Daily Post - 29.07.1941, Side 1
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II — 176
Tuesday, July 29, 1941. Price 25 aurar
Ukraine Baftle
Fighting Ronnd I Battledress-
Smolensk I Naval sty,e
The Far East;
Jap. Troops Land
In Inilo-Cliina
Bussiaos Destroy
104 Planes
t i
London, July 28th.
The latest news from the
Easteriy Front reports fierce
fighting, especially in th'e U-
kraine. The Germans complain
of difficult roads but say that
supported by Hungarian
mechanised .troops they have
broken all resistance on a
broad front. In the central area
thfe great%battle of Smolensk is
still raging. The Germans say
it is near its conclusion, but a
Swiss reporter tells his paper
a different story. He writes
that the G'erman infantry has
had to entrench themselves. —
All German attempts at en-
circling the Russian pockets
behlnd their lines fiave be?en
M. Losovzky told reporters
last night that'no details could
be given of the battle at Smo-
Iensk until the Germans had
bfeen finally beaten .But it is
a battle which will be studied
for many years.
On Saturday the Russian Air
Force destroyed 104 German
Planes in aerial combat at the
cost of 12 Russian aircraft. At-
tacks were made on German
mechanised columns and Con-
stantza raided once again. In
the Baltic two German torpedo
boats were sunk, two big trans
ports and one submarine. Mos-
eow was not raided at all last
The Russians recently smas-
bed a number of German tanks
^hich had come to a standstill
because of lack of fuel.
The Germans are now ex-
plaining their failure in
Hussia by saying that territori-
at gains would actually be a
disadvantage as long as the
Hussian armies remain intact.
Thailand Attack Rumoured
The armourer’s mate takes i
ir- I
ammunition to one of the air-
craft of the British Fleet Air
Arm and provides a new style
in battle dress.
_______________ \
London, July 28th.
It was officially announced in Hanoi today that the Japan-
ese have taken over eight aerodromes in Indo—China, including
the aerodrome at Saigon and anoth'er near the frontier of Thai-
land. Japanese troops are now disembarking, and it is expected
that the occupation of the country will he completed in two or
thrde days.
There are rumours that the Japanese will attack Thailand
as that country is militarily week and would not offer serious
resistance to the aggressors.
It has been disclosed that
the Franco—Japanesfe agree-
ment.was concluded last Wed-
nesday. The negotiations began
at 8 o’clock in the morning and
were coricTuded at 9 o’clock in
the evening that samfe day.
There have been further
signs of apprehension in Tokyo
because of the economic war
Britain and U. S. are making
on Japan. The Japanese Fin-
ance Minister, M. Ogura, has
urged people not to be dis-
”Bolshevism Preferable
to Nazism”
mayed, telling them there was
no need for concern.
A message from Washington
states that today Lord Halifax
called on Mr. Sumner Welles
to discuss U. S. and British
econcmic relations to Japan.
The Franco—Japanese a-
greement was formally ratified
today in the Impferial Palace in
Tokyo. The Emperor was pre-
Members ‘of the Japanese
military mission in Indo-China
revealed today that as result
of an urgent request by wire-
less 190 lorries had been sent
from Hanoi to Saigon to bring
troops to the soúthern provinc-
es of Indo-China............
Archbishops of Canterbury and York
The Archbishop of York, writing in his Diocesan Magazine,
says: “Personally I always thought Bolshevism preferable to
Nazism because its goal of universal fellowships is part of
Christian hope, though its method of trying to reach it, is in my
judgem’ent bound to frustrate its own object: the goal of Nazism
is itself unchristian.
“Russia’s vast territories are
not yet developed: She needed
peace to establish her industri-
es: She was not disturbe'd to
disturb the peace of nations,
and had in fact, taken a lead-
ing part in promiting the
peaceful organisation •of the
world. Now that she too has
been attacked by the arch
agressor of this century we
ought to have no misgivings as
we unite with her to resist the
oommon enemy, and we may
well hope that as the threat to
her freedom has already called
forth deep religious feelings in
(Continued on page 4).
The American General in
Command in the Philippines
today conferred with his staff
and the Presiden tof the Phil-
American and British busi-
nessmen in Indo—China have
anncunced that they are going
to staý there for a while.
The Netherlands Govern-
ment has ordered the suspend-
ing of exucution of Japanese
orders for one million tons of
oil. Immediate restrictions are
ordered concerning all export
to Japan.
A Japanese spokesman today
stated that Japan would not go
to war unless greatly provok-
(Continued on page 4).