Daily Post


Daily Post - 13.09.1941, Blaðsíða 1

Daily Post - 13.09.1941, Blaðsíða 1
Fish and chips. Eggs and chips. Our specialty. GULLFOjStS Hafnarstræti. V for Victory DAILV POST The only daily news- paper in English printed in Iceland DAILY POST. On sale from 8 a.m. every day. Price 25 aurar. II 215 Saturday, Sept. 13, 1941 Price: 25 aurar. “Lenlnnrad Mnst Be Captured Wiihin Next Few Day»" Says Nazi War Chlef, But- RDSSIANS LAUKCH FIERCE COCNTER-ATTACKS Three Cities Recaptured* • From Germans Bissians Cross Dnieper at Fonr Piaces -—- --------- Red Air Foree Tafces Toll of IVazi Planes ------» .... London, Sept. 12th. Russian troops have forced the lower Dnieper at four Points. They have recaptured an island near Dnieprope- tfovsk and two villages on the west bank of the river. Reut- €r’s correspondent in Moscow wires that the Germans are hot believed to have crossed the Dnieper in any force. The Gerraan field-marshal, v°n Lech, is said to have orcF^ €red hip t^oopá to capture Leningrad in a few days what- ever the cost. His men have Itventy miles left to Leningrad ^oni the nearest point they have reached and today reports froni Moscow spéak of heavy ■Ftus^ian counter attacks and the recapture of.three villages ln the Leningrad area. Enorm- aUs numbers of planes are in action. The Russians destroyed 22 German planes ysterday on an aerodrome, and on the day before the Russians dstroyed 8l Nazi planes at the cost of 41 of their own. Rtjssians cross luga A new Russian counter at- tack is developing about 100 ^iles southwest of Leningrad ar>d Russian troops are said to have crossed the river Luga. this attack the Russians are threatening to cut off the Ger- toan army in the Leninglrad area or at least the best means °f communications. The Ger- hians complain loudly of bad ^eather. In the centre Marshal Timo- shenko’s forces are progress- hig in their counter offensive. The Germans admit that Smo- lensk is under heavy artillery fire. There is little fresh to report from Murmansk except that the Russians are counter at- tacking. BULGARIA WARNED M. Molotoff yesterday accus- ed the Bulgarian Government pf allowing the Nazis to use Bulgaria as a bases for attack on Russia. Hundreds of Axis ships are now in Bulgarian ports and German and Italian marines have already arrived there. The Nazis are believed to be preparing an attack on the Crimea. The Bulgarian radio last night abused the Soviet and, for the first time, •the BBC. A .few German bombers crossed the east coast of Bri- tain last night. There was little damage. The Admiralty ■ announces that a German bomber, at- tempting to attack á convoy, has been shot down by a de- stroyer. Other enemy 'aircraft were driven away. In a raid on Suez last night British night fighters shot down a Germ. bomber. Other German planes were damaged. Portrait of a Victor Fine type of young manhood, isn’t he? He is an Australian finish- ing his training in Britain, and representative ,of the millions of British Empire men gathering from the four corners of the earth to strike the blow for victory. R.A.F. Pound Baltic Bases Docks Hit Ships Ablaze Air Offensive Against- Benghazi Continued London, Sept. 12th. Last night RAF bombers were in. force over Northern Germany. The main targets were Kiel and Rostock, the im- portant Baltic town. This is the first time Rostock has been attacked. In both towns num- erous fires were started. Other bombers attacked Boulogne and Le Havre. Bombers of the Coastal Command raided docks at Haugesund in Norway and an aerodrome. at Stavanger. At- tacks were made on enemy supply ships off the Norwegian and the Dutch coast. Two ships were badly damaged and left sinking. Three bombers are missing from these operations. Reports from Cairo state that * in the Mediterranean the RAF are continuing their attack on enemy harbours and shipping. On Wédnesday night a heavy attack was made on Benghazi harbour and another on Mess- ina where bombs were dropped on a power station. Landmg grounds in North Africa were bombed and machine-gunned and at one aerodrome 50 dis- persed enemy aircraft were bombed. Many of them were destroyed or damaged. Reports from Washington quote Mr. Cordell Hull as say- ing today that “the defence waters in whioh U.S. ships will shoot first will be determined by German action.” [


Daily Post

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