Daily Post


Daily Post - 04.03.1941, Blaðsíða 4

Daily Post - 04.03.1941, Blaðsíða 4
DAILY POST 4 •___*• w*''!' • " - f AND COMING VICTORV SHALL 6E HÍS GODFATHER! HOSPITAL CASE. Doctor (inquiring after boy who has swallowed a two-shil- ling piece): “How is the boy to-day?” Nurse: “No change yet.” A pessimist is one who blows out the light to see how dark it is. GENEROUS. “Ninety-nine women out of a hundred are naturally generous.” “Yes, where one woman will keep a secret, ninety-nine will give it away.” REBELLION. Customer (having a rough shave): “I say, barber, have you another razor?” Barber: “Yes, why?” Customer: “I want to defend myself.” L A U N D R Y. Can handle washing for 60—100 soldiers. Apply at LAUGAVEGUR 165 between 5 and 7 p.m. REAL SEAL HANDBAGS. Sealskin ladies’ handbags, Seal- skin jackets, and Sheepskins for sale. REPAIR all rubber articles. GÚMMÍSKÓGERÐIN, 68, Laugavegur. Published by Blaðahringurinn. Editor: S. Benediktsson. Editorial and Advertisement offices 12, Austurstræti. Teleph. 3715. Prin- ted by AlþýðuprentsmiSjan Ltd. Teleph. 4Ö05.


Daily Post

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