Daily Post


Daily Post - 15.11.1941, Blaðsíða 1

Daily Post - 15.11.1941, Blaðsíða 1
• • • lee-Paek Patrol See Page 3 - V • • • V IIAILV POST The only daily newf- paper in Engllsh printed in Iceland DAILY POST. On sale írom 8 a.Qf. every day. Price 25 aurar. n — 269 Saturday, Nov. 15, 1941 Price: 25 aurar. U. S. Ships to Sall into ‘ARK ROYAL’I BattiC ZODCS SUNK ^ !■'’ — Few Casualties Torpedoed in Mediterranean London, Nov. 14th. THE Admiralty announced to-day that after two years •t brilliant exploits the “Ark &oyal” had sunk in tow, east Gibraltar, after having been tbrpedoed late yesterday after- noon. Casualties are not yet known, but fortunately they are not Bunight to be heavy, because ^ery many of the crew had been taken off before the ship sank. Commenting on this news later this afternoon. the First Lord of Admiralty, Mr. Alex- ^der, said that this was a sad blow for the Royal Navy, but ^e Was glad to hear that cas- balties had been very light. “Ark Royal” had given OUr nation rich dividends. C-BOAT S FATE Of the U-boat which sank the ^rk Royal” nothing has been heaard. The German propagandists, ^ho so often claimed to have Slmk her, have now no claims make. Neither hai^e the Italians. The U-boat command- er seems not to have known ®k°ut the sinking, or else he have been sunk himself in engagement. “^BK ROYAL’S” ^VCTIVITIES ^be “Ark Royal” had served (Continued on page 4). Japs. Conscript C3 Men Heaviest Military Budget London, Nov. 14th. The Japanese Grovernment is going to revise the army conscription and to call up for re-examination all those re- jected since 1930. This means that all C3 recruits since that year will now be mobilized for the army. and it has been an- nounced that they will be used for civil defence work. It was announced in Tokyo to-day that the Russian govern- ment had rejected the Japa- nese protest against the sink- ing of a Japanese passenger steamer off the Korean coast, claiming tfrat there was no proof of the ship’s having been sunk by a Russian mine. It was officially announced in Tokyo to-day that at the opening of the extraordinary session of the Japanese Diet to- morrow, Premier Tojo would ask for an additional appro- priation of £250,000,000 for military purposes. Japan has thus to prepare for three times the military outlay of last year. 262 Killed in October LONDON, Nov. 14th- It Wjas officially armounoed to- day that during OctobeT 262 per- sons, inteluding 24 children, wtere Jisted as' killed or missing in enemy raids on England, and 361 injuned- Neutrality Aet Revision Awaits F.D.R/s Signature ..., London, Nov. 14th. ONLY President Roosevelt’s signature is necessary to the revised Neutrality Act to enable U.S. armed merchant- ships to enter zones and ports of combat, bringing Lend-Lease aid wherever and whenever needed, as stated to-day by Col. Knox, Secretary of the U.S. Navy. It is expected that the Presi- dent Roosevelt will sign the amended act on Monday. The passing of the Amend- ment to the American Neutra- lity Act by the House of Re- presentatives last night has beSn greeted with enthusiasm and large headlines all over the British Empire and Ame- rica. GUNS READY Col. Knöx said to-day that American guns and gun crews were already assembled ; for foeing put into position. Mr. McKenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada, stated to- day that this was the most im- portant contriibution to winn- ing the war since the passing of the Lend-Lease Act. The “New York Times” calls the passing of the act a great Anglo-American victory which “entitles every American to hold his head higher”. The “Sidney Sun” calls it a common action against a common foe. LABOUR TROUBLES The Amendment was carried by 212 votes against 194, a narrow margin which bears witness to the widespread an- xiety over American labour trouble. Some of President Roosevelt’s followers were threatening to vote against the Amendment if more drastic action was not taken to put down industrial strikes. This trouble is expected to , come to a head soon, and it is reported that the President will be ready to take the coal-mines over, if serious difficulties should continue to arise be- cause of the attitude of miners and owners. ENGLISH COMMENT The English Press expects a rapid extension of U.S. acti- vity on the sea, as a result of the approval of the Neutrality Act, and agrees that this is a new example of the determina- tion of the U.S.A. to play a leading part in the extermina- tion of Hitler. ITALIAN ANGER The Italian Press comments angrily on the passing of the Amendment and airs the opi- nion that any ‘American ship hereafter encountered by Axis U-boats or aircraft will be shot at.


Daily Post

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