys in the Air Corps! Sgt. Cushing of Air Corps Supply claims that he is a good man for he knows how to put cats to sleeps. Well, keep up the good work Cushing .... The Sqdn is starting work on the new Enlisted Men’s Club which will open in the near future .... Pfc. Heim said the other day that he wouldn’t mind staying here in Iceland. It couldn’t be that girl friend of yours, could it, Heim ? We all wonder why S/Sgt. Colvin removes his hat so quickly when he enters the Major’s office .... Sgt. Bas- ham has been walking ar- ound in the gloom for the past couple of days because he mysteriously lost a lock of his hair .... Sgt. Chrni- el claims he was CO of spine troopers. Well, it couldn’t have been the Boy Scouts or even cowboys and Indians, could it, Chmiel? Sgt. Angelo J. Chieffi. QURRTERmftSTE R That was really a high- classed detail that toiled in Cold Storage last week. Hardest working duet con- sisted of Treesli and Posilli- co. Most of us thought that they had forgotten how to walk. Even Lt. Poeschl Avorked but the story is that he lasted for one truck. Our barber tells me that Theodore Boyett has been offering fantastic prices for any suggestions as to how he can save the rest of his hair or to grow some new. Old age is beginning to show. His hair line is going up and his vhest is going down. Too long in Iceland De- partment: Herman Bill tak- es roll-call at* the cemetery each morning. No AWOLs as yet. The fellows in Hut 19 take turns waiting up for the three-legged visitor. He occasionally stands reveille and they insist that lie should be on the duty roster. Bill Donnelly.


The White Falcon

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