Daily Post


Daily Post - 27.09.1941, Page 4

Daily Post - 27.09.1941, Page 4
4 DAILY POST Ghurchill in Coventry London, Sept. 26th. The Prime Minister and Mrs. Churchill received a great wel- come from large crowds whey they visited Coventry today. — They toured he bombed area inspected civil defence units, and visited the wrecked Cathe- dral. The visit was planned as a private tour, but Mr. Churchill was soon recognised, and the crowds collected. He gave his now famous “V” sign and was full of smiles. Sabotage in Italy Workers Arrested London, Sept. 26th. Reports from Milan indicate that all is not well in Italy. In Milan 445 workers have been convicted of sabotage to war materials and a court martial has been established in the city. DEFEATISM. The newspaper' “Regime de Fascista” deplores the defeat- ism many signs of which can be seen among the Italian people. The paper strongly condemns jokes decrying fhe war effort which penetrate everywhere and poison peoples’ souls. Vichy Protests to Japan The Vichy Government has protested to Japan for improper behaviour in Indo-China. Jap- anese troops had searched houses and arrésted Chinese residents without getting per- mission from the French aut- horities. Vichy points out that the Japanese promised to re- spect French sovereigntý in Inda-China. Silk Polarbearjs H. M. of England and U.S.A. forces’ emblem in Iceland are on sale at 1 króna and 50 aura pr. pair at 34 Lauga- vegur. The shop is open till 11 o’clock p.m. This emblem can also be obtained at the tailor’s shop 29, Strandgata, Hafnarfjörður. Japan: Collaboration With Axis Powers Russians Rout Nazi Tanks Unexpectedly for Germany, the Russians have attacked and de- stroyed hundreds of Nazi tanks. This artist’s impression shows how a concealed anti-tank defence post allowed the Nazi tanks to advance ahead of their supporting units and then destroyed them. Aooiversary of Tripartite Pactl Today Japan celebrates her anniversary of signing the Tri- partite Pact. Yesterday, on the eve of the festivals, M. Ito declared in a broadcast speech that the signi- ficance of the pact was that it recognised Japanese hegemony in the Far East. It was quite natural for Japan to cooperate with Germany and Italy as the ideals and aspirations of these three great nations were very similar. The Tripartite Pact would remain the basis of Jap- anese foreign policy. relatTon witii usa: M. Kurutski, former am- bassador to Berlin, in a speech trying to reconcile the U.S. to this policy of Japan, said that relations with the U.S. would in no way be affected by the friendship between Japan and the Axis. The Japanese foreign minister is expected to make a speech today. Poli ah^President’ s ■ AppeallS London, Sept. 26th. The Polish President today broadcast to his countrymen in Russia,appealing to them to join the Polish in the bloody and almost superhuman struggle against Nazism. Poland would rise again, he said, and that moment was drawing near. Black Sea Meet Successes The Russian air arm of the Black Sea fleet has bombed 30 enemy planes on Nazi aero- drome. Eight of the enemy machines attemphing to inter- cept were shot down in fierce aerial fights. The Nazis have been spread- ing reports of dissension be- tween Russian and British troops in Iran. These reports have been denounced in London and Mos- cow. SPORT: Levy, Iaternational, Piays for R.E.’S at Table Tennis mmm* DARTS. The Darts team of the Field Hygiene Section played two away matches. In the first match, a return fixture, on Monday evening, they defeated an RASC team by two games to one. A feature of this match was the consistant scoring of Pte Hutton. The team was again successful in the second match of the week, when a Field Ambulance team were their victims. Pte. Renner and Pte. Delbridge were good scorers in these games. Any unit desiring fixtures should apply to the Sports Se- cretary, Field Hygiene Section. ‘OPS’ played a G.C. Coy R.E. at Helgafell on Wednesday evening, 24th Sept.. when a close match ended in a draw of 6 sets each. Levy, the Eng- lish International, and Gilbert of the G.C. Coy R.E. won 2 games each and each of the ‘OPS’ side won one game. SCORES. ('OPS’ names first). Singles. Douglas lost to Levy — 21/18, 17/21, 17/21. Douglas beat Carter — 21/16, 17/21, 21/15. Dolphin lost to Levy — 15/21, 17/21. Dolphin beat Carter — 21/16, 21/16. Veevers beat Boots — 18/21, 25/23, 21/8. Veevers lost to Lt. Aldrick —■ 21/17. 16/21, 16/21. Wilson beat Boots — 21/17, 21/17- Wilson lost to Gilbert — 20/22, 21/18, 19/21. Hughes beat Lt. Aldrick — 21/17, 13/21, 21/17- Hughes lost to Gilbert — 18/21, 14/21. Doubles. Douglas and Dolphin lost to Levy and Carter — 17/21, 20/22. Veevers and Wilson beat Lt. Aldrick and Gilbert 16/21, 24/22, 23/21. RESULT ‘OPS’ 6 sets. G.C. Coy. R.E. 6 sets. Rngby Football Thei'e was mo saore for the first twfenty minutes, then Sgt. Farroiw 'kioked a neat penalty goal for the Medics, wihitih w-as followöt with a glorjous solo effort by G. Perrett, who, romped over in the dorner to give the Ambulanlcie a six point lead. The Sigs showed mo sígns of giving in and just after half time scored under the sticlks, this try was Donverted’. It was now' anybody’s game, Danhy of the Sigs and his partner and Cpls. Bithgate and King of the Medics wofflked with vigour to give their sides the victory. Hovv ever G. Röbinson put the iss'ue beyond doubt when he öHossed the Sigs line pfter a fjfty yards dribble by the Medics forwards. RESULT: Field Ambulanoe 1 Penalty Goal 2 Tries — 9 points. Foroe Signals 1 Goal — 5 points.


Daily Post

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