Daily Post


Daily Post - 13.08.1940, Blaðsíða 4

Daily Post - 13.08.1940, Blaðsíða 4
4 DAILY POST EGYPT PLEASED WITH SALE OF COT- TON. The Egyptian press vöices gratitude in regard to Englands purchase of Egypt’s cotton production. They say that the deep rooted friendship existing between Britain and Egypt, is to be thanked for the advan- tageous conclusion of the negotiations. NO MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS 13. AUG. The Italian Radio says that there is no reason to expect major developments on the 13th. of August. Signor Gayda acknow- ledges, in Giornale d’Italia, that the war with Britain will be prolonged and severe. He adds — „Many hardships await Italy and Germany.“ (Continues from page 1.) German planes have been shot down. Acoording to a report from Washington, the American Red Cross fears that Beau- fiort in Sourh Carlina, with a population of 3000, has been swept away during a big hurricane Saturdey. — Owing to oondi- tions in the hurricane area no new has been received from this area. Thousands of peopie in South Carolina and Luisiana are homless. The revolt in Albania is spreading and it is reported that 10,000 Albanians take part in it. 400 Italians have been killed and the Italians have been forced to send additional troops to Albania. Four of Australia’s leading meii lost their lives yesterday, when their areapolane cras- hed near Canberra-areodrom, Australia. The plane was retutning fnom Melbourne. Those who lost their lives are Br. gadier G. A. Street, Minister of the Army, Mr. Fairburn, Minister for Air, Sir Henry Gallet Vice- President of the Executive Coundl and Sir Brudenall-Ehite, chief of the General Staff. Their secretaries were also lost and the crew of the aeroplane. — The plane burst into flames and crashed to the ground. A cabinet meeting at canberra was post- poned and Parlieament meets tomorrow. YOU'RE TELLING ME! -----------By WILLIAM RIXT----- Central Press Writer j . THERE’S A MEDICAL con- troversy, we understand, over. the respective merits of sulfame- thythiazol and neoarsephena- mine. Ah, a war of words, no doubt! ! ! ! Denmark has had the unique experience oi ialling asleep an independent nation and awaken- ing just another county in the greater Cerman Reich. ! ! ! Admiral Byrd announces the south magnetic pole has moved. Maybe it was afraid of attract- ing some of those magnetic mines. ! ! ! That college youth who hand- euffed himself to a beautiful movie star at least showed bet- ter judgment than his publicity- seektng ftíllow students who swallowed goldfish for the cam* eramen. ! ! ! Hitler is a vegetarian so,' probably it's quite natural, what he wants out oi the present Eu- ropean war is all the iruits ot victory. ! ! ! A machine which exerts 3,000,000 pounds pressure has been devised. Wliat a handy Uttle tool for some Washington lobbyist! , ! ! ! The world is changing with such bewildering rapidity that It was míghty comforting to many of us to read that the Socialists had nominated Norman Thomas their presidential candidate for the fifth time.


Daily Post

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