Daily Post


Daily Post - 27.09.1941, Side 1

Daily Post - 27.09.1941, Side 1
• • • A Jerseyman Looks at Iceland See Page 2 V • • Dil'Ll POST The only daily newa- paper in English printed in Iceland DAILY POST. On sale from 8 a.m. every day. Price 25 aurar. II — 227 Saturday, Sept. 27, 1941 Price: 25 aurar. Savage Nazi Attack on Crimea Launched Battleships Aid in Befence of Leningrad Arms Drive for Russia “Not a ComtortaUe War:” Hr. Bevin Russian Spokesman on Time Factor London, Sept. 26th. The German assault on the Crimea started at midnight 0n Wednesday last. They began with heavy artillery fire a°d then tanks and infantry attacked the Russian lines. attack was smashed. The second attack was launched af noon yesterday. Moscow reports say the Russians have the situation well in hand. Mr. Ernest Bevin, speaking in London said thte last sixteen months of effort had been amazing. It was impossible to reveal all that had been accomplished, but a nation less determined would have been defeated in the Battle of Britain, the Battle of the Atlantic and in the Middle East. PRODUCTION DRIVE. There are indioatiions that the Germans are pneparing for an- other wieekend of resounding °Laims. They now claim that T^ey have captuired 500,000 Russi' ans at Kiev, a aonsiderably larger bumber than they previously claimed to have encircled. Mos- ®>w reports that fience fighting is going on }n Kiev secton. In Lmdon it is thought that the ®*ghting there has reached a decisive stage. ajong the fnont. Rain is falling along the entine ^otit. In the Leningrad anea the Russtans have beaten off German attacks fnom three dinections and ^ave sucoeeded in moving for- "’ard their lines at several points. Neutral correspondents in ■^erlin say the_Germans are ^orried at the heavy shelling 0n their left flank by the two battleships “Oktober Revolu- tion” and “Marat.” In a broad- °ast frcm Leningrad today it ^as stated that the heavy guns ot these ships had inflicted en- 0rmous losses on the enemy. Island attacks. The Russians say that 15.000 ^ermans have been wiped out islands of Dagö and A week ago the Nazis claimed to have occupied these islands. JOINT ACTION WITH RAF. The Russian Air Force has dealt forcible blows to the enemy along the whole front. In one sector British and Russi- an fighters have in a few days shot down 26 Nazi fighters in aerial combat at the cost of one Russian and one British fight- er. Rome radio reports that more. Italian troops will be sent to Russia, and reports from An- kara state that Hitler Ras de- manded 150.000 trcops from the Bulgarian Government. TIME FACTOR The need foi’ hurry in deliveries to Russia was stressed by a Russian spokesman in Tehran today. He stated that Britain had immense supplies in the Middle East and these oould quitökly be sent to Russia through Iran. Hie emphasised that speed is the prime factor with a view to the threat to Rostov. It the Germans captured that town they would do their utmost to out off oom- munications with Cattoasus. Russia, he said, had made a brilliant and resolute—resi- stance, but much of her pro- ductive capacity had been knocked out'and her transport impeded. It would be difficult for us to effect the transference of our own production — but we must make sacrifices. “We must sustain a six to twelve months drive, so as to enable us to keep up a steady and in- creasing flow of supplies of all kinds to Russia” he said. At the same time we must equip our steadily increasing army. The phrase ‘It can’t be done’ must be banished from our vocabulary for the rest of the war. “We eannot have a comfort- able war,” he went on, “al- though many people expect us to give it them.” ilavy Has “Downed’’ 1,000 Enemjr Pianes London, Sept. 26th. It Was announced in London to day that since the war broke out and up to August lst more than 1.000 enemy aircraft had been destroyed by naval air- craft and naval guns. Greek Fleet Eseaped Now In Actlon With the Navy London, Sept. 26th. The Greek Prime Minister, who is now in London said today that no part of the Gre'ek Navy had fallen into enemy hands. Twenty-five per cent of the Nazi and 50% of the mefchant navy had been sunk when the army was brought away from Greece, but the remainder was pn active service with the Brit- ish. AIRMEN ESCAPE. A large number of Greek air- men had escaped to Egypt, where they now were serving with he RAF flying American planes. CLASHES WITH ITALIANS The minister stated that there were constant clashes in Greece between the Italians and the Germans. They could not even eat together under the same roof. The Germans there were extremely badly equipped and given to looting. The Ital- ians were trying to ingratiate themselves with the people but had to maintain 14 divisions in Greece. BULGARIA. Finally the Minister referred to Bulgaria which, he said, had not heen a belligerent but yet given the' Germans full use of her airfields in the campaign against Greece. The Bulgarians had then overrun two Greek provinces and set adrift 60.000 Greek peasants. A French court has condem- ned two de Gaulle officers to death. The same court previ- ously had sentenced to death six Free French officers.


Daily Post

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