Daily Post


Daily Post - 23.07.1941, Page 1

Daily Post - 23.07.1941, Page 1
THE RUSSIAN IS A GOOD PIGHTER — |PA«E 2 Pish and chips. Eggs and chips. Our specialty. GULLFOSS Hafnarstræti. DilLY PflST Iceland’s premier Eng lish news-sheet. DAILY POST. On sale from 8 a. m. every day. Price 25 aurar. II — 171 Wednesday, July 23, 1941.' Price 25 aurar Fi st Bombs Fall Qn Noseow ^___ _______. ___________________________________ * Luftwaffe Blitz On Russiao Gities Intlicts Only Small Damage Heavy Fighting Continues But No Change In Situation Bnssiao Alr Force Also Active --------» London, July 22nd. AST night the Germans bombed Moscow- They say 12 bomber- squadrons took part in the raid which, according to the German radio was even heavier than the heaviest raids on London. The Russians, on the other hand say little damage was done and this is endorsed by British journalists in Moscow. Japan Starts To Move Shrond Of Mystery Cloaks Activitles British-Americin ”Threat” To Indo Ghina London, July 22nd. All reports from the Far East agree that Japanese acti- vhy in some form ör other is heing prepared. Princte Kon- ®ye was to hold a press con- lerence this morning but it was Postponed. Admiral Toiota said today that his policy was unchanged from that of his predecessor. Virtually all normal traffic North China and Manchu- kuo has been stopped. The tfains are filled with troops, aud are all moving north to the Siberian frontier. Japanese staitesmen have assured Germany and Italy that Japan would adhere to the Axis Pact. A Japanese Cabinet Minister tcday discussed a hypothetical Anglo-Chinese invasion of Erench Indo-China. He admitt- ed, however, that these re- Ports were not confirmed, as a 'íoatter of fact they have not heen heard of except in Jap- an. In London people are astonished at these entirely haseless charges. Another Japanese story is that Britain and U.S. are stir- Hng up anti-Japanese feeling ht Thailand. The Japanese War Minister today refused to answer the question whether demands for **se of bases in French Indo- ^hina had been put forth. German propagandists are ^Usy telling the Japanese that reports of Britain having 100.000 men at Singapore are utterly untrue. According to the Russian communiqué issued late this aftemoon, 17 German planes w*ere shot down in the raid on Moscow. The Germans also made two unsuccessful attacks to bomb Leningrad. Nineteen German planes were destroyed. The Russians lost four. It appears from the com- muniqués that no important changes have taken place dur- ing the last 24 hours. RUSSIAN COMMUNIQUE. This morning’s Russian com- muniqué stated: “During. the night of July 21—22, stubborn fighting took place in the Pskow — Pobolsk — Nevel, Smolensk and Novograd — Vo- lynsk directions. In other di- rections and sectors of the front there was no major figh- ting operation. í “Our air force was active and destroyed two enemy mechanized units. According to preliminary data, our air force destroyed during July 21, in aerial combat, 32 enemy plan- es. Our losses were eight plan- es.” GERMAN CLAIMS. The Germans say the Russi- an Army has been divided into uncoordinated groups which are being mopped up by the German forces. ' Their High Command states that no detailed reports of the progress of operations will be given until after 3 or 4 days. The German Military At- taché in Tokyo has said that within a month the Swastika will be flying over Moscow. GERMAN LOSSES. Reports from neutral coun- tries indicate enormous Ger- man losses in Russia. All ho- spitals in Varsaw are full of wounded German soldiers and private houses and schools are also being used as hospitals. Messages from Stockholm say the Russians continue to send masses of troops to the front. PEACE FEELERS. It appears that Herr von Pa- pen is busy with the sort of peace offensive expected by the British. He is telling neu- tral ambassadors and ministers in Ankara that now that Ger- many has attacked Russia the civilised i|ations ought to stand together. Almost every one of them has been told it is his coun- try’s God given mission to bring about peace between Germany and St. Britain. Bews of lcelaHd: Smoke Alarms Cíoema Aadience When a fire broke out in a warehouse near the Garden Cafe, a large amount of smoke entered the Nýja Bíó, through the ventilitors. This was at a- bout 19.30, when the perfor- mance Was in full swing. When the members of the audience noticed the smoke, some of them believed that a fire had started in the cinema, and many left their seats and crow- ded into the hall-way. RAFT FROM WRECKED SHIP BROUGHT ASHORE. The look-out of S.S. “ESJA” spotted a life-saving raft, float- ing in the sea near Horna- fjörður. It was hauled aboard and brought to Reykjavík. It is believed to have belonged to á Norwegian tanker * which has been reported sunk. Provisions on the raft had been consum- ed, and the signal rocket us- ed. The raft Was slightly burnt. ICELANDIC BROADCAST FROM LONDON. Bjarni Guðmundsson, who is employed by the Ministry of Information in London, made his first broadcast in Icelandic on Sunday. Hflagry Italiaos Are fíghtini to last mai Today’s communiqué from Cairo says there is no change in the situation in Libya and A- byssinia. , Italian deserters tell of serious food shortage among the enemy garrison which has been ordered to' fight to the last man. Vichy reports stated that wo- men and / children are being evacuatéd from French Soma- liland.


Daily Post

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