Daily Post - 29.07.1941, Qupperneq 4
’D- S. Aod British Workers Hand I
Harry Hopkins’
Broajdcast Speech
”The Tools” Are Arriving
London, July 28th.
Mr. Harry Hopkins, Roosevelt’s personal envoy and super-
visor of the Lease—Lend Act, made a broadcast speech from
London yesterday.
He stated that the Americans had dertainly ap^reciated Mr.
Churchill’s request for “the tools” for now a steady stream of
American built planes was flowing across the Atlantic. He him-
self had com'e in one of the hig bombers and at the same time
four others had been sent. Perhaps those bombers were just now
bombing Berlin, Hamburg or Hanover.
Mr. Hopkins said that by
now Hitler must be a very
worried man. He has no means
Men Like
This Make
The News
New Toornk Sortie
, London, July 28th.
The enemy fonces at T-obruk
are alJawed no rest. It has now
been reveaied that the Australi-
ans who took several enemy
stnongholds on Saturday, re-
mained there al,I through the day.
The enemy made half hearted
oounter attacks but \vere repulsed
by rifle fire ajone.
Benghazi harbour has again
been sucicessfully bombed. It has
nokv been disClosed that the Ger-
mans indiscrimiuately bornbed
Beirut when the British had taken
tbe town. There were mony
casualt'es. The British often bom-
bed Beirut while the campaign in
Syria was in pnogress, but these
attacks wene strictly bonfined to
niilitary objeCtives.
The Oommander-in-Chtef over
the Italian Mediterranean Air
Foroe has been killed in a raid
on Malta.
to stop the delivery of planes
and other war material from
U. S. A. to Britain, and he can
not move his factorie sso far
east that the British and
American bombers can not
reach them. Hundreds of tanks
have been sent to Britain from
U.S.A. and scores of tankers
The biggest shipbuilding pro-
gramme ever is nów being
carried out in the USA and
just now, Mr. Hopkins said, —
“two big warships are being
Mr. Hopkins said that British
Ministers had explained, to
him what Britain needed most
and he would give a report to
the President when he were
back in America. The Ameri-
can and the British workers
are working hand in hand. —
Both have the same aim to de-
stroy Hitler and all he stands
(Continued from page 1).
her people, so her union with
us may lead to a withering and
final repudiation of her offical
In his Diocesan gazette, the
Archbisc^p of Canlterbury
says: “We must wish every
success to the valiant Russian
Army and people and be ready
to g^ve; them eMery possible
“Misgivings about tne alli-
ance with Russia are misplaced
— he wrrtes — belaus'e the
victory of Nazi power would
Biggest Stiipbnlding Programme
“The biggest ship—building programme ever is being carried
out in the U.S.A.” says Mr. Hopkins. Beneath a new ship, a
rivetter works.
De Gaulle
On Syria
De Gaulle today spoke at
Beirut. He said that the inde-
pendence of the Levant would
be a just and reasonable out-
come of the war and that the
Free French would guarantee
independence for Syria. For
strategical réasons the British
had ccme with the Free French
to defend the liberties of
destroy any kind of tolerable
form of human Government.”
Russia’s defence of her own
land, he says, may lead to a
revival of religion, always deep
seated in the heart of the Rus-
sian people. “It is significant,”
he adds, “thát on the outbreak
of war, thousands flocked to
the churches for prayer in
Moscow and elsewhere.”
Open motorboat
4 % ton
for sale instantly. Suitable
for transport from ships
to quays.
Offers marked “Boat” should
be sent to DAILY POST 12,
Daily Pcst can be obtained at
Bókaverzlun ísafoldar.
(Continued ■ from page 1).
ed, as war never settled any
The Chinese have asked
Great Britain to frezze all
Chinese assets in Britain and
the Dominions. The reason for
this request is that certain
Chinese assets ar econtrolled
by Japan.